Brexit has happened

June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.


A giant victory against the regressive left in a series of many to come.

Tommy T. is going to be pissed.

He'll blame it on a right wing conspiracy.
I agree. I can't wait for that bastard to get back to the forum. He's probably in some pub right now crying while drinking hot tap beer and gorging himself on fish and chips.
Speaking of Tommy. Where has he been? Is he still in the brig or did mommy lock him up in the cellar?
He usually hangs out over at the Current Events sub forum. According to his profile he was online yesterday at 6:31pm.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

You do know that Cameron is a conservative, right? He's resigning because he believes leading the country in new future ahead requires someone else. It's not all that surprising, really.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

You do know that Cameron is a conservative, right? He's resigning because he believes leading the country in new future ahead requires someone else. It's not all that surprising, really.
A conservative over there is likely a lib to me, ESPECIALLY when they want to the EU in charge but no, he didn't have to leave. Doing the will of the people should have been his primary goal.
Nationalism is it.

Full of hope, lack of substance.

Full of soundbites, lack of intelligence.
It is about nationalism, and for good reason. Human progress is often two steps forward and one step back. The EU is flawed in that it didn't have the authority to protect member nations while simultaneously defanging those nations from defending themselves. The multiple and increasingly frequent terrorist attacks within the EU was, no doubt a major influence on those who voted for nationalism. It was a reaction toward self-defense.
A conservative over there is likely a lib to me, ESPECIALLY when they want to the EU in charge but no, he didn't have to leave. Doing the will of the people should have been his primary goal.
He is abiding by the will of the people. However, I'm guessing he's better informed than the majority of the people and feels this is a big mistake....which it probably is economically, although I understand why they voted that way.

It may take up to two years before it's official, so there is a chance the EU might reform itself enough for Britain to reconsider their actions. Either way, the problem of Islamic terrorism and the instability of the ME will not go away on it's own. Since most of the EU, and eve Britain via the Chunnel, are connected by land with the ME, they are going to feel the problem a lot more than we in the US will.

Again, I think most of those who voted for the Brexit did so out of self-defense.

The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know - BBC News
What were their reasons for wanting the UK to leave?
They said Britain was being held back by the EU, which they said imposed too many rules on business and charged billions of pounds a year in membership fees for little in return. They also wanted Britain to take back full control of its borders and reduce the number of people coming here to live and/or work.

One of the main principles of EU membership is "free movement", which means you don't need to get a visa to go and live in another EU country. The Leave campaign also objected to the idea of "ever closer union" and what they see as moves towards the creation of a "United States of Europe".
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.
I'm likely one of only a few members here who have actually lived for an extended time in Britain. Winchester Hampshire to be exact.
The following are facts:
Virtually only what we would refer to as 'LIBs' in the US support mass immigration of basically 100% muslims, the majority being 'young muslim men'. Functionally illiterate whose only skill is to sell drugs to supplement their free government provided food, transportation, housing, medical, cell phones, clothing.
Virtually 100% of these muslims have less than zero interest in ever 'assimilating' into Britain's general society. Just the opposite. They want only one thing. To have a muslim caliphate throughout Britain and to have Sharia Law.
Muslims have taken over entire cities and are threatening and committing violent crimes against innocent citizens in order to drive these citizens away. This is succeeding. No White woman alone dare walk down the high street in the town she grew up in without being spat on and worse, in some towns. This problem has been getting worse.
The fucking LIB fags in Brussels have been telling Britain how many of these muslim immigrants Britain must take each year.
Brussel has had 100% control over Britain's economy. You want to have a few chickens in your yard. Better call the fags in Brussels first to find out how many.
(I despise the Belgians! for countless reasons)
Yes there are other factors explaining why the majority of Britons voted to leave, what by any measure has been a abusive relationship with the EU. But the number one reason was muslim immigration.
When the polls closed and the results were declared Trump won the Presidency.
Five reasons Brexit could signal Trump winning the White House - BBC News
A conservative over there is likely a lib to me, ESPECIALLY when they want to the EU in charge but no, he didn't have to leave. Doing the will of the people should have been his primary goal.
He is abiding by the will of the people. However, I'm guessing he's better informed than the majority of the people and feels this is a big mistake....which it probably is economically, although I understand why they voted that way.

