Brexit Referendum Vote Is An Epic Scandal!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
By far the biggest mistake a country has made in the twenty-first century is unfolding in the United Kingdom with the Brexit initiative it will permanently ruin the UK as a top tier country economically and politically very sadly history will likely loudly record this event as causing the irreversible downfall of this great country! The really terrible thing about this self-inflicted wound the British people have brought on themselves is that it was caused by misleading and false statements and practices cast upon the general British public to get them to vote "leave" in this referendum; one could truthfully say the British people were lied to and defrauded for their "leave" vote. The list of the false statements in this campaign is shocking!

The British people were told if they leave the EU the 350 million pounds (like a half of billion dollars) per week the UK paid into the EU would be directed to the UK National Health Service system. The British people were told that if they voted to leave the EU the large number of foreigners migrating into their country every year would stop. The British people were told by the "leave" camp that if they left the EU the UK economy would not be hurt, the "remain" camp was fear mongering with claims of serious negative repercussions. The British people were told that if they voted to leave the EU that the exit would be handled in a considerate manner for the British people where the British people would be given plenty of time to prepare, the UK negotiators would be able to negotiate with the EU negotiators and get favorable terms on all the relevant issues needed for their future relationship with the EU. The British people were told that all the needed by the UK regulation and regulatory agencies for a post EU UK would be in place by the time they exited the EU. The British people were told that if the UK left the EU Scotland would not pursue seceding from the UK and joining the EU that the Scotland referendum held in 2014 which failed was the final word on that issue.

What have the British people and people throughout the world learned since the Brexit vote where the majority of UK voters voted yes to Brexit! That there will be no Brexit financial windfall going to the UK healthcare system after Brexit, the numbers were inflated after factoring in money the EU provides to UK entities the amount is cut in half and post Brexit the UK will still have to pay significant amounts of money to the EU to access the UK markets, that post Brexit because of the separation the UK GDP will drop, the UK is facing bigger budget deficits and any savings resulting will likely be needed to shore up general UK government spending. The British people learned that there will be no drop in migration of foreigners post Brexit, EU leaders have been emphatic and final there will be no migration quotas for the UK, the UK will be treated like everyone else if the UK wants open access to EU markets it will have to accept completely free migration of EU members into the UK. Since the Brexit referendum the British people have seen their currency drop to thirty year lows, their stock market drop ten percent, a certainty of their country's GDP falling and a massive coalescing forming of businesses currently in the UK readying to move parts or the entirety of their business out of the UK and into EU that in fact for all these years one of the extremely valuable assets of the UK was just that it was a foothold for businesses seeking access to the EU market.

Since the Brexit the British people have learned the awful news from EU authorities that there will be no negotiations about a British exit prior to the UK triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which makes the UK's exit from the EU irreversible which means the final state of things for the British people in regard to their relationship with the EU and its member countries and in regard to regulation the EU provided may not be entirely good and the British people will be largely stuck with that outcome! Further the vast majority of EU authorities have indicated that they want the severing of the relationship between the UK and EU once Article 50 is triggered to happen quickly they don't want the instability for their countries of a protracted separation; wisdom would indicate that a two year separation is way too optimistic try one year maximum! Remember this Brexit move by the UK has hurt the financial markets and the economies of the EU member countries prudent leadership by these countries will want to stop and reverse this speedily moving the UK out of the EU will help this goal; moreover, EU member countries stand to gain a significant economic up lift by businesses currently residing in the UK relocating to EU countries post the Brexit EU countries are going to want to expedite this economic benefit as soon as possible and further remember EU countries hold the power in the exit negotiation if the UK doesn't cooperate in an expedited schedule the EU can make the terms of the exit relationship worse for Britain and lastly remember there isn't a lot of love lost between many EU countries in the Euro currency that have had debt problems in recent years causing painful austerity on them and the UK which along with Germany was behind this austerity pressure from Brussels. Since the Brexit referendum vote in fact the very next day as election results were coming in and it was clear the leave vote was winning Scotland authorities made it clear their people's self-determination to remain in the EU was not going to be denied and independence referendum may not be held in the near future but if the Brexit goes through it will definitely be held which will almost certainly prevail meaning that the result of the Brexit initiative will be the British people will lose Scotland as part of the UK and likely Northern Ireland which will likely secede, because they voted to remain, and join the country of Ireland which is part of the EU leaving the British people with a dramatically weakened country!

