Brexit Dividend - UK Border Force urged to ‘deprioritise’ gun and drugs searches to ease queues

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Well this seems to be a terrorists charter.. Brexit was supposed to be about" taking back control".
But there is no control in evidence here. Just the usual conservative lies being exposed again.

Anyway, I am off to the Co-op to queue for my daily tomato.
Nearly two and a half centuries ago, my country fought hard to win its independence from a distant, unaccountable foreign tyranny. In the time, since then, we've grown to become one of the biggest, most powerful, most free, and most advanced nations on Earth.

So now, in much more recent times, the very same degenerate nation that once tried to rule over us has, itself won its own independence from a tyrannical, unaccountable foreign power, and is apparently collapsing into an ungovernable shithole.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me?

Have you, in the whole of your failed and miserable life, contributed as much to society as I do on a good day? I very much doubt it.

If your nation was inhabited by people who were anywhere comparable in value to an average American worker, then perhaps your nation wouldn't be the degenerate, collapsing shithole that it is; and you wouldn't feel the need to post dozens and dozens of nearly-identical threads whining about how you need a tyrannical foreign power to rule over your nation because it cannot govern itself.
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Nearly two and a half centuries ago, my country fought hard to win its independence from a distant, unaccountable foreign tyranny. In the time, since then, we've grown to become one of the biggest, most powerful, most free, and most advanced nations on Earth.

So now, in much more recent times, the very same degenerate nation that once tried to rule over us has, itself won its own independence from a tyrannical, unaccountable foreign power, and is apparently collapsing into an ungovernable shithole.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me?

Have you, in the whole of your failed and miserable life, contributed as much to society as I do on a good day? I very much doubt it.

If your nation was inhabited by people who were anywhere comparable in value to an average American worker, then perhaps your nation wouldn't be the degenerate, collapsing shithole that it is; and you wouldn't feel the need to post dozens and dozens of nearly-identical threads whining about how you need a tyrannical foreign power to rule over your nation because it cannot govern itself.
So you approve of open borders then ?

Well this seems to be a terrorists charter.. Brexit was supposed to be about" taking back control".
But there is no control in evidence here. Just the usual conservative lies being exposed again.

Anyway, I am off to the Co-op to queue for my daily tomato.
Brexit was to do with sovereignty.
You dont [sic] seem bothered about this open border policy. Dont [sic] you think that it increases the risk of flying ?

Where have I said anything in this thread that has anything to do with open border policies, and what would such policies have to do with anything that has been mentioned in this thread?

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

And from what lofty profession do you look down on me for mine?

Do you seriously intend to claim that being a worthless self-crippled welfare parasite that never has and never will contribute anything to society is a more honorable profession than that of a construction worker?

Where have I said anything in this thread that has anything to do with open border policies, and what would such policies have to do with anything that has been mentioned in this thread?

And from what lofty profession do you look down on me for mine?

Do you seriously intend to claim that being a worthless self-crippled welfare parasite that never has and never will contribute anything to society is a more honorable profession than that of a construction worker?

Brexit has lead to huge queues at our customs posts so border guards are waving through all sorts of people without checking them for guns and bombs.
You dont see that as a problem. Or are you just doing your usual trolling ?
Brexit has lead to huge queues at our customs posts so border guards are waving through all sorts of people without checking them for guns and bombs.
You dont see that as a problem. Or are you just doing your usual trolling ?

It seems to me that your own country's inability to govern itself is entirely to blame for everything that you insist on blaming on the choice of your country, as a whole, to protect its own sovereignty rather than submit to foreign rule.

If your country is truly so deeply fucked up that it cannot rule itself, that it can only thrive under the rule of an unaccountable foreign power, then it truly deserves whatever happens to it either way.

What a waste it was, a few generations ago, for so many of my best countrymen to go over there and fight and die to protect your worthless shithole of a country from exactly the sort of foreign rule that you now demand. We should have let Hitler and Stalin have your stupid country to divide up between themselves, and kept our own good men safe at home, instead of sending them to their deaths on your behalf.
It seems to me that your own country's inability to govern itself is entirely to blame for everything that you insist on blaming on the choice of your country, as a whole, to protect its own sovereignty rather than submit to foreign rule.

If your country is truly so deeply fucked up that it cannot rule itself, that it can only thrive under the rule of an unaccountable foreign power, then it truly deserves whatever happens to it either way.

What a waste it was, a few generations ago, for so many of my best countrymen to go over there and fight and die to protect your worthless shithole of a country from exactly the sort of foreign rule that you now demand. We should have let Hitler and Stalin have your stupid country to divide up between themselves, and kept our own good men safe at home, instead of sending them to their deaths on your behalf.
The problem is conservatism Bob. Everything they touch turns to shit.
Brexit has lead to huge queues at our customs posts so border guards are waving through all sorts of people without checking them for guns and bombs.
You dont see that as a problem. Or are you just doing your usual trolling ?
The UK should have just remained in the EFTA and not join your bum friends in the EC.

Well this seems to be a terrorists charter.. Brexit was supposed to be about" taking back control".
But there is no control in evidence here. Just the usual conservative lies being exposed again.

Anyway, I am off to the Co-op to queue for my daily tomato.

When are you going to start about Gary Lineker?

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