BREXIT: Dawn Of A Populist Uprising...

It's hilarious when people try to equate the racist driven Brexit referendum from an 87% White population with the U.S. Election. There is no correlation as you'll see when Trump is soundly defeated. Place your bets now. Clinton is a 4 to 1 favorite in the betting markets with Trump currently at less than a 20% chance of winning.

Trump didn't get an Orlando bump. He's back to talking about torture and killing family members. His only hope is that Americans succumb to fear. I don't think that will happen.
It's hilarious when people try to equate the racist driven Brexit referendum from an 87% White population with the U.S. Election. There is no correlation as you'll see when Trump is soundly defeated. Place your bets now. Clinton is a 4 to 1 favorite in the betting markets with Trump currently at less than a 20% chance of winning.
OMG....if I hear one more libtard asshole cry "racism" where none exists, I think my head is going to split. Brexit had nothing to do with race you immature simpletons. It had to do with sovereignty and the collapse of the EU due to ignorant failed liberalism.
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

Our president spoke about the true meaning of populism today. I recommend that you listen to what he said.

Barry Sorento is a moron. Fried his brain snorting coke like a madman in college and smokimg weed. All while daddy (who abandoned him) taught him the communism is "fair" and the U.S. is the "great imperialist". You're a special kind of slow and a completely tool if you listen to anything that buffoon says.
It's hilarious when people try to equate the racist driven Brexit referendum from an 87% White population with the U.S. Election. There is no correlation as you'll see when Trump is soundly defeated. Place your bets now. Clinton is a 4 to 1 favorite in the betting markets with Trump currently at less than a 20% chance of winning.
OMG....if I hear one more libtard asshole cry "racism" where none exists, I think my head is going to split. Brexit had nothing to do with race you immature simpletons. It had to do with sovereignty and the collapse of the EU due to ignorant failed liberalism.
Brexit had nothing to do with race you immature simpletons.

Your previous post in this thread said the EU (progressivism) failed because you want to protect your circle from "humanity". Your quotes not mine. That doesn't sound like nothing to me.
It's hilarious when people try to equate the racist driven Brexit referendum from an 87% White population with the U.S. Election. There is no correlation as you'll see when Trump is soundly defeated. Place your bets now. Clinton is a 4 to 1 favorite in the betting markets with Trump currently at less than a 20% chance of winning.
OMG....if I hear one more libtard asshole cry "racism" where none exists, I think my head is going to split. Brexit had nothing to do with race you immature simpletons. It had to do with sovereignty and the collapse of the EU due to ignorant failed liberalism.
Brexit had nothing to do with race you immature simpletons.

Your previous post in this thread said the EU (progressivism) failed because you want to protect your circle from "humanity". Your quotes not mine. That doesn't sound like nothing to me.
First of all - I didn't write the article, genius. I simply shared it. So they weren't "my words". Secondly, how is protecting one's sovereignty "racist"?!? It's not. It's just a desperate battle cry when a liberal can't make a coherent case for their irrational position.
...Of course. Intelligence always comes off as pomposity to ignorant fools.
Except in the case of arrogant know-it-all LibTards who, as it turns out, actually know far less than what they've been trying so hard to convince the rest of us about.

Whoa! Ya really shot me down there, chief. I may never recover.
Never figured any differently... LibTard skull-plating is so thick that the 'good stuff' rarely makes it through... wasn't for your benefit, anyway... you're just the example.
I think there is a corollary with Trump and Brexit. People don't like political correct leftist liberals mandates and despite the logic behind them, most people on the street reject forced liberal ideals.These people will cut off their own noses to spite their face if it means stopping this liberal juggernaut. I get it, perhaps liberals should shut up listen to the grass roots.

What if liberals are telling them they're cutting off thier own noses to spite their face?
Are the NWO Globalist Elites getting nervous? Looks like it.

How the political class plans to sabotage the vote

Our president spoke about the true meaning of populism today. I recommend that you listen to what he said.

Barry Sorento is a moron. Fried his brain snorting coke like a madman in college and smokimg weed. All while daddy (who abandoned him) taught him the communism is "fair" and the U.S. is the "great imperialist". You're a special kind of slow and a completely tool if you listen to anything that buffoon says.