To top off this mountain of misleading that the people of Britain were subjected to in this Brexit referendum and this is the mother of all tops is that the two main leaders behind this major referendum, characters that acted like Mahatma Ghandhi and Nelson Mandela figures for the movement have for all practical and intensive purposes abandoned the cause! The reference here is to Boris Johnson the high energy high volume leader of the movement and Nigel Farage the prim and proper guardian of British sovereignty. Post the Brexit vote it turns out Boris is not up to the job of leading the British people out of the EU and Nigel's goal was only to get the UK out of the EU the UK's status after that wasn't part of the bit he was committed to (nice of Nigel to tell everyone now) and also important Nigel just wants his life back although he's offered no solution for the British people's predicament that just want their life/future back for them and their children!

Hollywood couldn't have written a kookier script than what has unfolded in this Brexit initiative in the United Kingdom. This writer is not a citizen of the UK so has no legitimate say in how the British people chart their course on this issue. But as a person who is well educated and has a good moral sense I can say with full accuracy that the British people have not been treated fairly with this Brexit referendum it was not a fair vote there is way too much misleading, false statements and promises made to them for a fair vote finding. It shocks the conscience to make the claim that the will of the British people was fairly determined with this referendum vote considering the number of untruths involved, for a country whose history provided the foundation of democracy in the Magna Carta, this June 23 referendum is an affront to democracy for the British people were never given the opportunity to fairly evaluate the referendum question with the falsehoods connected to the campaign. The UK government should void thIs June 23 vote because of this unfairness and re-do this Brexit referendum vote thereby actually giving the British people their fundamental and natural right to have a say on an important question on how they are governed!
By far the biggest mistake a country has made in the twenty-first century is unfolding in the United Kingdom with the Brexit initiative it will permanently ruin the UK as a top tier country economically and politically very sadly history will likely loudly record this event as causing the irreversible downfall of this great country! The really terrible thing about this self-inflicted wound the British people have brought on themselves is that it was caused by misleading and false statements and practices cast upon the general British public to get them to vote "leave" in this referendum; one could truthfully say the British people were lied to and defrauded for their "leave" vote. The list of the false statements in this campaign is shocking!

The British people were told if they leave the EU the 350 million pounds (like a half of billion dollars) per week the UK paid into the EU would be directed to the UK National Health Service system. The British people were told that if they voted to leave the EU the large number of foreigners migrating into their country every year would stop. The British people were told by the "leave" camp that if they left the EU the UK economy would not be hurt, the "remain" camp was fear mongering with claims of serious negative repercussions. The British people were told that if they voted to leave the EU that the exit would be handled in a considerate manner for the British people where the British people would be given plenty of time to prepare, the UK negotiators would be able to negotiate with the EU negotiators and get favorable terms on all the relevant issues needed for their future relationship with the EU. The British people were told that all the needed by the UK regulation and regulatory agencies for a post EU UK would be in place by the time they exited the EU. The British people were told that if the UK left the EU Scotland would not pursue seceding from the UK and joining the EU that the Scotland referendum held in 2014 which failed was the final word on that issue.

What have the British people and people throughout the world learned since the Brexit vote where the majority of UK voters voted yes to Brexit! That there will be no Brexit financial windfall going to the UK healthcare system after Brexit, the numbers were inflated after factoring in money the EU provides to UK entities the amount is cut in half and post Brexit the UK will still have to pay significant amounts of money to the EU to access the UK markets, that post Brexit because of the separation the UK GDP will drop, the UK is facing bigger budget deficits and any savings resulting will likely be needed to shore up general UK government spending. The British people learned that there will be no drop in migration of foreigners post Brexit, EU leaders have been emphatic and final there will be no migration quotas for the UK, the UK will be treated like everyone else if the UK wants open access to EU markets it will have to accept completely free migration of EU members into the UK. Since the Brexit referendum the British people have seen their currency drop to thirty year lows, their stock market drop ten percent, a certainty of their country's GDP falling and a massive coalescing forming of businesses currently in the UK readying to move parts or the entirety of their business out of the UK and into EU that in fact for all these years one of the extremely valuable assets of the UK was just that it was a foothold for businesses seeking access to the EU market.

