Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Gee, I don't see anything in there about abortion. Do you believe the guys who wrote that Amendment were including abortion?

uh-huh ... well since the guys that wrote that amendment thought that females were mere chattel; who couldn't own any's highly unlikely.

but hey! since you wanna go down that ridiculous path - do you think the guys who wrote that amendment were including black people when they used the words life, liberty, or EQUAL PROTECTION under the law- you know..... the people that had separate drinking fountains, restrooms, athletic leagues, schools, sit wherever they wanted on public transportation, etc etc etc?

how'z about the 2nd amendment - do you think the founding fathers included AR-15s?

<pfffft> what a weak argument you had, take off that musty dusty moldy MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap; that is if you even have one tucked away somewhere, aflak.

You dragged the man through the mud over something for which there was ZERO evidence and for which the so-called accuser could remember neither date and time nor events.

bullshit - it was a sham investigation - people have come fwd & said they called the FBI re: the frat boy but was never followed up on.

over 4500 tips were given to the FBI & the WHITEHOUSE requested all info be turned over to 'them' ... which also went into the proverbial trash heap ... SOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... who knows what was CONcealed.

Democrats are outraged after the FBI said it got more than 4,500 tips about Brett Kavanaugh — and referred the 'relevant' ones to the Trump White House​

Kelsey Vlamis
Jul 22, 2021, 10:36 PM
  • The FBI said it received 4,500 tips in 2018 about Brett Kavanaugh, then a Supreme Court nominee.
  • The agency said it interviewed 10 people and passed "relevant" tips to Trump's White House.
  • A group of Democratic senators accused the FBI of ignoring the tips and demanded more answers.
Jill Tyson, an assistant director of the FBI, said in a letter on June 30 that the agency had received 4,500 tips regarding Kavanaugh and that it turned over "relevant tips" to the White House counsel, who was Don McGahn in 2018. Tyson also said the FBI interviewed 10 people.
Democrats are outraged after the FBI said it got more than 4,500 tips about Brett Kavanaugh — and referred the 'relevant' ones to the Trump White House

Justice Kavanaugh's nomination was the first time that the FBI set-up a tip line for a nominee undergoing Senate confirmation. It was established at the direction of the FBI's Security Division to centralize and manage incoming information related to the nomination. The FBI received over 4,500 tips, including phone calls and electronic submissions. The Security Division section handling the BI and supplemental background investigations provided all relevant tips to the Office of White House Counsel (as the requesting entity) FBI Response to Sen Whitehouse Sen Coons.pdf

can you say cover up? i know you can.
This country works on checks and balances, not mob rule.


What an asshole. Doesn't even know the basics

^^^ irony at its best ^^^
So because no one attempted to kill him AT THE RESTAURANT, it's all okay?

You're full of it. No way can you pass for a law abiding and law respecting citizen.

The crowd at the restaurant is CONNECTED with the assassination attempt. If you can't see that you're being willfully ignorant
Since you admit, now, nobody tried to kill him, yes, protesting outside the restaurant was OK.
I do not pass laws. This is a Representative Republic, still (as Trump lost) Representatives pass laws through both houses of congress. That includes the US Senate. Both of our Senators Republic and I voted for one of them. I'm not passing anything.
If you think the crowd on the sidewalk outside where Justice Kavanaugh had dinner was connected to an earlier assassination attempt, it is your duty to report it to the proper authorities. So far none of the authorities (including Kavanaugh's protective detail have made that connection.
You think you know it all. You don't know much of nothin. You have a frail grasp on the big picture.
He didn't say anything about the court passing laws. Grow up.
The court passed the RvW law, which this court repealed - since it's unconstitutional for courts to pass laws.

That has you Nazis melting down.

But I get it, the people of the many states having the right to vote on this is democracy.

And you Nazis have made clear that democracy is a threat to our democracy.
There is no big picture, dumbass.

You support terrorist stalkers.

End of story
You should try staying on topic and maybe adopt "There is no big picture", as your signature line, as it explains your understanding level..
Justice Kavanaugh, not knowing the protestors were out there until told by the restaurant is old news not. Try to get over it. Try to get some sleep.
Marching outside their office building is not a problem either, as you point out.
Nope. Never been a democrat. Got my voter reg cards new and original in my wallet, so fuck off.
Nope. Don't support Mobs, but do support the right to protest on any public sidewalk as long as not damaging anything or anybody and not preventing trade, so fuck off.
Nope. Not my mob and never has been, so fuck off.
Don't exaggerate. It impresses nobody. We have no gulag (not that I think you ever have ever read Solzhenitsyn) We have no Nazi show trials, so fuck off.
I follow the law and support the law, so fuck off.
The break the law, get charged, found guilty by a jury of peers agreeable to defense and prosecution in front of a judge in good standing, or plead guilty as lots of trumpers did, then they are guilty as charged, not enemies of any so called (Reich), so fuck off.
You might as well fuck off. Are you paying attention?

