Brexit victory means slump in the economy

Jroc finally admitted Bush failed yet Jroc will not condemn Bush for the unnecessary and immoral wastage of American lives and treasure.

Obama is not running, Jroc. Get that through your head.

Anyone, like bripat, who is supporting HRC, openly or covertly, is nuts.

Vote for Johnson.

Funny fake wanted Jeb Bush as the nominee :confused:
Jeb was your guy. I want Kasich. You are a neo-con who wants the entire ME under Israeli control.

First you wanted Jeb, then fat boy, then Kasich, who wants open borders and a pathway to citizenship for illegals..Typical establishment fraud :slap:
You wanted Jeb from the get go; he was your guy. I wanted Kasich from the beginning. Yes, I am a mainstream Republican. You are a far right reactionary winger who does not understand national or global security needs or the means to succeed in them.

Ive been for Cruz from the start fake...Trump was my second choice...Now I'll be going door to door for Trump:cool:
He announced his resignation soon after the results.

The economy was not doing well before this, it's just that those with money in the market had no where else to get a return, so they piled into stocks which inflate their price beyond their value. Hopefully this will bring some sanity back to the market with reasonable valuations. Got Gold?

The reading I'm getting from friends in The UK (but well away from London) suggests that Cameron was doomed long before the results. His performance is negotiating improvements to the existing rules were pathetically weak and his trumpeting of them when he came back from Brussels painted him as not just a fool but as a weak, impotent fool. The clock was ticking for a no confidence vote. He was able to hang on but had he come back and reported progress rather than triumph (which everyone new was exaggeration) he might have held off the vote until 2018 (the deadline he had self-imposed) and carried off victory.

But he rushed the referendum. Then in his argument in favour of "Remain" appeared petulant but without any of the articulation he should have learned while sipping white whine with Obama. While a fool, the man is not a complete idiot. He finally saw what was to come and offered his resignation-that-was-not-quite-a-resignation before it could be imposed on him. However, that could still happen and I would encourage it were I given the opportunity. One cannot be certain a coffin is firmly shut without driving the final nail oneself.

Most of those with whom I regularly communicate are not heavily into stocks and the few that are are trading internationally so have felt some effect from the temporary plunge but not as much as most.

As to gold - I can accept only the wisdom of owning unrefined gold purchased with cash from the source. Once it has been refined it has a paper trail. A paper trail that would make it child's play for Obama or His successor, no matter who or what, to confiscate the gold. As did Rooseveldt (intentional) when autocracy was in full flower.

I had high hopes for Cameron, then he became an Obama ass kisser and ruined it.....Good riddance
Jroc going door to door is the “kiss of death” for Trump

The British economy took a real hit, and the stock exchange will take a week or two to recover here in the states.
20 trillion in debt. more in poverty, on welfare, on foodstamps, under-employed than ever before in our history.

The stupid obamacare law has cost millions of full time jobs, as to the unemployment rate, it only went down because they stopped counting people who have given up looking for work.

Obama has been a failure in every aspect of being president. He will go down in history as the worst, most incompetent, and most divisive president ever.
Debt does not matter.....Reagan proved that when he established our current economic model of deficit spending to cover low tax rates

more horseshit. The government has only three sources of money

1. taxes
2. borrowing
3. print it

The problem is not revenue or money supply, the problem is a government that spends more than it takes in-------no matter which party is in control.

wake up, fool. This is NOT a partisan issue, this is an ideological issue.

Reagan established a model to cut taxes first and worry about spending later

Remember...Tax cuts always pay for themselves?

Who said that everything Reagan did was right? Your moral equivalency attempts fail as usual.
You brought up or national debt

It was all built on the Reagan model of play now, pay later and tax cuts pay for themselves

Deficit spending is wrong no matter who is doing it. The fact that you refuse to accept is that Obama doubled our national debt in 8 years. He added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined------------------and no, you cant blame that on Reagan or Bush.
Debt does not matter.....Reagan proved that when he established our current economic model of deficit spending to cover low tax rates

more horseshit. The government has only three sources of money

1. taxes
2. borrowing
3. print it

The problem is not revenue or money supply, the problem is a government that spends more than it takes in-------no matter which party is in control.

wake up, fool. This is NOT a partisan issue, this is an ideological issue.

Reagan established a model to cut taxes first and worry about spending later

Remember...Tax cuts always pay for themselves?