Since the Brexit the British people have learned the awful news from EU authorities that there will be no negotiations about a British exit prior to the UK triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which makes the UK's exit from the EU irreversible which means the final state of things for the British people in regard to their relationship with the EU and its member countries and in regard to regulation the EU provided may not be entirely good and the British people will be largely stuck with that outcome! Further the vast majority of EU authorities have indicated that they want the severing of the relationship between the UK and EU once Article 50 is triggered to happen quickly they don't want the instability for their countries of a protracted separation; wisdom would indicate that a two year separation is way too optimistic try one year maximum! Remember this Brexit move by the UK has hurt the financial markets and the economies of the EU member countries prudent leadership by these countries will want to stop and reverse this speedily moving the UK out of the EU will help this goal; moreover, EU member countries stand to gain a significant economic up lift by businesses currently residing in the UK relocating to EU countries post the Brexit EU countries are going to want to expedite this economic benefit as soon as possible and further remember EU countries hold the power in the exit negotiation if the UK doesn't cooperate in an expedited schedule the EU can make the terms of the exit relationship worse for Britain and lastly remember there isn't a lot of love lost between many EU countries in the Euro currency that have had debt problems in recent years causing painful austerity on them and the UK which along with Germany was behind this austerity pressure from Brussels. Since the Brexit referendum vote in fact the very next day as election results were coming in and it was clear the leave vote was winning Scotland authorities made it clear their people's self-determination to remain in the EU was not going to be denied and independence referendum may not be held in the near future but if the Brexit goes through it will definitely be held which will almost certainly prevail meaning that the result of the Brexit initiative will be the British people will lose Scotland as part of the UK and likely Northern Ireland which will likely secede, because they voted to remain, and join the country of Ireland which is part of the EU leaving the British people with a dramatically weakened country!

To top off this mountain of misleading that the people of Britain were subjected to in this Brexit referendum and this is the mother of all tops is that the two main leaders behind this major referendum, characters that acted like Mahatma Ghandhi and Nelson Mandela figures for the movement have for all practical and intensive purposes abandoned the cause! The reference here is to Boris Johnson the high energy high volume leader of the movement and Nigel Farage the prim and proper guardian of British sovereignty. Post the Brexit vote it turns out Boris is not up to the job of leading the British people out of the EU and Nigel's goal was only to get the UK out of the EU the UK's status after that wasn't part of the bit he was committed to (nice of Nigel to tell everyone now) and also important Nigel just wants his life back although he's offered no solution for the British people's predicament that just want their life/future back for them and their children!

Hollywood couldn't have written a kookier script than what has unfolded in this Brexit initiative in the United Kingdom. This writer is not a citizen of the UK so has no legitimate say in how the British people chart their course on this issue. But as a person who is well educated and has a good moral sense I can say with full accuracy that the British people have not been treated fairly with this Brexit referendum it was not a fair vote there is way too much misleading, false statements and promises made to them for a fair vote finding. It shocks the conscience to make the claim that the will of the British people was fairly determined with this referendum vote considering the number of untruths involved, for a country whose history provided the foundation of democracy in the Magna Carta, this June 23 referendum is an affront to democracy for the British people were never given the opportunity to fairly evaluate the referendum question with the falsehoods connected to the campaign. The UK government should void thIs June 23 vote because of this unfairness and re-do this Brexit referendum vote thereby actually giving the British people their fundamental and natural right to have a say on an important question on how they are governed!

You've had some fun with this, haven't you, Jim ?