It may take up to two years before it's official, so there is a chance the EU might reform itself enough for Britain to reconsider their actions. Either way, the problem of Islamic terrorism and the instability of the ME will not go away on it's own. Since most of the EU, and eve Britain via the Chunnel, are connected by land with the ME, they are going to feel the problem a lot more than we in the US will.

Again, I think most of those who voted for the Brexit did so out of self-defense.

The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know - BBC News
What were their reasons for wanting the UK to leave?
They said Britain was being held back by the EU, which they said imposed too many rules on business and charged billions of pounds a year in membership fees for little in return. They also wanted Britain to take back full control of its borders and reduce the number of people coming here to live and/or work.

One of the main principles of EU membership is "free movement", which means you don't need to get a visa to go and live in another EU country. The Leave campaign also objected to the idea of "ever closer union" and what they see as moves towards the creation of a "United States of Europe".
He's abiding by the will of the people by leaving? You forgot to back that up, don't throw out your opinion as fact then immediately change the subject. Doesn't work that way.
A giant victory against the regressive left in a series of many to come.

Tommy T. is going to be pissed.

He'll blame it on a right wing conspiracy.
Nah. It will be racism, anything the left dislikes will be racism. OK there may be grumbling about gender and pronouns, but it will be racism. Did I mention how the the left will blame brexit on racism? I truly believe that racism will be at the forefront of the lefts reponse to brexit.

Has anyone heard anything about the racism of the brits? They voted for brexit. Probably racism. Is anyone talking about racism? Why isn't anyone talking about racism? We really need a dialog about racism after all the brits voted for racism.

It's really disappointing that no one is talking about racism. Racism.




Oh and gender nonsense.
He's abiding by the will of the people by leaving? You forgot to back that up, don't throw out your opinion as fact then immediately change the subject. Doesn't work that way.
Yes. The people want to go in a direction he disagrees with so he's doing the honorable thing of leaving in October(?) to give them time to find a leader who will lead in that direction.
He's abiding by the will of the people by leaving? You forgot to back that up, don't throw out your opinion as fact then immediately change the subject. Doesn't work that way.
Yes. The people want to go in a direction he disagrees with so he's doing the honorable thing of leaving in October(?) to give them time to find a leader who will lead in that direction.
The honorable thing to do would be to stay and help them through the two year process hammering out the details. Leaving because you didn't get your way isn't how I define honor.
He's abiding by the will of the people by leaving? You forgot to back that up, don't throw out your opinion as fact then immediately change the subject. Doesn't work that way.
Yes. The people want to go in a direction he disagrees with so he's doing the honorable thing of leaving in October(?) to give them time to find a leader who will lead in that direction.
They have already chosen their leader.
The fucking rat Obama went to Britain recently and threatened the British if they left the EU the Obama administration's response would be to "put Britain at the back of the 'CUE'! Notice NOT 'line' but ''cue'. Some asshole in Britain WROTE that 'talking point'!
Just another Obama failure to add to everything he has even done since entering the White house.
He's abiding by the will of the people by leaving? You forgot to back that up, don't throw out your opinion as fact then immediately change the subject. Doesn't work that way.
Yes. The people want to go in a direction he disagrees with so he's doing the honorable thing of leaving in October(?) to give them time to find a leader who will lead in that direction.
The honorable thing to do would be to stay and help them through the two year process hammering out the details. Leaving because you didn't get your way isn't how I define honor.
So you'd be against President Obama resigning due to poor favorability ratings? Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

If Cameron feels he can't do the job, then it's incumbent upon him to resign. If he quit that day, then I'd agree he was just having a tiff, but he's waiting until the fall to give time to find a suitable leader.
He's abiding by the will of the people by leaving? You forgot to back that up, don't throw out your opinion as fact then immediately change the subject. Doesn't work that way.
Yes. The people want to go in a direction he disagrees with so he's doing the honorable thing of leaving in October(?) to give them time to find a leader who will lead in that direction.
The honorable thing to do would be to stay and help them through the two year process hammering out the details. Leaving because you didn't get your way isn't how I define honor.
So you'd be against President Obama resigning due to poor favorability ratings? Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

If Cameron feels he can't do the job, then it's incumbent upon him to resign. If he quit that day, then I'd agree he was just having a tiff, but he's waiting until the fall to give time to find a suitable leader.
Yes, I would be against obama resigning due to popularity polls, don't try to get cute and pretend you know what I think. That isn't how elections work, this isn't American Idol. Cameron didn't get his way so he's taking his ball and going home. Like a kid.

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