Brexit has happened

Make the UK Great Again.

Was it ever great?

Oh, yeah, it was great when it was committing genocide all around the world and interfering in other people's business.


See that? Some people see greatness. Other people see theft, slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing.

= great?

You're losing the plot, WTF?!

You're also saying that Britain must be "assimilated" into the Globalist One World Nation Agenda because of The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago.
June 23rd. Our Independence Day. yay!

Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


You're absolutely desperate now, it's very embarrassing to witness, please get a grip.

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate. Maybe you don't get my point.

My point is that Nationalism can often turn bad. Johnson and Farage might join forces within the Tories now there's no need for UKIP, and bring forward Nationalism into the UK.

I'm not suggesting that Farage or Johnson are going to kill millions of people. I'm pointing out the problems with Nationalism.

These are men who did not use logic, did not look for the best for their people, but decided they wanted to tell the people how to live. Make the people believe in them with rhetoric and soundbites and made up stuff. We've seen a lot of that in the past couple of months.

But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died.

"But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died."

"Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town"

Yes we have the FPÖ, we're currently challenging a Presidential Election that the filthy Leftists stole off us and "won" with 0.4% of 1% and Villach as well as three others in Kärnten are amongst the 95 out of 114 who "interfered" or "corrected" the vote tally, not too shocking as the SPÖ are in control of Kärnten, we expected it from them, good thing we were on the ball so to speak.

We're also on course to win our General Election, us being the most popular party in our nation.

Why are you rambling about the BZÖ and Jörg Haider died in 2008.

On the ball, or just decided they were fiddling things?

Says a lot about Austria when the FPOe are the most supported party.

Then again, I wasn't in Austria for too long, wouldn't live there again, not my sort of place, you know?
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

You do know that Cameron is a conservative, right? He's resigning because he believes leading the country in new future ahead requires someone else. It's not all that surprising, really.

Thing is ... did he have his PM job to actually DO the job, or just to satisfy his ego ? OK, part of the terms of that job have changed .. and in a manner wanted by the peoples of the UK. He should be appreciative of democratic process enough to follow through with it - AS OUR PEOPLE WANT.

It's not for him to say 'You didn't do what I wanted, so, I'll serve your interests no more'. I say this is unacceptable conduct.

This is from a poll, I'd like to see the real breakdown if it ever comes out.
Why do you think it would be different? Should a person's vote be weighted by how long they have to live with their decision? Let's not forget that, IF the EU unfucked themselves, Britain can reapply to join.
Here for you and Drummond and all the British people.



How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


You're absolutely desperate now, it's very embarrassing to witness, please get a grip.

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate. Maybe you don't get my point.

My point is that Nationalism can often turn bad. Johnson and Farage might join forces within the Tories now there's no need for UKIP, and bring forward Nationalism into the UK.

I'm not suggesting that Farage or Johnson are going to kill millions of people. I'm pointing out the problems with Nationalism.

These are men who did not use logic, did not look for the best for their people, but decided they wanted to tell the people how to live. Make the people believe in them with rhetoric and soundbites and made up stuff. We've seen a lot of that in the past couple of months.

But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died.

"But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died."

"Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town"

Yes we have the FPÖ, we're currently challenging a Presidential Election that the filthy Leftists stole off us and "won" with 0.4% of 1% and Villach as well as three others in Kärnten are amongst the 95 out of 114 who "interfered" or "corrected" the vote tally, not too shocking as the SPÖ are in control of Kärnten, we expected it from them, good thing we were on the ball so to speak.

We're also on course to win our General Election, us being the most popular party in our nation.

Why are you rambling about the BZÖ and Jörg Haider died in 2008.

On the ball, or just decided they were fiddling things?

Says a lot about Austria when the FPOe are the most supported party.

Then again, I wasn't in Austria for too long, wouldn't live there again, not my sort of place, you know?

Sour grapes, much ?

.. OK. Now that the BREXIT matter has been decided, do you want to tell us more about your motivations in pushing for what we now know was a losing cause ? Whether or not an agenda was involved, and, what it was .. ?
Yeah, you speak a lot of sense. The EU was flawed and the EU didn't listen to the people. Things might change now, the problem is the UK is out of that changing process, so the process might happen differently.
They can't vote on the process, but are Leading by example. If enough of the major EU players start thinking about leaving too, maybe all the other nations will take the hint of pulling their heads out of their asses (i.e. Greece, Ireland, Italy, etc)

It goes with the idea of "why pay for the cow if you get the milk for free?" The irresponsible nations are garnering all of the benefits of the EU and the richer nations without being held accountable for their misconduct. If the richer, more responsible nations "take their cow" back, the irresponsible nations will be faced with a major dilemma. The threat of this may be enough, but if not, I see more nations pulling out of the EU.