We very much do have a Gulag, and hundreds of Americans rot in it as the Gestapo seeks to coerce "confessions" from them. The Gestapo, formerly FBI, hold political prisoners for prolonged periods with the promise of release if they "confess."

Uh, your side doesn't believe in Democracy.... otherwise Hillary would have been the 45th President.

Let's put abortion rights to a national vote, then. Not let some state legislators no one has heard of decide it.

Our side doesn't believe in democracy because we have the people vote on the issue?

And letting the People decide issues undermines democracy?
What an absurd claim.

The Nazis picket and protest outside of the Supreme Court every single day - WHICH IS THEIR RIGHT.

You are,

1. a democrat
2. supporting the mob

It is your mob


Those days are over. Protesting gets you thrown in the gulag. We have the Nazi show trial every day to drive home that protesting will not be tolerated.

Oh, but there are two very different laws.

Of course you don't like them. They stand up for America.

They are indeed thrown in jail as enemies of the Reich.

Do pay attention.

They were hired to protect Roger stone during the Insurrection
Buddy, you can't whine about Democracy and then use Gerrymandering, the Electoral College, voter suppression laws and other things to protect your positions.

So letting people vote on issues is democracy. You Nazis oppose it because democracy is a threat to our democracy, right?

Only dictatorship and edicts from our rulers in DC can save our democracy from the ravages of democracy.

Seig Heil - Uber Alles Democrat.
We very much do have a Gulag, and hundreds of Americans rot in it as the Gestapo seeks to coerce "confessions" from them. The Gestapo, formerly FBI, hold political prisoners for prolonged periods with the promise of release if they "confess."

Kavanaugh never spoke of any gulags, while peacefully finishing his dinner, unaware of protestors. You should seek help, before you harm yourself or someone else. You seem to be drifting in and out of reality.
uh-huh ... well since the guys that wrote that amendment thought that females were mere chattel; who couldn't own any's highly unlikely.

but hey! since you wanna go down that ridiculous path - do you think the guys who wrote that amendment were including black people when they used the words life, liberty, or EQUAL PROTECTION under the law- you know..... the people that had separate drinking fountains, restrooms, athletic leagues, schools, sit wherever they wanted on public transportation, etc etc etc?

how'z about the 2nd amendment - do you think the founding fathers included AR-15s?

<pfffft> what a weak argument you had, take off that musty dusty moldy MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap; that is if you even have one tucked away somewhere, aflak.

That's a fun lie, isn't it?

{In every state, the legal status of free women depended upon marital status. Unmarried women, including widows, were called “femes soles,” or “women alone.” They had the legal right to live where they pleased and to support themselves in any occupation that did not require a license or a college degree restricted to males. Single women could enter into contracts, buy and sell real estate, or accumulate personal property, which was called personalty. It consisted of everything that could be moved—cash, stocks and bonds, livestock, and, in the South, slaves. So long as they remained unmarried, women could sue and be sued, write wills, serve as guardians, and act as executors of estates. These rights were a continuation of the colonial legal tradition. But the revolutionary emphasis on equality brought some important changes in women’s inheritance rights. State lawmakers everywhere abolished primogeniture and the tradition of double shares of a parent’s estate, inheritance customs that favored the eldest son. Instead, equal inheritance for all children became the rule—a big gain for daughters.}

Hey, you're ignorant and a pathological liar - but you're a Nazi - so it's what's expected from you.
You should try staying on topic and maybe adopt "There is no big picture", as your signature line, as it explains your understanding level..
Justice Kavanaugh, not knowing the protestors were out there until told by the restaurant is old news not. Try to get over it. Try to get some sleep.
I'm simply pointing out that YOU are a hypocrite and a liar.

You claim to be a law abider, yet you support terrorist stalkers.

Sorry pal, your bullshit don't wash.
uh-huh ... well since the guys that wrote that amendment thought that females were mere chattel; who couldn't own any's highly unlikely.

but hey! since you wanna go down that ridiculous path - do you think the guys who wrote that amendment were including black people when they used the words life, liberty, or EQUAL PROTECTION under the law- you know..... the people that had separate drinking fountains, restrooms, athletic leagues, schools, sit wherever they wanted on public transportation, etc etc etc?

how'z about the 2nd amendment - do you think the founding fathers included AR-15s?

<pfffft> what a weak argument you had, take off that musty dusty moldy MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap; that is if you even have one tucked away somewhere, aflak.
The 14th Amendment was directed at ex-slaves and their descendants. Do your homework. You just revealed your colossal glittering ignorance.

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