Nailed it. We'll leave it that. Thanks.
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Of course. Every time the idiocy known as liberalism gets rejected by rational people, it is because of "racism" and "homophobia" and "xenophobia" and any other type of phobia an idiot liberal can look up in a dictionary.

Lets be honest for a moment - the only political ideology with a fear is liberalism. They suffer from a severe case of Eleutherophobia.
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Of course. Every time the idiocy known as liberalism gets rejected by rational people, it is because of "racism" and "homophobia" and "xenophobia" and any other type of phobia an idiot liberal can look up in a dictionary.

Lets be honest for a moment - the only political ideology with a fear is liberalism. They suffer from a severe case of Eleutherophobia.
we agree then. While both countries have trade issues, they differ, and the one real similarity is irrational fear of other races/religions.
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Of course. Every time the idiocy known as liberalism gets rejected by rational people, it is because of "racism" and "homophobia" and "xenophobia" and any other type of phobia an idiot liberal can look up in a dictionary.

Lets be honest for a moment - the only political ideology with a fear is liberalism. They suffer from a severe case of Eleutherophobia.
we agree then. While both countries have trade issues, they differ, and the one real similarity is irrational fear of other races/religions.
We don't agree. At all. Neither the U.S. nor England has any fear of other races, religions, or anything else. They simply want their sovereignty. Only an idiot liberal wants to hand over all control and power of the entire planet to one man or one small group of people. Liberals long for the day of Adolf Hitler. Everything under the control of one person who forces the world to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction for the "good" of humanity.

Liberals suffer from a server case of Eleutherophobia. That's a simple fact. And it is the only "phobia" that any one in the political world is actually suffering from.
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Of course. Every time the idiocy known as liberalism gets rejected by rational people, it is because of "racism" and "homophobia" and "xenophobia" and any other type of phobia an idiot liberal can look up in a dictionary.

Lets be honest for a moment - the only political ideology with a fear is liberalism. They suffer from a severe case of Eleutherophobia.
the rest of us just suffer from liberalphobia.....
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Of course. Every time the idiocy known as liberalism gets rejected by rational people, it is because of "racism" and "homophobia" and "xenophobia" and any other type of phobia an idiot liberal can look up in a dictionary.

Lets be honest for a moment - the only political ideology with a fear is liberalism. They suffer from a severe case of Eleutherophobia.
the rest of us just suffer from liberalphobia.....
You suffer from stupidity. The US is screwed with trade. But we're screwed because our trading partners aren't doing free trade. That was not the case with Brexit. The English may have had good reason in wanting to close their labor market to, for example, polish dockyard workers.

The US's problem, basically and over simplistically as Trump pointed out, is we have corporations like Apple producing goods in china and selling them here, all the while knowing china will not open markets and allow its currency to be set by markets, and we have retailers like the Waltons, and even Trump, importing stuff made in countries that don't trade freely and have low wages, and selling it here.

The English and we have problems, but they are not necessarily the same problems.
Brexit got shite to about us beyond a bunch of old white people irrationally fearing muslims who aren't coming from where the whites think they're coming from.
Of course. Every time the idiocy known as liberalism gets rejected by rational people, it is because of "racism" and "homophobia" and "xenophobia" and any other type of phobia an idiot liberal can look up in a dictionary.

Lets be honest for a moment - the only political ideology with a fear is liberalism. They suffer from a severe case of Eleutherophobia.
the rest of us just suffer from liberalphobia.....
You suffer from stupidity. The US is screwed with trade. But we're screwed because our trading partners aren't doing free trade. That was not the case with Brexit. The English may have had good reason in wanting to close their labor market to, for example, polish dockyard workers.

The US's problem, basically and over simplistically as Trump pointed out, is we have corporations like Apple producing goods in china and selling them here, all the while knowing china will not open markets and allow its currency to be set by markets, and we have retailers like the Waltons, and even Trump, importing stuff made in countries that don't trade freely and have low wages, and selling it here.

The English and we have problems, but they are not necessarily the same problems.

the overall problem is the same...

Obama and his SOS Kerry are one and the same as the elitists who run the EU......kicking out the un-elected EU elitists was the best thing merry old England has done in ages and Trump winning this fall will be the best thing for the good ole USA....

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