Maybe. I was wondering what would have happened if the UK had decided to stay. Would the EU leaders have decided they were in the right and continue, or actually start listening. We'll see what happens now. I get the feeling the EU is going to be hard on the UK to stop others from leaving.
How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


You're absolutely desperate now, it's very embarrassing to witness, please get a grip.

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate. Maybe you don't get my point.

My point is that Nationalism can often turn bad. Johnson and Farage might join forces within the Tories now there's no need for UKIP, and bring forward Nationalism into the UK.

I'm not suggesting that Farage or Johnson are going to kill millions of people. I'm pointing out the problems with Nationalism.

These are men who did not use logic, did not look for the best for their people, but decided they wanted to tell the people how to live. Make the people believe in them with rhetoric and soundbites and made up stuff. We've seen a lot of that in the past couple of months.

But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died.

"But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died."

"Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town"

Yes we have the FPÖ, we're currently challenging a Presidential Election that the filthy Leftists stole off us and "won" with 0.4% of 1% and Villach as well as three others in Kärnten are amongst the 95 out of 114 who "interfered" or "corrected" the vote tally, not too shocking as the SPÖ are in control of Kärnten, we expected it from them, good thing we were on the ball so to speak.

We're also on course to win our General Election, us being the most popular party in our nation.

Why are you rambling about the BZÖ and Jörg Haider died in 2008.

On the ball, or just decided they were fiddling things?

Says a lot about Austria when the FPOe are the most supported party.

Then again, I wasn't in Austria for too long, wouldn't live there again, not my sort of place, you know?

Sour grapes, much ?

.. OK. Now that the BREXIT matter has been decided, do you want to tell us more about your motivations in pushing for what we now know was a losing cause ? Whether or not an agenda was involved, and, what it was .. ?

One, and just one of the great things about you voting to leave the EU, that's NO TTIP.
.... you goddamn still sling shit.....your thick skull? You don't get to decide what my thoughts are, buttstain. That's the only divine wind coming from you.
Well that it didn't take long for you to reach the end of your intellectual rope and start acting like a Liberal Moonbat experiencing PMS.

Have a really nice day. Consider taking a Midol for those cramps.
Thing is ... did he have his PM job to actually DO the job, or just to satisfy his ego ? OK, part of the terms of that job have changed .. and in a manner wanted by the peoples of the UK. He should be appreciative of democratic process enough to follow through with it - AS OUR PEOPLE WANT.

It's not for him to say 'You didn't do what I wanted, so, I'll serve your interests no more'. I say this is unacceptable conduct.

What the fuck are you talking about, moron? There's nothing about it that's undemocratic. I don't care if he's resigning because his pinky toe has an owwie. Fact is that he should resign, no matter what. This is a big change. Big changes warrant changes in leadership. Period.

And yes, he probably is serving his own interests a bit, which is perfectly fine. You are not entitled to have someone do whatever you want, just because you want them to do it. Maybe he thinks this is a bad idea. Maybe he doesn't believe there is anything he can do that will make things go smoothly. Maybe he doesn't want to be remembered as the PM who presided over all the bad things he thinks are about to come. If that's how he feels, then yes, he should still resign. Because if he can't believe enough that he can accomplish as much as needs to be done, then he never will.

Some people are such fucking morons. Instead of being a whiny twit who wants to force someone to do something they don't want to do, get your head out of your ass and learn to accept the fact that in the grown up world other people get to make decisions about their own lives and there is nothing wrong with them doing so. They're not the ones who are bad people for wanting to do something with their lives you don't want them to do. You're the bad person for wanting to be their master.
.... you goddamn still sling shit.....your thick skull? You don't get to decide what my thoughts are, buttstain. That's the only divine wind coming from you.
Well that it didn't take long for you to reach the end of your intellectual rope and start acting like a Liberal Moonbat experiencing PMS.

Have a really nice day. Consider taking a Midol for those cramps.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
Maybe. I was wondering what would have happened if the UK had decided to stay. Would the EU leaders have decided they were in the right and continue, or actually start listening. We'll see what happens now. I get the feeling the EU is going to be hard on the UK to stop others from leaving.
Day dreams are fun, but the reality is more of the status quo. That's human nature. The Brexit has revealed the turd in the punch bowl to all who had previously been ignoring it.

Their action will, no doubt, precipitate a lot more action than if they'd stayed.

This is from a poll, I'd like to see the real breakdown if it ever comes out.
Why do you think it would be different? Should a person's vote be weighted by how long they have to live with their decision? Let's not forget that, IF the EU unfucked themselves, Britain can reapply to join.