The first thing to say - and I say this as an Englishman living in the UK - is that you've spun this to make things look just as dark as they possibly can. This tells me that you've an agenda to pursue ... whether just your own, or one linked to other 'interested parties' ... of course, I cannot know. But, you've really hyped up your 'case', haven't you ?

I'll concede your first point. The 350 million figure may well be false, and media pronouncements here are suggesting it. Perhaps a different amount does apply, though.

As for the others ....

As I recall it, the 'Leave' people said that we had a rosy future away from the EU. And indeed, I believe it. So, the financial markets have reacted badly, but then, they always hate what they perceive as uncertainty. Once the UK proves its ability to financially grow on the back of OTHER trading agreements, we shall be seen in a far more favourable light, and our economy will bounce back.

Consider the Wall Street Crash, almost a century ago. Shares were going down the toilet. But it wasn't the end of the world. America did not fatally implode ... it survived, survived well, and eventually grew. So, too, will the UK ... whose current 'woes' are rather more minor than the Crash I've just referred to !!

Also consider the EU's fragility. How much of a ripple did the tiny economy of Greece make, when Greece defaulted ? The EU saw some bad days because of it. Fact is, the EU is a house of cards waiting to topple. A chain is as strong as its weakest link ... and there are weak links to be found in a number of weak economies also forming a part of the EU. We in the UK definitely do NOT want to be a part of a sinking ship, when the EU experiences THOSE eventual fallouts ....

Immigration. This is an issue in flux. Brexiters wanted to end the 'We are in the EU, therefore, any EU citizen wanting to move to the UK is at liberty to do so' madness. Yes ... we wanted actual CONTROL of our borders !!! Imagine it .. an EU unable to insist that we take an indeterminate number of immigrants every year, who we're supposed to find infinite room and resources for !!

This was madness that had to be countered, any way it could be. Yet .. the EU is still trying to find a way of saddling us with those immigrants, regardless. What further proof could we need that the EU never was a friendly power to us, and that they deserved opposition ??

I think that if the EU refuses to learn its lesson on that, we'll be forced, ultimately, to completely shun trade with Europe. Presumably we'll simply have no choice. The UK is a finite territory, one already crowded, one NOT possessing infinite welfare and housing resources. Any power able to force big numbers of immigrants on us without an end in sight, must one day cripple us as a viable Nation State. Brexit was our only sane option !!

I'm unaware of any promise or assurance made as to the 'friendly'intentions of the EU in easing us out, gently, from EU membership. I invite you to cite proof of what you claim. Indeed, what we WERE told was that there was no precedent for what we wanted, and the process could prove problematic because of the 'unchartered waters' aspect of it.

We still voted for Brexit, though. Sanity demanded it.

The time-lag you prognosticate for our exit ... two years has been suggested, though some say it may take longer. Nowhere have I seen it suggested that one year or less is likely -- again, please cite your proof of such an assertion.

Scotland is indeed trying to trounce the democratic mandate of Brexit ... they're led by Leftie Nationalists who want to try and regurgitate an already failed Referendum on Scottish Independence, so as to become separate from the UK, and therefore to argue that, AS a separate power, they should be immune to Brexit and remain EU members. [In so doing, of course, they insult the entire Brexit Referendum result, and the very process of democracy embarked upon ...]

... Well .....

Spain and France KILL OFF Nicola Sturgeon's hopes of joining the EU in brutal humiliation

Oh dear - how sad ! There are EU members unwilling to agree to Scotland's remaining a member, as after all, they ARE a part of the UK, and were a part of the overall vote.

Bizarre - isn't it ? Scotland wants to fight to become 'an independent nation' .. and having won such independence, they'd lose no time in burying dreams of 'independence' if or when the EU starts dictating laws to them once more .. !!

They want independence, in order to ... lose it, pronto ??? Ahh ... Leftie logic for you .....

Anyway .. according to the 'Remain' side, our leaving the EU could one day trigger World War 3. And / or ... it could spell the end of western political civilisation.

Happily, the pro-Brexiters 'somehow' saw through that utter rot. And, here we are. With hiccups being experienced, sure ... BUT ... with our rosy future beckoning to us in the further future.

