Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Get real. I endorse the right to peacefully assemble, protest and petition members of Government for redress of grievances. You are talking something else.
Sounds like you like and support being able to vote out politicians that make decisions you do not like as an American Citizen, and elected politicians are only in office for a set number of years, elected by their constituents. Yet, you would like a carve out where people cannot even protest Supreme Court Justices, picked by Presidents (the nation's highest Political office in government), though they are protected from being removed from office for questionable decision-making, able to set the meaning of laws that affect people viscerally in their day-to-day life, though the tenure of judgeship is lifetime?
While fine with lifetime appointment according to our laws and constitution, there is absolutely nothing nor any reason, they should not at least hear the ire of the people they upset, but only be protected from harm, to what extent possible. If they are spurned in the marketplaces or meeting places for their actions, so be it. I only support them being secure in their person. If they have to live with the disfavor of large portions of the public, due to the decisions they make, so be it. They do not have to go to the marketplace if they wish to avoid the public ire, they affect.
I have made decisions the viscerally affected people off and on, most of my life. I have and have had, little or no official protections from people being pissed off at me, even when I have been forced to fire people or turn them over to law enforcement for prosecution. I never let the anger of the people that I affected, never intimidated me from doing what I thought was right. Of course, I was trained to be responsible for my actions, never in a position even protected from discharge, due to decisions made. Ultimately in life, you must live by the affects of your decisions.

The problem with your love of mobocracy is the counter mob. You love the idea that fascist democrats can harass Justices outside of their official capacity and domain. But if we accept your mob, then we must accept a mob to counter them. And that's when those like you have an issue. How dare people oppose the fascist Brown Shirts. How dare Proud Boys and Oath Keepers stand up to the agents of the democrat party - throw them in prison. One law for the fascist democrats, a very different law for the Americans.
The problem with your love of mobocracy is the counter mob. You love the idea that fascist democrats can harass Justices outside of their official capacity and domain. But if we accept your mob, then we must accept a mob to counter them. And that's when those like you have an issue. How dare people oppose the fascist Brown Shirts. How dare Proud Boys and Oath Keepers stand up to the agents of the democrat party - throw them in prison. One law for the fascist democrats, a very different law for the Americans.
Well, they certainly cannot "harass" them within their official capacity and domain.
It is not my mob. I have never been involved except on the government side as an enforcer. The article did not even say the sized of the group of protestors, so we do not know if even you would consider it a mob.
How dare people oppose people (not brown shirts, at least by the articles available on this restaurant thing, as I've looked)? They did not teach you about the right to protest in school? What? You were private schooled or religious schooled instead? The right to protest is pretty common throughout this country's history, whether you are aware or not. Surely you came across it somewhere.
I don't like the proud boys (whom I have never met) nor the Oath Keepers that tried to recruit me, just wanting me for my tactical, technical, organizational and command skills. I could not blame them for their attempts, as finding people with the skills, can be problematic, especially if they do not want to play and are known to have no scruples in their own self-defense.
To my knowledge, those people have not been thrown in jail, unless they went beyond or threatened to go beyond what is allowed by law.
Looks like you will have to put up with one law for all, until you overthrow the government and constitution. Of course, there is always the immigration option.
You are insane.

Fact and reality have no meaning to you.

You fucking Nazis were melting down at his confirmation that he said he would repeal Roe (he didn't.)

Now you want to pretend he said "Roe is the greatest law in history and the Berger court the greatest legislature to ever exist."

He didn't.
We know who the NAZIs are:
Big government con-trolling women's autonomy. Dead people have MORE autonomy over their bodies in your world.

Big government is a majority of unelected lawyers saying the legislatures and therefore the PEOPLE have no power to govern themselves in a situation where the constitution is mute.
The Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

Roe was passed for a good reason... the laws it overturned were unenforceable and causing real harm.

Letting the States figure out abortion isn't a suicide pact.

Roe was passed with shit logic.
We don't do that, hanging our political opponents in this country, it is entirely too right wing authoritarian and against our laws and Constitution, but those drawbacks, mean little to trumpers out there.
What a load of bullshit.

