Brexit has happened

You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.

Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice to preserve Nationalism , Heritage and Sovereignty.

This doesn't mean anything.
Oh yes it does. It meant a lot to the British yesterday.

No, I meant what you said doesn't mean anything, it's soundbite city. It's using words for no meaning.

It's like a parent going to the teacher and saying "How's Johnny doing in class teacher?" "Oh, he's very symbolic", what did the parent learn? Nothing.
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?
You're quoting Piers Morgan as if he's an authority on anything. He's not a stupid guy, but still, I wouldn't quote him......
Dude, given your other posts, I think you'd be handing out thank you's and winner buttons if he'd slammed the vote.

Students of history know human society often swings like a pendulum between conservative and liberal, traditional and revolutionary. The turn around is usually when a population thinks their society is moving in the wrong direction. Sound familiar?

Satisfaction With the United States

Direction of Country
You're quoting Piers Morgan as if he's an authority on anything. He's not a stupid guy, but still, I wouldn't quote him......
Dude, given your other posts, I think you'd be handing out thank you's and winner buttons if he'd slammed the vote.

Students of history know human society often swings like a pendulum between conservative and liberal, traditional and revolutionary. The turn around is usually when a population thinks their society is moving in the wrong direction. Sound familiar?

Satisfaction With the United States

Direction of Country

Maybe I'm just not like other people. I don't support some guy just because he says something that is similar to what I say.

I'm a vegetarian, should I love Hitler?

Yes, people swing, and they'll find problems if they feel like it, and they'll be content when they feel like it.
Why is everybody so down on this? Everyone wants to preserve native culture anywhere else but Europe. In Africa or Asia, preserve the native culture, that's fine. Indigenous people of Europe get no respect because they have a lesser melanin level in their skin? Funny how that works.
Why is everybody so down on this? Everyone wants to preserve native culture anywhere else but Europe. In Africa or Asia, preserve the native culture, that's fine. Indigenous people of Europe get no respect because they have a lesser melanin level in their skin? Funny how that works.
The LWers are making this a racial thing. There's a lot more going on than Britons becoming supposed racists.

Example: Eight reasons Leave won the UK's referendum on the EU - BBC News
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.

No, I don't think it was the situation was dire, more that the Brexit people had two charismatic people on their side, Johnson and Farage, while the remain didn't have anyone. These two used loads of soundbites and Nationalistic statements and the remain sort of just allowed them to do it. The remain's ability to get into people's heads wasn't there. And people like to be wined and dined and the Brexit people did just that.

I think a lot of people were frustrated that the truth just wasn't there.

Brexit had number of major celebs behind it.......
Of course. While I showed the positives of staying the EU, I can see the negatives of the EU. It's a hard decision, however the thing that made me look one way and not the other was that people's lives, individual lives, would be better in rather than out. Ie, they'd be richer, but still subject to laws from somewhere or other that they don't necessarily like or care about.
Agreed about hard decision, which is probably why it was close.

OTOH, human nature being what it is, most people are content to stick with the status quo rather than venture into unknown territory. Since so many did, indeed, vote for Brexit, my guess is the situation is becoming dire. The multiple and increasingly more common Islamic terrorist attacks are, no doubt, making many Euro citizens uneasy. Factor in the unbridled spendthrift ways of a handful of EU nations and it just makes leaving the EU more appealing.

No, I don't think it was the situation was dire, more that the Brexit people had two charismatic people on their side, Johnson and Farage, while the remain didn't have anyone. These two used loads of soundbites and Nationalistic statements and the remain sort of just allowed them to do it. The remain's ability to get into people's heads wasn't there. And people like to be wined and dined and the Brexit people did just that.

I think a lot of people were frustrated that the truth just wasn't there.

Brexit had number of major celebs behind it.......
Damn, she's fine!
Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.
How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.
... OK. This is definitely sour grapes !!