I'm looking forward to it. Especially as the timing may dovetail with the EU's implosion from its failing economies ....
"Brexit Accelerates the British Pound’s 100 Years of Debasement"

Brexit Accelerates the British Pound’s 100 Years of Debasement

100 years of debasement, eh ?

Then ... why did the EU ever accept us as a member in the first place, if we were so provably 'debased' .. ?

You might want to check the comparable patterns for other EU countries. Or .. not ...

Then again - you might want to try and match whatever declines we've had, to mismanagement from Socialist Governments. I'm sure you'd find such an exercise highly instructive.
EU diplomats won over by Sturgeon as they tell her 'We would welcome Scotland back to Europe'
  • 00:52, 6 JUL 2016
  • UPDATED 00:53, 6 JUL 2016

EU diplomats yesterday welcomed Nicola Sturgeon’s plan for an independent Scotland in Europe."

Read more at EU diplomats won over by Sturgeon as they tell her 'We would welcome Scotland'

.... OR ........

Spain and France KILL OFF Nicola Sturgeon's hopes of joining the EU in brutal humiliation

It makes no sense to suppose that Nicola Sturgeon could hope to win out. Scotland took part in the Referendum that led to a Brexit outcome. It took part, of course, AS a member of the UK !! Since it remains a member, and has no way of arguing that it'll definitely cease to be, at any time in the future .. how can it possibly have the authority to act as though it wasn't ... ??
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Yes, about two weeks earlier. The EU will welcome Scotland with open arms. You are so silly.
Yes, about two weeks earlier. The EU will welcome Scotland with open arms. You are so silly.

But .... HOW ?

The EU recognises the Brexit vote, and is pushing for us to make a start on the process of exiting the EU. Scotland is still a part of the UK, and took part in the voting !! As a member of the UK .. and with no way of proving to anybody that it'll ever cease to be (!!) ... how could Sturgeon possibly have the smallest authority to broker any form of 'deal' for Scotland, or, to see such an effort given the time of day by the EU as a whole ?

She can't say to them 'OK, we're in the UK, but we'd rather you somehow thought we weren't, so then we can broker a binding and workable deal based on a scenario that isn't true' ... can she ??

Being a Leftie, of course, she might be deluded enough to believe she can. But the EU is in no position to humour her delusions and treat them as though they were fact.
Does Guy Verhofstadt, 'former Prime Minister of Belgium', decide EU actions, all on his own ? He has that power ?

Besides ... Scotland is NOT independent. It needs to hold - again ! - a Referendum to arrange such a thing. It has already had one such Referendum, which resulted in a 'no, we want to be in the UK' outcome.

I repeat - Sturgeon lacks any authority to do separate deals with the EU. Her country is a part of the UK, it'll remain so for some considerable time to come (at minimum), and so is tied into the Brexit outcome. An outcome acknowledged as bona fide by the EU ...
Do you really think the EU would block Scotland's entry into the EU as a separate state? You are such a nutcase. Scotland will become an EU member if the UK really leaves, which now does not appear certain. LOL
Do you really think the EU would block Scotland's entry into the EU as a separate state? You are such a nutcase. Scotland will become an EU member if the UK really leaves, which now does not appear certain. LOL

Good grief. How many more times must I say it ?? Scotland is NOT A SEPARATE STATE. To become one, it must not only hold a Referendum (it took years to arrange the last one !!), but one that reverses the outcome of a previous one, one held not very long ago !!!

Scotland only has a chance of becoming an EU member IF it can reverse its former decision, via a fresh Referendum. This isn't very likely to happen. If it did, though, THEN, and only THEN, could it hope to be accepted by the EU.

Do you now understand this ?

As of right now, Scotland is NOT a separate political entity, separated out from the UK. IT IS TIED TO IT ... therefore, is tied to the Brexit outcome.
England existed for a thousand years before the EU, but some how leaving it will destroy them
By far the biggest mistake a country has made in the twenty-first century is unfolding in the United Kingdom with the Brexit initiative it will permanently ruin the UK as a top tier country economically and politically very sadly history will likely loudly record this event as causing the irreversible downfall of this great country! The really terrible thing about this self-inflicted wound the British people have brought on themselves is that it was caused by misleading and false statements and practices cast upon the general British public to get them to vote "leave" in this referendum; one could truthfully say the British people were lied to and defrauded for their "leave" vote. The list of the false statements in this campaign is shocking!

