Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade


One guy?

Just the fact that you have to make that leap should be your first clue that you stepped in it.
Not at all. A piano tuner who said he was a communist bent my sad ears for over an hour on how he would like to kill all the people who give communists a hard time. Bernie is chief hatemonster in the Democrat/communist lovein branch of the party. Listening to a dedicated kill-to-win communist is a dark experience. Good night all. I still have to say prayers for the nation for God's help in the out-of-control Democrat revengers over Roe-v-Wade being handed back over to states to make decisions on it that fits their states' rights. May God bless and keep the revengemaestressers away from us all.
Bernie Sanders' sycophants do worse than that. They shoot people, don't they? READ: Bernie Sanders Says James Hodgkinson Was Campaign Volunteer And he'd have killed Scalise had not a secret service/bodyguard not killed Hodgkinson first. They found a list in his upper pocket with Congressman Steve Scalise's name at the top of his kill list, and other Republican Congressional leaders below.

Once he received confirmation that the Republican representatives were the ones playing ball, Hodgkinson fired off 60 rounds into the unsuspecting elected officials.​
The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed. Fox News reported after this story that Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, Tennessee Rep. Scott DesJarlais and Virginia Rep. Morgan Griffith are also on the list. All six congressmen are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members. EXCLUSIVE: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body
We have a lot of gun crime by nut ball extremists in this country, no doubt. But that does no justify anybody saying we ought to hang people just because they disagree with a court ruling, unless they have been tried in front of a jury of their peers. To advocate otherwise is simply wrong and every one of those justices would agree it is wrong. Do not lose sight of reality. Advocating crazy crap like that in this day and time can and does get people killed.
What a bunch of fascist goons.

I wonder if the mob killed him, if anyone would resist Biden replacing him with a good little leftist.

The lying POS should never have been confirmed to the court in the first place. He lied at his hearing, about a LOT of things.
The lying POS should never have been confirmed to the court in the first place. He lied at his hearing, about a LOT of things.


Who the hell do you fucktards think you are, Kreskin?

You dragged the man through the mud over something for which there was ZERO evidence and for which the so-called accuser could remember neither date and time nor events.

It was YET ANOTHER dog and pony show by the fucked up progtard assholes like yourself, YET ANOTHER exercise in unreality from you dimwitted fools.

Get the fuck off it, troll. The issue has been decided according to OUR Constitution and YOU have no right to interfere.
We don't do that, hanging our political opponents in this country, it is entirely too right wing authoritarian and against our laws and Constitution, but those drawbacks, mean little to trumpers out there.

You endorse the actions next to hanging--a civil society made entirely uncivil by hounding politicians/Justices in their private lives. Not while they are engaging in their civic duty/service, but when they are at home or eating with their underage children.

You want to parse whether this is legal or unconstitutional. Maybe it's not. But it creates a society no one wants to inhabit. We have ballot boxes so we DO NOT have to live with mob rule, which you endorse.
The lying POS should never have been confirmed to the court in the first place. He lied at his hearing, about a LOT of things.

You people politicized the Court, with your judicial activism. And you expected that we would never push back.

Will you ever learn?

Rhetorical question: OF course you will not. Every time you escalate the ideological battle, you will be so happy about how smart you are to try this new tactic and then you will be shocked as hell and whine like faggots when we respond.
ummm.... the female has a right to self determination. not anybody else. yet you sure enjoy that 14th amendment right, don'tcha little fella?

But not the right to vote on important issues. Letting the people decide goes against everything your Reich stands for.

Democracy is a threat to our democracy. Only dictatorship can save democracy - Seig Heil - Uber Alles Democrat.
You people politicized the Court, with your judicial activism. And you expected that we would never push back.

Will you ever learn?

Rhetorical question: OF course you will not. Every time you escalate the ideological battle, you will be so happy about how smart you are to try this new tactic and then you will be shocked as hell and whine like faggots when we respond.

I love how the right wing radicals always blame Democrats for everything.

The Roe v Wade decision was given by a REPUBLICAN MAJORITY Supreme Court. The REPUBLICANS overturned Roe v. Wade. It happened because so many women were dying from botched back alley abortions.
I understand your misogyny and religious fanaticism all too well... I just reject it.

No, you ignore my Constitutional viewpoints and instead go for the typical SJW layup of calling someone sexist and being a religious bigot.
I love how the right wing radicals always blame Democrats for everything.

The Roe v Wade decision was given by a REPUBLICAN MAJORITY Supreme Court. The REPUBLICANS overturned Roe v. Wade. It happened because so many women were dying from botched back alley abortions.

Court decisions are supposed to be based on the Law and the Constitution. IF, as you claim, REPUBLICANS based their decision on a policy issue, ie "women dying" that was them legislating from the bench.

And that is politicizing the Court. And thus, political push back is to be expected, and you whining about it, is just you being willing to dish it out, but not take it.
I love how the right wing radicals always blame Democrats for everything.

The Roe v Wade decision was given by a REPUBLICAN MAJORITY Supreme Court. The REPUBLICANS overturned Roe v. Wade. It happened because so many women were dying from botched back alley abortions.


The SCOTUS is not Republican nor Nazi.

Burger was nominated by a Republican, but was one of the most left of center justices in history.
You endorse the actions next to hanging--a civil society made entirely uncivil by hounding politicians/Justices in their private lives. Not while they are engaging in their civic duty/service, but when they are at home or eating with their underage children.

You want to parse whether this is legal or unconstitutional. Maybe it's not. But it creates a society no one wants to inhabit. We have ballot boxes so we DO NOT have to live with mob rule, which you endorse.
Get real. I endorse the right to peacefully assemble, protest and petition members of Government for redress of grievances. You are talking something else.
Sounds like you like and support being able to vote out politicians that make decisions you do not like as an American Citizen, and elected politicians are only in office for a set number of years, elected by their constituents. Yet, you would like a carve out where people cannot even protest Supreme Court Justices, picked by Presidents (the nation's highest Political office in government), though they are protected from being removed from office for questionable decision-making, able to set the meaning of laws that affect people viscerally in their day-to-day life, though the tenure of judgeship is lifetime?
While fine with lifetime appointment according to our laws and constitution, there is absolutely nothing nor any reason, they should not at least hear the ire of the people they upset, but only be protected from harm, to what extent possible. If they are spurned in the marketplaces or meeting places for their actions, so be it. I only support them being secure in their person. If they have to live with the disfavor of large portions of the public, due to the decisions they make, so be it. They do not have to go to the marketplace if they wish to avoid the public ire, they affect.
I have made decisions the viscerally affected people off and on, most of my life. I have and have had, little or no official protections from people being pissed off at me, even when I have been forced to fire people or turn them over to law enforcement for prosecution. I never let the anger of the people that I affected, never intimidated me from doing what I thought was right. Of course, I was trained to be responsible for my actions, never in a position even protected from discharge, due to decisions made. Ultimately in life, you must live by the affects of your decisions.

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