Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

The Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

Roe was passed for a good reason... the laws it overturned were unenforceable and causing real harm.

So the Court must pass laws because letting the people decide is a suicide pact?

People deciding is democracy, and democracy undermines our democracy. You demand dictatorship as the only way to save democracy from democracy.
What an absurd claim.

The Nazis picket and protest outside of the Supreme Court every single day - WHICH IS THEIR RIGHT.

You are,

1. a democrat
2. supporting the mob

It is your mob


Those days are over. Protesting gets you thrown in the gulag. We have the Nazi show trial every day to drive home that protesting will not be tolerated.

Oh, but there are two very different laws.

Of course you don't like them. They stand up for America.

They are indeed thrown in jail as enemies of the Reich.

Do pay attention.
Marching outside their office building is not a problem either, as you point out.
Nope. Never been a democrat. Got my voter reg cards new and original in my wallet, so fuck off.
Nope. Don't support Mobs, but do support the right to protest on any public sidewalk as long as not damaging anything or anybody and not preventing trade, so fuck off.
Nope. Not my mob and never has been, so fuck off.
Don't exaggerate. It impresses nobody. We have no gulag (not that I think you ever have ever read Solzhenitsyn) We have no Nazi show trials, so fuck off.
I follow the law and support the law, so fuck off.
The break the law, get charged, found guilty by a jury of peers agreeable to defense and prosecution in front of a judge in good standing, or plead guilty as lots of trumpers did, then they are guilty as charged, not enemies of any so called (Reich), so fuck off.
You might as well fuck off. Are you paying attention?
Get real. I endorse the right to peacefully assemble, protest and petition members of Government for redress of grievances. You are talking something else.
Sounds like you like and support being able to vote out politicians that make decisions you do not like as an American Citizen, and elected politicians are only in office for a set number of years, elected by their constituents. Yet, you would like a carve out where people cannot even protest Supreme Court Justices, picked by Presidents (the nation's highest Political office in government), though they are protected from being removed from office for questionable decision-making, able to set the meaning of laws that affect people viscerally in their day-to-day life, though the tenure of judgeship is lifetime?
While fine with lifetime appointment according to our laws and constitution, there is absolutely nothing nor any reason, they should not at least hear the ire of the people they upset, but only be protected from harm, to what extent possible. If they are spurned in the marketplaces or meeting places for their actions, so be it. I only support them being secure in their person. If they have to live with the disfavor of large portions of the public, due to the decisions they make, so be it. They do not have to go to the marketplace if they wish to avoid the public ire, they affect.
I have made decisions the viscerally affected people off and on, most of my life. I have and have had, little or no official protections from people being pissed off at me, even when I have been forced to fire people or turn them over to law enforcement for prosecution. I never let the anger of the people that I affected, never intimidated me from doing what I thought was right. Of course, I was trained to be responsible for my actions, never in a position even protected from discharge, due to decisions made. Ultimately in life, you must live by the affects of your decisions.

What are you rambling on about? None of this has anything to do with what I said. You are endorsing a nation of incivility--mob rule.
Marching outside their office building is not a problem either, as you point out.
Nope. Never been a democrat. Got my voter reg cards new and original in my wallet, so fuck off.
Nope. Don't support Mobs, but do support the right to protest on any public sidewalk as long as not damaging anything or anybody and not preventing trade, so fuck off.

What the hell do you think a mob in front of a restaurant is, if not preventing trade?

What the hell do you think lying down on a freeway is, if not preventing trade?

Get real.

Nope. Not my mob and never has been, so fuck off.

Yet you support the MOB which was assembled for the specific purpose of STALKING a Supreme Court Justice

Don't exaggerate. It impresses nobody. We have no gulag (not that I think you ever have ever read Solzhenitsyn) We have no Nazi show trials, so fuck off.

And we have no sleeping sheeple, right?

I follow the law and support the law, so fuck off.


Not if you support stalking and terrorist threats, which is what you're doing.

Someone tried to KILL the guy, asswipe. Tried to shoot him dead. THESE are the people you're supporting.

The break the law, get charged, found guilty by a jury of peers agreeable to defense and prosecution in front of a judge in good standing, or plead guilty as lots of trumpers did, then they are guilty as charged, not enemies of any so called (Reich), so fuck off.
You might as well fuck off. Are you paying attention?
Stupid is as stupid does.

Or doesn't do, as the case may be
What the hell do you think a mob in front of a restaurant is, if not preventing trade?

What the hell do you think lying down on a freeway is, if not preventing trade?