The British people were told if they leave the EU the 350 million pounds (like a half of billion dollars) per week the UK paid into the EU would be directed to the UK National Health Service system. The British people were told that if they voted to leave the EU the large number of foreigners migrating into their country every year would stop. The British people were told by the "leave" camp that if they left the EU the UK economy would not be hurt, the "remain" camp was fear mongering with claims of serious negative repercussions. The British people were told that if they voted to leave the EU that the exit would be handled in a considerate manner for the British people where the British people would be given plenty of time to prepare, the UK negotiators would be able to negotiate with the EU negotiators and get favorable terms on all the relevant issues needed for their future relationship with the EU. The British people were told that all the needed by the UK regulation and regulatory agencies for a post EU UK would be in place by the time they exited the EU. The British people were told that if the UK left the EU Scotland would not pursue seceding from the UK and joining the EU that the Scotland referendum held in 2014 which failed was the final word on that issue.

What have the British people and people throughout the world learned since the Brexit vote where the majority of UK voters voted yes to Brexit! That there will be no Brexit financial windfall going to the UK healthcare system after Brexit, the numbers were inflated after factoring in money the EU provides to UK entities the amount is cut in half and post Brexit the UK will still have to pay significant amounts of money to the EU to access the UK markets, that post Brexit because of the separation the UK GDP will drop, the UK is facing bigger budget deficits and any savings resulting will likely be needed to shore up general UK government spending. The British people learned that there will be no drop in migration of foreigners post Brexit, EU leaders have been emphatic and final there will be no migration quotas for the UK, the UK will be treated like everyone else if the UK wants open access to EU markets it will have to accept completely free migration of EU members into the UK. Since the Brexit referendum the British people have seen their currency drop to thirty year lows, their stock market drop ten percent, a certainty of their country's GDP falling and a massive coalescing forming of businesses currently in the UK readying to move parts or the entirety of their business out of the UK and into EU that in fact for all these years one of the extremely valuable assets of the UK was just that it was a foothold for businesses seeking access to the EU market.

Since the Brexit the British people have learned the awful news from EU authorities that there will be no negotiations about a British exit prior to the UK triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which makes the UK's exit from the EU irreversible which means the final state of things for the British people in regard to their relationship with the EU and its member countries and in regard to regulation the EU provided may not be entirely good and the British people will be largely stuck with that outcome! Further the vast majority of EU authorities have indicated that they want the severing of the relationship between the UK and EU once Article 50 is triggered to happen quickly they don't want the instability for their countries of a protracted separation; wisdom would indicate that a two year separation is way too optimistic try one year maximum! Remember this Brexit move by the UK has hurt the financial markets and the economies of the EU member countries prudent leadership by these countries will want to stop and reverse this speedily moving the UK out of the EU will help this goal; moreover, EU member countries stand to gain a significant economic up lift by businesses currently residing in the UK relocating to EU countries post the Brexit EU countries are going to want to expedite this economic benefit as soon as possible and further remember EU countries hold the power in the exit negotiation if the UK doesn't cooperate in an expedited schedule the EU can make the terms of the exit relationship worse for Britain and lastly remember there isn't a lot of love lost between many EU countries in the Euro currency that have had debt problems in recent years causing painful austerity on them and the UK which along with Germany was behind this austerity pressure from Brussels. Since the Brexit referendum vote in fact the very next day as election results were coming in and it was clear the leave vote was winning Scotland authorities made it clear their people's self-determination to remain in the EU was not going to be denied and independence referendum may not be held in the near future but if the Brexit goes through it will definitely be held which will almost certainly prevail meaning that the result of the Brexit initiative will be the British people will lose Scotland as part of the UK and likely Northern Ireland which will likely secede, because they voted to remain, and join the country of Ireland which is part of the EU leaving the British people with a dramatically weakened country!