You really do hate, with a passion, any Nation asserting its right to be a nation, with its own identity, its own control over its own future .. don't you ?

I've asked you repeatedly what your agenda is. I can observe one thing about it .. you're remarkably keen to see countries swallowed up by bigger bureaucratic power-blocs, aren't you ?

Perhaps the best response to you would've been to post the old Soviet flag. Were they 'happy days' to you, in your Universe ?

No. The UK has voted, and BREXIT was the result. I suppose you could do a 'Cameron' and go off on a sulk .. or, you could accept our decision with good grace.

Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.

All I've mentioned is highly pertinent. If your agenda is a hostile one, it means that you argue with the intention of achieving a hostile, harmful result. Given that ... it means your arguments are NOT good ones ... they're just dressed up in such a way as to suggest they MIGHT be.

Those Brits arguing the pros and cons on all this do so because of what they consider will bring a good result. Someone coming along knowingly arguing a line perceived to be a bad one, but argued as if it's a GOOD one ... it couldn't be more pertinent to know the truth lying behind it.

Consider this. Hand someone a glass of 'vitaminised orange juice', then tell the person that it'll be good for them. Be persuasive about it. It looks good. It tastes good. It is perceived to BE good. But, what if the glass is laced with poison, and the real intent, to do harm ??

Do you see my point ? Your pro-EU stance could've been KNOWINGLY harmful, advanced to do harm ... yet, as you'd hope, to persuade otherwise.

This makes all my inquiries about your motivation, and whatever lies behind it, reasonable. And your absolute refusal to satisfy any of it rather less than so.

[STILL ... does it matter, now, in practical terms ? BREXIT is a reality !!! You've lost !]
Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.

Well, that would be because the only people who are white nationalists are racists.
Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.

Well, that would be because the only people who are white nationalists are racists. the small minds of leftists, a white nationalist is automatically a racist.

Now a black, yellow, or brown nationalist is a hero, in the small mind of a leftist.
Christ, you're really on the attack aren't you?

Well .. am I ?

Problem is, I can't know precisely what I'm 'attacking'. You won't be candid about your origins, therefore, whether they may represent the taking of a particular line in the pursuit of a hostile purpose.

When I post, I post as a British person who believes in the right of the UK to follow its own path and know, and enjoy, its national identity. I make this clear to everyone who reads my stuff. You, though ... you pushed your viewpoint hard, and it could've been the viewpoint intended to pull British people away from what was truly good for them.

Since the EU is a control-freaking, autonomy-robbing colossus, passing edicts originating from countries NOT British, yet expecting the UK to implement them ... and, as the EU is in any case a house of cards just waiting to collapse (Greece gave us a taste of the EU's vulnerability), then OBVIOUSLY I'd question what drove you.

Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.

All I've mentioned is highly pertinent. If your agenda is a hostile one, it means that you argue with the intention of achieving a hostile, harmful result. Given that ... it means your arguments are NOT good ones ... they're just dressed up in such a way as to suggest they MIGHT be.

Those Brits arguing the pros and cons on all this do so because of what they consider will bring a good result. Someone coming along knowingly arguing a line perceived to be a bad one, but argued as if it's a GOOD one ... it couldn't be more pertinent to know the truth lying behind it.

Consider this. Hand someone a glass of 'vitaminised orange juice', then tell the person that it'll be good for them. Be persuasive about it. It looks good. It tastes good. It is perceived to BE good. But, what if the glass is laced with poison, and the real intent, to do harm ??

Do you see my point ? Your pro-EU stance could've been KNOWINGLY harmful, advanced to do harm ... yet, as you'd hope, to persuade otherwise.

This makes all my inquiries about your motivation, and whatever lies behind it, reasonable. And your absolute refusal to satisfy any of it rather less than so.

[STILL ... does it matter, now, in practical terms ? BREXIT is a reality !!! You've lost !]