Get real.

Yet you support the MOB which was assembled for the specific purpose of STALKING a Supreme Court Justice

And we have no sleeping sheeple, right?


Not if you support stalking and terrorist threats, which is what you're doing.

Someone tried to KILL the guy, asswipe. Tried to shoot him dead. THESE are the people you're supporting.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Or doesn't do, as the case may be
No complaint filed by the establishment, while he was there no Kavanaugh interview with police over disruption of his possible ordering dessert. Their place of business, not mine, so no harm no foul.
There was no freeway in front of that restaurant. Don't change the subject into a gish gallop.
I don't support terrorists or terrorist threats. Accusation unfounded, again avoid gish gallop.
Nobody attempted to kill him at that restaurant. Stay on topic. Avoid gish gallop. He skipped dessert, remember?
Also, simply wiping my ass with you on this reply. Be sure to brush your teeth.
Oh good! You saw Forrest Gump! How nice!
No complaint filed by the establishment, while he was there no Kavanaugh interview with police over disruption of his possible ordering dessert. Their place of business, not mine, so no harm no foul.
There was no freeway in front of that restaurant. Don't change the subject into a gish gallop.
I don't support terrorists or terrorist threats. Accusation unfounded, again avoid gish gallop.
Nobody attempted to kill him at that restaurant. Stay on topic. Avoid gish gallop. He skipped dessert, remember?
Also, simply wiping my ass with you on this reply. Be sure to brush your teeth.
Oh good! You saw Forrest Gump! How nice!

So because no one attempted to kill him AT THE RESTAURANT, it's all okay?

You're full of it. No way can you pass for a law abiding and law respecting citizen.

The crowd at the restaurant is CONNECTED with the assassination attempt. If you can't see that you're being willfully ignorant
Also, simply wiping my ass with you on this reply.

There is an undeniable simple fact here.

The crowd at the restaurant was a flash mob called to stalk a Supreme Court Justice.

That is an ILLEGAL activity, and you know it.

Your hypocrisy and dishonesty is front and center
So the Court must pass laws because letting the people decide is a suicide pact?

People deciding is democracy, and democracy undermines our democracy. You demand dictatorship as the only way to save democracy from democracy.

Uh, your side doesn't believe in Democracy.... otherwise Hillary would have been the 45th President.

Let's put abortion rights to a national vote, then. Not let some state legislators no one has heard of decide it.
Uh, your side doesn't believe in Democracy.... otherwise Hillary would have been the 45th President.

Let's put abortion rights to a national vote, then. Not let some state legislators no one has heard of decide it.

Fucking commie.

Fuck you.

Go away.
Buddy, you can't whine about Democracy and then use Gerrymandering, the Electoral College, voter suppression laws and other things to protect your positions.
I'm not the one whining about democracy, you stupid fucktard. YOU are.

This country works on checks and balances, not mob rule.

What an asshole. Doesn't even know the basics
I'm not the one whining about democracy, you stupid fucktard. YOU are.

This country works on checks and balances, not mob rule.

What an asshole. Doesn't even know the basics

This isn't checks and balances.

This is an unelected president stuffing the court with fanatics that even other Republicans wouldn't have nominated, ignoring 50 yeas of precedent despite them all saying they would respect precedent.
This isn't checks and balances.

This is an unelected president stuffing the court with fanatics that even other Republicans wouldn't have nominated, ignoring 50 yeas of precedent despite them all saying they would respect precedent.
Shut up, troll.

We're not talking about your TDS.

Go play ELSEWHERE with that stupid crap.
Shut up, troll.

We're not talking about your TDS.

Go play ELSEWHERE with that stupid crap.

Sure we are. We would not be here if the GOP had nominated someone with sense in 2016, who would appoint justices who understand what Stare Decisis means.
Sure we are. We would not be here if the GOP had nominated someone with sense in 2016, who would appoint justices who understand what Stare Decisis means.
You mean if he picked the ones you wanted.

Screw you.

You're leaving town.

You're too stupid to run a country.
You mean if he picked the ones you wanted.

Screw you.

You're leaving town.

You're too stupid to run a country.

Funny, your party is the one that lost 65 million jobs and killed a million people with a plague.
Every day it seems we are closer to the edge.

  • Protestors chased Brett Kavanaugh out of a Washington DC restaurant.
  • The restaurant said "unruly" protestors "harassed" Kavanaugh and other patrons.
  • Protestors have demonstrated outside the homes of justices after the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Too bad there is no enumerated right to privacy. :dunno:

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