To top off this mountain of misleading that the people of Britain were subjected to in this Brexit referendum and this is the mother of all tops is that the two main leaders behind this major referendum, characters that acted like Mahatma Ghandhi and Nelson Mandela figures for the movement have for all practical and intensive purposes abandoned the cause! The reference here is to Boris Johnson the high energy high volume leader of the movement and Nigel Farage the prim and proper guardian of British sovereignty. Post the Brexit vote it turns out Boris is not up to the job of leading the British people out of the EU and Nigel's goal was only to get the UK out of the EU the UK's status after that wasn't part of the bit he was committed to (nice of Nigel to tell everyone now) and also important Nigel just wants his life back although he's offered no solution for the British people's predicament that just want their life/future back for them and their children!

Hollywood couldn't have written a kookier script than what has unfolded in this Brexit initiative in the United Kingdom. This writer is not a citizen of the UK so has no legitimate say in how the British people chart their course on this issue. But as a person who is well educated and has a good moral sense I can say with full accuracy that the British people have not been treated fairly with this Brexit referendum it was not a fair vote there is way too much misleading, false statements and promises made to them for a fair vote finding. It shocks the conscience to make the claim that the will of the British people was fairly determined with this referendum vote considering the number of untruths involved, for a country whose history provided the foundation of democracy in the Magna Carta, this June 23 referendum is an affront to democracy for the British people were never given the opportunity to fairly evaluate the referendum question with the falsehoods connected to the campaign. The UK government should void thIs June 23 vote because of this unfairness and re-do this Brexit referendum vote thereby actually giving the British people their fundamental and natural right to have a say on an important question on how they are governed!

Where did you get this pack of lies from as we were told no such things at all.

We were told we would take control of our borders and be able to evict undesirable like all other nations can and do. We were told that the NHS would be easier to fund because the numbers of migrants needing treatment would diminish due to controls on who is entitled to treatment. We were told that migrants would no longer be given welfare as soon as they set foot in the country, and would have to fund themselves fully for 5 years. The laws of the EU say that we have 2 years from the implementation of article 50 to prepare for the transition.

We did not vote blind we knew exactly what we were going into, it seems that the neo marxists have spread their LIES in the US in case they decide to leave the American union and weaken the neo marxists hold on certain parts of the US.

Seems you dont understand that a democratic vote is binding and you cant keep holding it until you get the result you want. The majority of the people voted out and the vote was fair, legal and binding. Having a re-run would be the same as Wales demanding a re-match because they won. Or the numbers for the lottery being re-drawn because your numbers did not come up. You want to live in a nation with those rules then move to iran
EU diplomats won over by Sturgeon as they tell her 'We would welcome Scotland back to Europe'
  • 00:52, 6 JUL 2016
  • UPDATED 00:53, 6 JUL 2016

EU diplomats yesterday welcomed Nicola Sturgeon’s plan for an independent Scotland in Europe."

Read more at EU diplomats won over by Sturgeon as they tell her 'We would welcome Scotland'

Showing just how two faced the EU is after telling her she had no chance. Plus they cant do anything without the full approval of the Britiah governent which will be in 4 years time after article 50 and after the scots have declared independence. Not as simple as you think dumbo to just say we will be part of the EU in secret while still being ruled by Britain
"Brexit Accelerates the British Pound’s 100 Years of Debasement"

Brexit Accelerates the British Pound’s 100 Years of Debasement

100 years of debasement, eh ?

Then ... why did the EU ever accept us as a member in the first place, if we were so provably 'debased' .. ?

You might want to check the comparable patterns for other EU countries. Or .. not ...

Then again - you might want to try and match whatever declines we've had, to mismanagement from Socialist Governments. I'm sure you'd find such an exercise highly instructive.

Or look at why we were the only EU nation to be increasing our GDP when Portugal, Ireland and Greece were begging for money of the EU states who were nearly bankrupt. Why they rushed through laws so they could steal our money to prop up the euro after we voted against being part of it

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