Brexit has happened

Yes, I would be against obama resigning due to popularity polls, don't try to get cute and pretend you know what I think. That isn't how elections work, this isn't American Idol. Cameron didn't get his way so he's taking his ball and going home. Like a kid.
Cute? Simply because I pointed out a scenario that conflicts with your stance? Hardly. Just pointing out the reality.

If a political, military or economic leader can't do the job, the honorable thing is for them to step aside and let someone else be appointed to get the job done.
Yes, I would be against obama resigning due to popularity polls, don't try to get cute and pretend you know what I think. That isn't how elections work, this isn't American Idol. Cameron didn't get his way so he's taking his ball and going home. Like a kid.
Cute? Simply because I pointed out a scenario that conflicts with your stance? Hardly. Just pointing out the reality.

If a political, military or economic leader can't do the job, the honorable thing is for them to step aside and let someone else be appointed to get the job done.
I said why it was cute, not for disagreeing with me but because you put words in my mouth you goddamn liar. They're still there, and so are you still sling shit. You posited your opinion as fact, that isn't what normal humans consider reality.

I also said why I disagree with your concept of honor, how many times must it be repeated to sink into your thick skull? You don't get to decide what my thoughts are, buttstain. That's the only divine wind coming from you.
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.

Nationalism is it.

Full of hope, lack of substance.

Full of soundbites, lack of intelligence.
It is about nationalism, and for good reason. Human progress is often two steps forward and one step back. The EU is flawed in that it didn't have the authority to protect member nations while simultaneously defanging those nations from defending themselves. The multiple and increasingly frequent terrorist attacks within the EU was, no doubt a major influence on those who voted for nationalism. It was a reaction toward self-defense.

Yeah, you speak a lot of sense. The EU was flawed and the EU didn't listen to the people. Things might change now, the problem is the UK is out of that changing process, so the process might happen differently.
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


You're absolutely desperate now, it's very embarrassing to witness, please get a grip.

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate. Maybe you don't get my point.

My point is that Nationalism can often turn bad. Johnson and Farage might join forces within the Tories now there's no need for UKIP, and bring forward Nationalism into the UK.

I'm not suggesting that Farage or Johnson are going to kill millions of people. I'm pointing out the problems with Nationalism.

These are men who did not use logic, did not look for the best for their people, but decided they wanted to tell the people how to live. Make the people believe in them with rhetoric and soundbites and made up stuff. We've seen a lot of that in the past couple of months.

But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died.
Make the UK Great Again.

Was it ever great?

Oh, yeah, it was great when it was committing genocide all around the world and interfering in other people's business.


See that? Some people see greatness. Other people see theft, slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing.

= great?
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.

Stop being silly.

See my post to the Austrian. I'm not being silly, this isn't a place to start flinging nonsense sentences at people.
You ARE being silly. We voted for Brexit and now you are trotting out pics of dictators. Are you from the UK?
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.

Stop being silly.

See my post to the Austrian. I'm not being silly, this isn't a place to start flinging nonsense sentences at people.
You ARE being silly. We voted for Brexit and now you are trotting out pics of dictators. Are you from the UK?

Haha, oh, you make me laugh. I'm being silly because I'm talking about Nationalism, when Johnson and Farage have been showing rather Nationalistic tendencies in the last few months (and beyond), right... er... the pictures, well... you chose to seem me trying to make Johnson and Farage out as like these dictators or elected Nationalists (Milosevic wasn't a dictator, Hitler was elected in but then become one), there's a danger of Nationalism. The dangers can run to the extremes of killing people, or they can be less extreme, but still harmful, I'm thinking Kirchner in Argentina taking the economy down to the pits and then talking about invading Las Malvinas in order to detract from her ineptitude, that's nationalism.

But all you've done is say "we voted out, and then you show pictures" as if all the stuff in between doesn't matter, we can just ignore the in between stuff, only two things happened, vote out and you put pictures.

Who's being silly?

Am I from the UK? Why don't you tell me? I'm sure you'll give me an answer you prefer anyway.
Make the UK Great Again.

Was it ever great?

Oh, yeah, it was great when it was committing genocide all around the world and interfering in other people's business.


See that? Some people see greatness. Other people see theft, slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing.

= great?
Ok. It's back on ignore for you.

So, you called me silly twice. Well, I can say that we perhaps agree with each other on this one thing, that you put me on ignore.
What Sadiq Khan wrote on Facebook

I want to send a clear message to every European resident living in London - you are very welcome here. As a city, we are grateful for the enormous contribution you make, and that will not change as a result of this referendum.
There are nearly one million European citizens living in London today, and they bring huge benefits to our city - working hard, paying taxes, working in our public services and contributing to our civic and cultural life.
We all have a responsibility to now seek to heal the divisions that have emerged throughout this campaign - and to focus on what unites us, rather than that which divides us."

Problem is, he doesn't control immigration, so.....
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


You're absolutely desperate now, it's very embarrassing to witness, please get a grip.

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate. Maybe you don't get my point.

My point is that Nationalism can often turn bad. Johnson and Farage might join forces within the Tories now there's no need for UKIP, and bring forward Nationalism into the UK.

I'm not suggesting that Farage or Johnson are going to kill millions of people. I'm pointing out the problems with Nationalism.

These are men who did not use logic, did not look for the best for their people, but decided they wanted to tell the people how to live. Make the people believe in them with rhetoric and soundbites and made up stuff. We've seen a lot of that in the past couple of months.

But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died.

"But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died."

"Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town"

Yes we have the FPÖ, we're currently challenging a Presidential Election that the filthy Leftists stole off us and "won" with 0.4% of 1% and Villach as well as three others in Kärnten are amongst the 95 out of 114 who "interfered" or "corrected" the vote tally, not too shocking as the SPÖ are in control of Kärnten, we expected it from them, good thing we were on the ball so to speak.

We're also on course to win our General Election, us being the most popular party in our nation.

Why are you rambling about the BZÖ and Jörg Haider died in 2008.
Yeah, you speak a lot of sense. The EU was flawed and the EU didn't listen to the people. Things might change now, the problem is the UK is out of that changing process, so the process might happen differently.
They can't vote on the process, but are Leading by example. If enough of the major EU players start thinking about leaving too, maybe all the other nations will take the hint of pulling their heads out of their asses (i.e. Greece, Ireland, Italy, etc)

It goes with the idea of "why pay for the cow if you get the milk for free?" The irresponsible nations are garnering all of the benefits of the EU and the richer nations without being held accountable for their misconduct. If the richer, more responsible nations "take their cow" back, the irresponsible nations will be faced with a major dilemma. The threat of this may be enough, but if not, I see more nations pulling out of the EU.

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