Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Wow, that must be frustrating. Can you imagine how much more miserable you'd be if it were actually true?

I can imagine how miserable you'd be if democrats were subject to the laws to rule the proles and Republicans.

Can you tell me what the outcome of the trial for Raz Simone, you know, the guy who used guns so that he and his goons could overthrown and hold 16 square blocks of an American city for 10 weeks, was?


Oh what, no charges filed?

Oh right, democrat - above the law.

Treason is okay - as long as it's leftists doing is.

One nation, two VERY different standards of law. Reich has it's privilege.

Heil Soros.
I can imagine how miserable you'd be if democrats were subject to the laws to rule the proles and Republicans.

Can you tell me what the outcome of the trial for Raz Simone, you know, the guy who used guns so that he and his goons could overthrown and hold 16 square blocks of an American city for 10 weeks, was?

View attachment 668975

Oh what, no charges filed?

Oh right, democrat - above the law.

Treason is okay - as long as it's leftists doing is.

One nation, two VERY different standards of law. Reich has it's privilege.

Heil Soros.
What charges should have been filed? Be specific. Dig deep for that big boy brain we all hope is rattling around in there somewhere.
I agree with the decision. But if one serves on the Court, one has no business in public. That right is duly surrendered.
That's neither sedition nor treason, sorry. So we can toss out those two delusions.

Assault? On whom?

Looks like we can toss out all 3.

I figured.
I'm for shooting terrorists dead on the spot.

No trial. They forfeit their rights when they engage in terror.
Wow. Big whoop. According to your article, he never saw or heard the protestors, but left before dessert. How horrible! Of course, I rarely eat deserts when going out to dinner, as often stuffed by the time I finish salad or soup and main course. This is hysterical nonsense.
Hang those idiots who can't even focus on what the ruling was all about. It was about who's responsible. The Constitution is clear some things fall into the State choide category. And the Justices are innocent of all the stupid stuff coming out of Maxine Water's cauldron of evil doing.

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