Hostile? How is putting up arguments and talking about them HOSTILE? Oh, I get it, I didn't support your view of things, so that's hostile. Er....

You're saying that if I argue a "bad one" as if it's a "GOOD one", er... what are you going on about? If people are discussing things, and they think what I'm saying is bad, then they think what I'm saying is bad. If they can't counter my argument, and I can counter theirs, then maybe, in fact, it's their argument that is bad, and not mine.

Do I see your point? No, I think your point is a "bad one". In fact it's a three day old turd floating around in the toilet, it stinks so badly.

All your inquiries about my motivation were based on your desire to take the debate away from the issue, and to talk about me. I do wonder what your motivation is for this, but I don't need to give a damn, I just tell you that you're attacking me and that we're not talking about me, or you.

I lost huh? Maybe you lost too... give it some time. I wonder how much money you'll lose. I wonder if you'll lose your job, or are you one of those retired people who overwhelmingly voted to leave because they have no hope left in their life?
Problem is, you need something to attack, and you want to know stuff so you can go on the attack. Again, why the hell do you think I don't give information? Because of this very thing, people like you who want to ignore the debate and go on the attack.

We're not discussing me. So you don't need to know about me. You can deal with the ARGUMENTS as I put them. How difficult is that?

Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.

Well, that would be because the only people who are white nationalists are racists. the small minds of leftists, a white nationalist is automatically a racist.

Now a black, yellow, or brown nationalist is a hero, in the small mind of a leftist.

Well, I now quite a lot about people like the BNP, and they're racists, and they're white nationalists.

In fact, I'm struggling to see how a white nationalist isn't a racist. Maybe you'd like to enlighten me about all those white nationalists who aren't racists.
Well ... since, by your own logic, you've not given me the 'stuff' I need to know to launch any attack ... logically, no attack could have been launched ! So, I'm glad we agree that I've not 'attacked' you !!

No - my concern was that you might've had an attacking agenda yourself. Since you kept any news about that true agenda to yourself, and any pointers to it, ditto ... the whole issue of any 'attack' rests with YOUR contributions here .. and not mine.

I maintain that a pro-EU result would've been harmful in all sorts of ways to us in the UK. The real point is ... did you truly perceive that harm, AND, were you debating in pursuit of it ?

A lack of information as to your background and allegiances makes this - shall we say - 'open to interpretation' .. I suggest.

Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.

Well, that would be because the only people who are white nationalists are racists. the small minds of leftists, a white nationalist is automatically a racist.

Now a black, yellow, or brown nationalist is a hero, in the small mind of a leftist.

Well, I now quite a lot about people like the BNP, and they're racists, and they're white nationalists.

In fact, I'm struggling to see how a white nationalist isn't a racist. Maybe you'd like to enlighten me about all those white nationalists who aren't racists.
Of course you are struggling. Your mind just can't wrap itself around a white person being a nationalists. You can understand a black, brown, yellow nationalist. Proving you are the RACIST!!!
Does it matter? I place the arguments there, you debate them, or not.

You're looking for intent and all this stuff. Either my argument is good or it's not. Either you can attack my argument a lot, a little or not at all. So why the need to get information to attack anyone? It makes no sense.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.

Well, that would be because the only people who are white nationalists are racists. the small minds of leftists, a white nationalist is automatically a racist.

Now a black, yellow, or brown nationalist is a hero, in the small mind of a leftist.

Well, I now quite a lot about people like the BNP, and they're racists, and they're white nationalists.

In fact, I'm struggling to see how a white nationalist isn't a racist. Maybe you'd like to enlighten me about all those white nationalists who aren't racists.
Of course you are struggling. Your mind just can't wrap itself around a white person being a nationalists. You can understand a black, brown, yellow nationalist. Proving you are the RACIST!!!

I thought I said you should enlighten me, not just try and attack me back. I get the feeling you can't actually do this, hence why you need to make stuff up about me. You don't know me.

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