It is THE LEFT getting in everyone's face.

THE LEFT is who rioted for eight months, at the cost of billions of dollars, 2000 injured cops, and MY threatened children.

You, sir, are FULL OF SHIT.
We have a lot of gun crime by nut ball extremists in this country, no doubt. But that does no justify anybody saying we ought to hang people just because they disagree with a court ruling, unless they have been tried in front of a jury of their peers. To advocate otherwise is simply wrong and every one of those justices would agree it is wrong. Do not lose sight of reality. Advocating crazy crap like that in this day and time can and does get people killed.
Tell that to the leftist fucktards who are STALKING a Supreme Court Justice.
What a load of bullshit.

It is THE LEFT getting in everyone's face.

THE LEFT is who rioted for eight months, at the cost of billions of dollars, 2000 injured cops, and MY threatened children.

You, sir, are FULL OF SHIT.
You want to start hanging people just because they disagree politically as policy, too? What's with you people, anyway? Surely Kentucky and Tennessee were not the only states to teach history and civics. You guys are starting to remind me of young people I was in class with at the university. A week after a test they often could not discuss what they had learned in the previous block, as they brain dumped after each test, as if having small finite memory.
Tell that to the leftist fucktards who are STALKING a Supreme Court Justice.
The protestors or that nut job the first week after the decision came out? I assure you the only time I have been out of my state of residence, since it started was yesterday. I don't know any leftist stalking anybody. You talk to them. I'm sure with only a few minor adjustments, you could probably charm the rattlers off a snake, instead of just pissing it off if you tried.
You want to start hanging people just because they disagree politically as policy, too? What's with you people, anyway? Surely Kentucky and Tennessee were not the only states to teach history and civics. You guys are starting to remind me of young people I was in class with at the university. A week after a test they often could not discuss what they had learned in the previous block, as they brain dumped after each test, as if having small finite memory.

"I" didn't say anything about hanging.

I did, however, mention tarring and feathering. And riding out of town on a rail.

You should be careful who you address as "you people". I'm not "you people". I don't usually spend time on the internet. I'm here for a specific reason. It's almost done, in a couple of weeks you won't see or hear from me anymore.

But when you hear about the people who got tarred and feathered, you'll remember me.

Prevagen, if you have trouble. :p
So leaving by the back door after a less than private dinner is forcing?
Maybe it's the fact he didn't choose to stay for dessert. I knew an outside sale guy, that said it wasn't dining out, if he didn't get dessert. Some justices really pack it on while sitting on the bench.
Well, they certainly cannot "harass" them within their official capacity and domain.

What an absurd claim.

The Nazis picket and protest outside of the Supreme Court every single day - WHICH IS THEIR RIGHT.

It is not my mob. I have never been involved except on the government side as an enforcer. The article did not even say the sized of the group of protestors, so we do not know if even you would consider it a mob.

You are,

1. a democrat
2. supporting the mob

It is your mob

How dare people oppose people (not brown shirts, at least by the articles available on this restaurant thing, as I've looked)? They did not teach you about the right to protest in school?


Those days are over. Protesting gets you thrown in the gulag. We have the Nazi show trial every day to drive home that protesting will not be tolerated.

Oh, but there are two very different laws.

What? You were private schooled or religious schooled instead? The right to protest is pretty common throughout this country's history, whether you are aware or not. Surely you came across it somewhere.
I don't like the proud boys (whom I have never met) nor the Oath Keepers that tried to recruit me, just wanting me for my tactical, technical, organizational and command skills.

Of course you don't like them. They stand up for America.

I could not blame them for their attempts, as finding people with the skills, can be problematic, especially if they do not want to play and are known to have no scruples in their own self-defense.
To my knowledge, those people have not been thrown in jail, unless they went beyond or threatened to go beyond what is allowed by law.
Looks like you will have to put up with one law for all, until you overthrow the government and constitution. Of course, there is always the immigration option.

They are indeed thrown in jail as enemies of the Reich.

Do pay attention.

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