Brexit has happened

  • US Media Ignores Obama's Role in Brexit Disaster
    Newsmax ^ | 24-June-2016 | David A. Patten
    Watch any of the TV news talk shows Friday and almost all have ignored one important fact: the Brexit 'Leave' victory was another humiliating loss for President Barack Obama. In fact, some British polls even showed that voter sentiment moved decidedly in favor of Brexit after Obama traveled to Britain and urged a "no" vote. British voters delivered a stinging rebuke to Obama on Thursday when they opted to leave the EU by a 52 percent to 48 percent margin. So strong was the backlash to Obama's blatant attempt to influence the Brexit vote – polls following his April visit...

This one is real. The first guy is just an idiot. The woman in front of the diamond thing is talking about ENGLAND and not about the UK.

Some actually have genuine points, like the guy talking about spending money on art.
Don't the Brits know that white people are not allowed to be nationalists and to protect their culture. If they do, they are called racists by the left.

Nationalism is a four letter word to the radical left.

IMO this is not over. The elites will do what they can to make sure the vote is meaningless.

Well, that would be because the only people who are white nationalists are racists. the small minds of leftists, a white nationalist is automatically a racist.

Now a black, yellow, or brown nationalist is a hero, in the small mind of a leftist.

Well, I now quite a lot about people like the BNP, and they're racists, and they're white nationalists.

In fact, I'm struggling to see how a white nationalist isn't a racist. Maybe you'd like to enlighten me about all those white nationalists who aren't racists.
Of course you are struggling. Your mind just can't wrap itself around a white person being a nationalists. You can understand a black, brown, yellow nationalist. Proving you are the RACIST!!!

I thought I said you should enlighten me, not just try and attack me back. I get the feeling you can't actually do this, hence why you need to make stuff up about me. You don't know me.
You're right.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

It's actually a brilliant move, politically, by Cameron. The Parliament has to trigger Clause 50 to begin the process of leaving. He's resigned without doing that, leaving it to his successor.

Technically, Britain hasn't left the EU, and the vote is non-binding so there is no obligation on the part of the government to invoke Clause 50. Once Clause 50 is triggered, they have 2 years to negotiate the terms of the exit agreement.

I sincerely doubt it will happen. It's not practical or easy to unravel all of the agreements and threads of the EU and the Yes side is now walking back many of their promises to the public now that they've won, making many Britons reconsider their votes. It will take a lot longer than 2 years to negotiate the exit.

Many of the promises made were quite obviously not going to happen, but the Brexit people lied to get the votes. Somewhat like Donnie promising a wall and mass deportations that ain't gonna happen even if you're dumb enough to elect him President. Now those voters have buyers' remorse.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

It's actually a brilliant move, politically, by Cameron. The Parliament has to trigger Clause 50 to begin the process of leaving. He's resigned without doing that, leaving it to his successor.

Technically, Britain hasn't left the EU, and the vote is non-binding so there is no obligation on the part of the government to invoke Clause 50. Once Clause 50 is triggered, they have 2 years to negotiate the terms of the exit agreement.

I sincerely doubt it will happen. It's not practical or easy to unravel all of the agreements and threads of the EU and the Yes side is now walking back many of their promises to the public now that they've won, making many Britons reconsider their votes. It will take a lot longer than 2 years to negotiate the exit.

Many of the promises made were quite obviously not going to happen, but the Brexit people lied to get the votes. Somewhat like Donnie promising a wall and mass deportations that ain't gonna happen even if you're dumb enough to elect him President. Now those voters have buyers' remorse.
Since I determined quite some time ago you were 100% full of shit I don't believe anything you just said.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

It's actually a brilliant move, politically, by Cameron. The Parliament has to trigger Clause 50 to begin the process of leaving. He's resigned without doing that, leaving it to his successor.

Technically, Britain hasn't left the EU, and the vote is non-binding so there is no obligation on the part of the government to invoke Clause 50. Once Clause 50 is triggered, they have 2 years to negotiate the terms of the exit agreement.

I sincerely doubt it will happen. It's not practical or easy to unravel all of the agreements and threads of the EU and the Yes side is now walking back many of their promises to the public now that they've won, making many Britons reconsider their votes. It will take a lot longer than 2 years to negotiate the exit.

Many of the promises made were quite obviously not going to happen, but the Brexit people lied to get the votes. Somewhat like Donnie promising a wall and mass deportations that ain't gonna happen even if you're dumb enough to elect him President. Now those voters have buyers' remorse.
Since I determined quite some time ago you were 100% full of shit I don't believe anything you just said.

So what was the point of your reply?

Since you don't bother to research or fact check, it's not surprising you don't believe what I post. It's at odds with all of that Faux News bullshit you like to quote.
I was surprised to see the results this morning. The big government big money types were pushing hard for them to stay. I'm always amazed so many liberals vote against their own best interests but it looks like enough people had enough and France may be next.

Loved how Cameron decided to take his ball and go home, what a puss. I guess doing the will of the people wasn't his jolly cup of tea.

It's actually a brilliant move, politically, by Cameron. The Parliament has to trigger Clause 50 to begin the process of leaving. He's resigned without doing that, leaving it to his successor.

Technically, Britain hasn't left the EU, and the vote is non-binding so there is no obligation on the part of the government to invoke Clause 50. Once Clause 50 is triggered, they have 2 years to negotiate the terms of the exit agreement.

I sincerely doubt it will happen. It's not practical or easy to unravel all of the agreements and threads of the EU and the Yes side is now walking back many of their promises to the public now that they've won, making many Britons reconsider their votes. It will take a lot longer than 2 years to negotiate the exit.

Many of the promises made were quite obviously not going to happen, but the Brexit people lied to get the votes. Somewhat like Donnie promising a wall and mass deportations that ain't gonna happen even if you're dumb enough to elect him President. Now those voters have buyers' remorse.
Since I determined quite some time ago you were 100% full of shit I don't believe anything you just said.

So what was the point of your reply?

Since you don't bother to research or fact check, it's not surprising you don't believe what I post. It's at odds with all of that Faux News bullshit you like to quote.
My point was a concise as possible. You posited your opinions to me as fact. If they were facts you could have backed them up. I don't research for others, especially lefties.
A giant victory against the regressive left in a series of many to come.


Technically it hasn't happened until UK government act on Article 50 and that should come soon.

Nigel Farage completely BTFO the EU once and for all.

If even the UK can wake up and begin to put a stop to the multiculturalism madness, perhaps there is hope for the US and the rest of Europe.

There is already talk of more countries holding the same referendum to leave the EU.

The funny thing is, this is all happening mainly because of the migrant crisis, which is largely the fault Hillary and the Hussein's failed foreign policy.

David Oliver exposes some of the lies in the pro-Brexit claims:


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