No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. It's a sad state of affairs when old people are only thinking about 20 minutes of happiness that they won, compared to what might be best for the young people.

The modern world is becoming ever increasingly more independent and selfish, that's what exists, that's what you deal with. My personal thoughts are just "that's sad". Nationalism throws hope into people's faces, false hope thought. helmut Kohl did it in 1990, Trump's doing it, Obama did it, Bush did it, many leaders do it, they prey on people's fears and hope, not on logic and experience.

We don't elect leaders on whether they're the best any more.

Some people have suggested this. Instead of electing a government and trusting them to deal with all the issues, as like Labour did well with Education and Health, but shockingly bad with immigration, why not vote for different departments. Would it make a difference? Would it force people to think about the issues, or would these issues then get submerged in the gutter? It's an interesting argument.

You have China with a government supposedly made up of people doing the best for the people, but they don't have to listen to the people, but with democracy they listen to the people, or tell the people what to hear and then the people like how they say it.

In the early 20th century Germany chose the Weimar Republic and saw the flaws and changed to their new form and it works well, however it could probably be better.

But that's for a different thread.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
How about GB Nationalism Day.

Bring out photos of the great nationalists.


You're absolutely desperate now, it's very embarrassing to witness, please get a grip.

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate. Maybe you don't get my point.

My point is that Nationalism can often turn bad. Johnson and Farage might join forces within the Tories now there's no need for UKIP, and bring forward Nationalism into the UK.

I'm not suggesting that Farage or Johnson are going to kill millions of people. I'm pointing out the problems with Nationalism.

These are men who did not use logic, did not look for the best for their people, but decided they wanted to tell the people how to live. Make the people believe in them with rhetoric and soundbites and made up stuff. We've seen a lot of that in the past couple of months.

But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died.

"But then you're from Austria, Kaernten LOVED Jorg Haider, didn't they? I know they did, I saw the candles in Klaggers after he died, Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town, but even then he was loved. I knew people who looked around after his last election and went "oh my God, like half the people in here love this guy, where do I live?"

But then he died, was taken over by three guys who didn't know how not to take photos that didn't make them look ridiculous and the BZOe died."

"Villach was a little bit more subdued because it's more a of liberal town"

Yes we have the FPÖ, we're currently challenging a Presidential Election that the filthy Leftists stole off us and "won" with 0.4% of 1% and Villach as well as three others in Kärnten are amongst the 95 out of 114 who "interfered" or "corrected" the vote tally, not too shocking as the SPÖ are in control of Kärnten, we expected it from them, good thing we were on the ball so to speak.

We're also on course to win our General Election, us being the most popular party in our nation.

Why are you rambling about the BZÖ and Jörg Haider died in 2008.

On the ball, or just decided they were fiddling things?

Says a lot about Austria when the FPOe are the most supported party.

Then again, I wasn't in Austria for too long, wouldn't live there again, not my sort of place, you know?

Sour grapes, much ?

.. OK. Now that the BREXIT matter has been decided, do you want to tell us more about your motivations in pushing for what we now know was a losing cause ? Whether or not an agenda was involved, and, what it was .. ?

Sour grapes? No, why?

I didn't exactly enjoy my time in Austria, but then I didn't hate it either. I had some fun, had some not so fun, but I learned a little from it.

I told you already why I don't give personal information. I would have thought you'd have got it the first time, even the tenth time, but.............
No, I don't. The point being made is that those with hope for the future choose to stay in the EU, and those with no hope choose to leave. ...
Dude, you know as well as I do the young are usually a lot more on optimistic than reality warrants and the old are often more cynical than reality warrants. Instead of focusing upon the two extremes, look at the middle two groups. Over all, the split was close, but still weighted toward leaving.
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
You're a lying smearing asshole dud. You can't bluff your way out of it and try to pin it on me, shitstain. I imagine you got your promotions from tonguing out your superior's ass. Looks like shit is all you know "divine wind" ... LOL
You lied and misrepresented what I said. Your intellectualism must look good from your vantage point with your head planted in your ass. But I will continue to call you a lying smearing asshole no matter how much you don't like it. So much for your "divine wind". Get some air, you need it.
A post of lies from a person with anger issues. Have you ever been arrested or detained for domestic dispute issues? Ever been to a court appointed anger management class? Ever failed to promote because you don't have the maturity and emotional stability to handle the task?
You're a lying smearing asshole dud. You can't bluff your way out of it and try to pin it on me, shitstain. I imagine you got your promotions from tonguing out your superior's ass. Looks like shit is all you know "divine wind" ... LOL
Wrong again, weasel, but I expect you're used to that after a lifetime of failure after failure.

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