Brexit has happened

You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
You're a lying smearing asshole dud. You can't bluff your way out of it and try to pin it on me, shitstain. I imagine you got your promotions from tonguing out your superior's ass. Looks like shit is all you know "divine wind" ... LOL
Wrong again, weasel, but I expect you're used to that after a lifetime of failure after failure.
So that's the third lie this morning. You think you have the power to misrepresent people with impunity and make them angry. You're just a small man with nothing but "divine wind" to stink the place up with.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.

Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
You're a lying smearing asshole dud. You can't bluff your way out of it and try to pin it on me, shitstain. I imagine you got your promotions from tonguing out your superior's ass. Looks like shit is all you know "divine wind" ... LOL
Wrong again, weasel, but I expect you're used to that after a lifetime of failure after failure.
You don't even know me "divine wind", that's all you have to offer. I'm just pointing out you're a little guy with a feces coated keyboard talking smack. Don't blame it on me.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.

Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to preserve Nationalism , Heritage and Sovereignty.
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to preserve Nationalism , Heritage and Sovereignty.
IMHO, this vote is about a balance of security vs. wealth. Nationalism is more effective at preserving local security than a weak, toothless more "continental" agency like the EU. The EU has repeatedly proved it's toothlessness by failing to correct the mistakes of Greece and other spendthrift nations while simultaneously failing to solve the burgeoning problem of Islamic terrorism. Appeasement doesn't work as they should have remembered from the events of the early to mid-20th Century.

Britain is only the first to break from the EU over these issues since it's better to be less rich, but alive, then rich and dead....or to bust your ass working only to be taxed into the poor house to cover the spendthrift habits of others.

Nationalism is an effective tool for this situation even though, in the long run, it's not the best tool.

Nothing wrong with heritage, hence why so many people are interested in family history and DNA testing. IMHO, Sovereignty is better described as "directing one's own fate". In the US we call it "State's Rights".
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.

Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.

I see I had my influence !! Well ... glad I could help .....
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.

Interesting fact ... parts of London produced wild swings to the 'Remain in the EU' side of the debate ... I mean, wildly different from almost anywhere else.

It struck me that the areas which produced the most radical swings had one thing in common: those areas have populations which have a high percentage of immigrants / ethnic minorities living in them. What can be read into this ... well, do I need to comment ?
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.

Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to preserve Nationalism , Heritage and Sovereignty.

This doesn't mean anything.
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.

No, I don't think it was the situation was dire, more that the Brexit people had two charismatic people on their side, Johnson and Farage, while the remain didn't have anyone. These two used loads of soundbites and Nationalistic statements and the remain sort of just allowed them to do it. The remain's ability to get into people's heads wasn't there. And people like to be wined and dined and the Brexit people did just that.

I think a lot of people were frustrated that the truth just wasn't there.
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.

No, I don't think it was the situation was dire, more that the Brexit people had two charismatic people on their side, Johnson and Farage, while the remain didn't have anyone. These two used loads of soundbites and Nationalistic statements and the remain sort of just allowed them to do it. The remain's ability to get into people's heads wasn't there. And people like to be wined and dined and the Brexit people did just that.

I think a lot of people were frustrated that the truth just wasn't there.
Even Piers Morgan disagrees:
It may not be obvious to the political and media elites living in their hallowed, protected homes in privileged areas.

But travel to the north of England, or to the middle of America, and you will find very real fury with government and very real concern over the impact of perceived immigration control failures.

There’s an increasing large gulf between the politically correct ‘cool’ and ‘establishment’ crowd who view any publicly stated concern about border controls as ‘racism’, and those who have to live at the sharp end of it.

The clear message from this sensational day for any politician or world leader is this: ignore the concerns of the people at your peril.

Read more:
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.

Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to preserve Nationalism , Heritage and Sovereignty.

This doesn't mean anything.
Oh yes it does. It meant a lot to the British yesterday.
It was beautiful. White European Nationalism prevailed.

Dude, don't ruin the moment.
I don't think I'm ruining anything. Look at this sea of White British celebrating a new dawn of
nationalism right now.


Nationalism is it.

Full of hope, lack of substance.

Full of soundbites, lack of intelligence.
Globalism -
Club for spineless lemmings... Takers
Dip shit
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.

No, I don't think it was the situation was dire, more that the Brexit people had two charismatic people on their side, Johnson and Farage, while the remain didn't have anyone. These two used loads of soundbites and Nationalistic statements and the remain sort of just allowed them to do it. The remain's ability to get into people's heads wasn't there. And people like to be wined and dined and the Brexit people did just that.

I think a lot of people were frustrated that the truth just wasn't there.
Even Piers Morgan disagrees:
It may not be obvious to the political and media elites living in their hallowed, protected homes in privileged areas.

But travel to the north of England, or to the middle of America, and you will find very real fury with government and very real concern over the impact of perceived immigration control failures.

There’s an increasing large gulf between the politically correct ‘cool’ and ‘establishment’ crowd who view any publicly stated concern about border controls as ‘racism’, and those who have to live at the sharp end of it.

The clear message from this sensational day for any politician or world leader is this: ignore the concerns of the people at your peril.

Read more:

You're quoting Piers Morgan as if he's an authority on anything. He's not a stupid guy, but still, I wouldn't quote him.

However people are angry with the government because they need someone to take the brunt for their lives being bad.

Look at right wing groups like the BNP, Britain First and all of the other offshoots of the BNP. They're full of people whose lives are rubbish. They have nothing to live for much other than drinking, fighting, fucking. Then someone offers them a change. "Hey, dude, support us and we'll put you above the blacks and the Asians, you'll be someone then" and they believe it, they have that hope. So they look to the government and see the govt doesn't put them higher up the social ladder and they get angry with the government.

I'm not saying the government isn't bad, the govt often looks after its own interests of its own people. Labour are from the working class, but they let in loads of immigrants, something to be angry about, an easy way of getting angry. The Tories are all about the rich, something to be angry about.

But they don't go and vote for a party which offers to do things in the best way, because they don't understand what the best way is. They get taken in by the politicians, or turned off by the politicians. I mean, 29% of Britons didn't vote in the EU referendum, yes 71% was a higher than normal turn out, but in 2010 for a drab General Election there was 66%. So only 5% of the population managed to get out of their chairs and do something this time when they didn't the time before. That's the way it goes.
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

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