Who said that everything Reagan did was right? Your moral equivalency attempts fail as usual.
You brought up or national debt

It was all built on the Reagan model of play now, pay later and tax cuts pay for themselves

Deficit spending is wrong no matter who is doing it. The fact that you refuse to accept is that Obama doubled our national debt in 8 years. He added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined------------------and no, you cant blame that on Reagan or Bush.

I say, lets take a wait and see attitude. When something doesn't go the lefts way, it is always "doom and gloom." Brexit was a country of people wanting to reassert their sovereignty. I see nothing wrong with that, since they are the ones paying the bills. What lefties want is people paying the bills, and they get to dictate the policy. Pointy heads, they are so smart, they know better. No they don't! They are guessing, nothing more, nothing less. They have no economic models to tie their conclusions to. And besides that, look at Al Gore, who was the Vice President of the United States, proclaiming we would all be under water. Was he correct? Of course not! These people are nothing more than astro-turfers attempting to muddy the waters on issues.

As long as everyone understands that "Fake" and friends have no idea what they are talking about, and just want to scare everyone into seeing it their way, you can laugh at them constantly. It is more than obvious their income is from posting, and when was the last time "Fake" and friends told you anything close to the truth, lol. They are PAID posters for the DNC, it is plainly obvious. The economy is great, Obama is brilliant, Hillary is a star, Brexit will collapse the economy, illegal immigration is good. These are the positions that "Fake and friends" take consistently. Do you believe ANY of their truths? Then why would you believe this one; the one they are trying sooooooo hard to convince you is just all bad? Did you keep your healthcare plan? Did you keep your doctor? Did your healthcare bill drop by 2500 bucks? This is their narrative, so again---->all their credibility is out the window, and if they said it was going to be sunny and hot in the desert today, my 1st thought is that we are going to have a once a year rain storm, lol.
more horseshit. The government has only three sources of money

1. taxes
2. borrowing
3. print it

The problem is not revenue or money supply, the problem is a government that spends more than it takes in-------no matter which party is in control.

wake up, fool. This is NOT a partisan issue, this is an ideological issue.

Reagan established a model to cut taxes first and worry about spending later

Remember...Tax cuts always pay for themselves?

Who said that everything Reagan did was right? Your moral equivalency attempts fail as usual.
You brought up or national debt

It was all built on the Reagan model of play now, pay later and tax cuts pay for themselves

Deficit spending is wrong no matter who is doing it. The fact that you refuse to accept is that Obama doubled our national debt in 8 years. He added more to the debt than all previous presidents combined------------------and no, you cant blame that on Reagan or Bush.

I say, lets take a wait and see attitude. When something doesn't go the lefts way, it is always "doom and gloom." Brexit was a country of people wanting to reassert their sovereignty. I see nothing wrong with that, since they are the ones paying the bills. What lefties want is people paying the bills, and they get to dictate the policy. Pointy heads, they are so smart, they know better. No they don't! They are guessing, nothing more, nothing less. They have no economic models to tie their conclusions to. And besides that, look at Al Gore, who was the Vice President of the United States, proclaiming we would all be under water. Was he correct? Of course not! These people are nothing more than astro-turfers attempting to muddy the waters on issues.

As long as everyone understands that "Fake" and friends have no idea what they are talking about, and just want to scare everyone into seeing it their way, you can laugh at them constantly. It is more than obvious their income is from posting, and when was the last time "Fake" and friends told you anything close to the truth, lol. They are PAID posters for the DNC, it is plainly obvious. The economy is great, Obama is brilliant, Hillary is a star, Brexit will collapse the economy, illegal immigration is good. These are the positions that "Fake and friends" take consistently. Do you believe ANY of their truths? Then why would you believe this one; the one they are trying sooooooo hard to convince you is just all bad? Did you keep your healthcare plan? Did you keep your doctor? Did your healthcare bill drop by 2500 bucks? This is their narrative, so again---->all their credibility is out the window, and if they said it was going to be sunny and hot in the desert today, my 1st thought is that we are going to have a once a year rain storm, lol.

very good summary of the American left today.
I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign
The Dow Jones is up 11,759 points since you posted this.


“Wednesday’s vote paves the way for the UK to leave the EU on 31 January, awaiting formal permission from Her Majesty The Queen.”​

Here we go:


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