“Brexit has failed.”

Can’t confront the real issues, can you? Typical, but not surprised.

Yes, the mass mainstream media pretending the President of the United States was a "kompromat" Russian Spy was not an issue.

Thank goodness, Democracy doesn't die in darkness today!
Nigel Farage has finally admitted it.

Brexit is another failed conservative policy of failure.
Conservative policy has been a total failure in America, giving us insane debt and deficit and economic crashes, and now it is spreading throughout the world.
Conservative have no successful policy, only ideology and rhetoric.

LOL more globo-homo propaganda from globo-homo Banker.
Yes, the mass mainstream media pretending the President of the United States was a "kompromat" Russian Spy was not an issue.

Thank goodness, Democracy doesn't die in darkness today!
Whatever, it’s off-topic. I won’t report for thread-jacking this time. You’re welcome.
And as Nigel Farage has further said, his position that brexit has failed is a condemnation of the political leaders for screwing the pooch. He still believes that it was the right thing to do, just that those in charge have failed the people.

Nigel himself helped insure that things ended up this way.
Nigel Farage has finally admitted it.

Brexit is another failed conservative policy of failure.
Conservative policy has been a total failure in America, giving us insane debt and deficit and economic crashes, and now it is spreading throughout the world.
Conservative have no successful policy, only ideology and rhetoric.

You spelled "banker" wrong.
What a surprise, you omitted Obammy.

President Obama had the largest deficits. By the end of his final budget, FY 2017, his budget deficits totaled $6.781 trillion over his eight years in office. That's a 58% increase from President George W. Bush's last budget.
Obama inherited the Bush blow up, after Bush and the GOP blew up the economy. He inherited massive deficits and revenue short falls form bush
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What a surprise!

Funny how Conservatives cannot suggest that accounting/finance be mandatory in the schools. Search Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations for "and account". He wrote, "read, write and account" multiple times. He used the word "education" Eighty Times.

Education today is rubbish producing brainwashed worker/consumers.
Obammy inherited massive deficits and short falls from Trump? Damn, skippy you are definitely fucked up, what the hell are you smoking?
wow i made a typo, thats about all you can do is grammar police. republicans are a total joke, always have been, always will be
France and Germany failed the E.U in providing the conditions for a successful exit. They wanted to bully the Brits and control all nations borders. It hurt their membership and now both Merkel and Macron have lost favor with world media. How quickly reputations change (when some of us called them out early).
Spin it. It was in or out and it hurt the UK by their own voting themselves out.
Nigel Farage has finally admitted it.

Brexit is another failed conservative policy of failure.
Conservative policy has been a total failure in America, giving us insane debt and deficit and economic crashes, and now it is spreading throughout the world.
Conservative have no successful policy, only ideology and rhetoric.

It didn't fail, it accomplished what it was supposed to do, give the UK control of its borders and other policies. Now it's time for the Uk to meet the challenges of independence.
Just a few professional anti Brexit toads wanting to forget Covid and Ukraine effects and which Gullibles like TummyTainted use because they are simple and gullible .
What good has come of it? From what I’ve read the regret is widespread. I’d be interested in hearing what the upside’s been.

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