BREXIT: Dawn Of A Populist Uprising...

I think there is a corollary with Trump and Brexit. People don't like political correct leftist liberals mandates and despite the logic behind them, most people on the street reject forced liberal ideals.These people will cut off their own noses to spite their face if it means stopping this liberal juggernaut. I get it, perhaps liberals should shut up listen to the grass roots.
And the economic results of this decision may well leave them wishing that they had listened to their head rather than their hearts. I think the EU will not miss the UK much at all. Not as much as England will miss the UK. You see, this may well result in Scotland going independent and joining the EU. And North Ireland joining Ireland to reap the economic benefits of remaining in the EU.
Obama goes over there and threatens them by saying they could be second fiddle trade wise with the US and they had better vote the "right" way. Trump was right Obama may have been the push that the Brexit folks needed. Obama has to learn the hard way over and over again that he is not universally loved and respected. The media and the rich elitist on the left blows smoke up his ass so he thinks his shit don't stink. I can't wait for him to go on the campaign trail with crooked Hillary. Yeah that will work. BUUUUAHAHAHAHA!
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

There are no “NWO Globalist Elites,” the notion is delusional idiocy.

Indeed, there is no ‘new world order’ – such nonsense is the stuff of tinfoil hatism.

The ridiculous right has completely misjudged yesterday’s vote.

This coming from the tool who said "we are operating under constitutional government and stating otherwise is the stuff of tinfoil hats". I then promptly posted dozens of stories of the U.S. operating far outside of the Constitution. The tool was forced to shut up and retreat after that.
Obama goes over there and threatens them by saying they could be second fiddle trade wise with the US and they had better vote the "right" way. Trump was right Obama may have been the push that the Brexit folks needed. Obama has to learn the hard way over and over again that he is not universally loved and respected. The media and the rich elitist on the left blows smoke up his ass so he thinks his shit don't stink. I can't wait for him to go on the campaign trail with crooked Hillary. Yeah that will work. BUUUUAHAHAHAHA!

Obama is a blow hard wind bag who thinks his shit doesn't stink and he's the smartest man on the planet. That's why so many people hate the dumb ass.
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

There are no “NWO Globalist Elites,” the notion is delusional idiocy.

Indeed, there is no ‘new world order’ – such nonsense is the stuff of tinfoil hatism.

The ridiculous right has completely misjudged yesterday’s vote.

So say the Globalist Elite Bootlickers anyway. ;)
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

There are no “NWO Globalist Elites,” the notion is delusional idiocy.

Indeed, there is no ‘new world order’ – such nonsense is the stuff of tinfoil hatism.

The ridiculous right has completely misjudged yesterday’s vote.

This coming from the tool who said "we are operating under constitutional government and stating otherwise is the stuff of tinfoil hats". I then promptly posted dozens of stories of the U.S. operating far outside of the Constitution. The tool was forced to shut up and retreat after that.

Yeah, he or she was just whining about how the People shouldn't have been allowed to decide this. That's perfectly representative of how the NWO Globalist Elites feel about Democracy and the People. It's why more nations need to be brave like Great Britain. It is time to boot the NWO scum.
Keep in mind, Switzerland and Norway have prospered immensely not being members of the EU. The NWO bastards will make it rough for Great Britain in the short term, but it'll prosper eventually in the long term.
Keep in mind, Switzerland and Norway have prospered immensely not being members of the EU. The NWO bastards will make it rough for Great Britain in the short term, but it'll prosper eventually in the long term.

Yeah, a bit of a stretch but not impossible to imagine a trade union involving England (as opposed to "The UK"), Switzerland, Norway and likely either France or Germany (but not immediately both) kicking the shit out of the downsized E.U.
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

Technology was the ultimate game-changer against big government, big business, and propaganda. People can share the truth all around the world, instantly.

And that is why the government is so panic-stricken to limit or control encryption. They are losing control and that has them losing their minds.
And the economic results of this decision may well leave them wishing that they had listened to their head rather than their hearts. I think the EU will not miss the UK much at all. Not as much as England will miss the UK. You see, this may well result in Scotland going independent and joining the EU. And North Ireland joining Ireland to reap the economic benefits of remaining in the EU.
That's absurd. Hundreds of nations around the world are not a part of the EU and they just do just fine. Canada isn't a part of the EU. The U.S. isn't part of the EU. Russia isn't part of the EU.

It his highly likely that England will experience a slight increase in economic prosperity by leaving because they will have more freedom and flexibility to make their own domestic and foreign economic policies.
My sincere CONGRATULATIONS to the Brits. They did the right thing.

Money isn't everything and they are not willing to put up with the offensive nonsense that comes with it. They will do well on their own. As long as they have us as a steadfast ally -- and they always will.
I don't know about "always". Obama has done everything in his power to insult England and destroy the relationship that we built with them. His first day in the Oval Office, he actually took the time to have the bust of Winston Churchill (sent to us as a gift shortly after 9/11) shipped back to them because of his hate of Churchill and England. It was a major slap in the face to them.
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, is just around the corner, and even the HildaBeast knows better than to pull shit like that... stick a fork in Obumble... he's done...
My sincere CONGRATULATIONS to the Brits. They did the right thing.

Money isn't everything and they are not willing to put up with the offensive nonsense that comes with it. They will do well on their own. As long as they have us as a steadfast ally -- and they always will.
I don't know about "always". Obama has done everything in his power to insult England and destroy the relationship that we built with them. His first day in the Oval Office, he actually took the time to have the bust of Winston Churchill (sent to us as a gift shortly after 9/11) shipped back to them because of his hate of Churchill and England. It was a major slap in the face to them.
Not to worry... January 20, 2017, is just around the corner, and even the HildaBeast knows better than to pull shit like that... stick a fork in Obumble... he's done...
I think you're giving Hilterly waaaay too much credit. She's not exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
The article nails it....

But what if progressivism isn't inevitable at all? What if people will always be inclined by nature to love their own — themselves, their families, their neighbors, members of their churches, their fellow citizens, their country — more than they love the placeless abstraction of "humanity"? In that case, the act of ignoring or even denigrating this love will have the effect of provoking its defensive wrath and ultimately making it stronger.

It makes perfect sense to be surprised, saddened, and concerned by the outcome of the Brexit vote. But shock? Fury? Disgust? Despair? That's what a person feels when he discovers that his most dearly held fundamental beliefs have led him astray.

Wake up, progressives! You have nothing to lose but your illusions.

How Brexit shattered progressives' dearest illusions
It's hilarious when people try to equate the racist driven Brexit referendum from an 87% White population with the U.S. Election. There is no correlation as you'll see when Trump is soundly defeated. Place your bets now. Clinton is a 4 to 1 favorite in the betting markets with Trump currently at less than a 20% chance of winning.
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

Our president spoke about the true meaning of populism today. I recommend that you listen to what he said.


I heard the cocksucker...he sounded like a pompous fool, as usual.

Of course. Intelligence always comes off as pomposity to ignorant fools.

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