Brexit victory means slump in the economy

Sometimes you have to sacrifice so Nationalism and your country's sovereignty can prevail. This is one of those times.

When you consider the massive regulation and economic interference the EU imposed on the UK, Brexit will probably cause an improvement in economic growth.
You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion
Fake wants a panel of oligarchs running the lives of every day people:cuckoo:
What is
is that you supported Bush's insane ME wars led by oligarchs and plutocrat that resulted in 60,000 American causalities and nearly broke our economy..
I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama
MSLSD showing all sorts of charts that it was old white people that voted for the change. LOL

We knew it wasn't the muzzies who were voting for it.
And yet no one can explain why this is bad for us...........shouldnt we be one of the winners of their vote.......class.....anyone

Much of it is simple human fear of change. That will fade away within a few days. That part. But you can count on The Democrat elite and Republican establishment to try to milk it for their own benefit. Over there.....City of York is witness, today, to demonstrations which are, in effect, against democracy. An elite doesn't like the way the vote turned out so they would like to punish (or worse) the majority.

Especially look for Emperor Obama to express extreme petulance as he's taking it personally that Britain did not care for his jetting in to threaten them. In fact, that act alone may have provided the little lift it took to tip the scales to Brexit.

How dare they defy Him?
just another fake excuse for banks using high speed trading to stampede the avg rube out of their money......
You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion
Fake wants a panel of oligarchs running the lives of every day people:cuckoo:
What is
is that you supported Bush's insane ME wars led by oligarchs and plutocrat that resulted in 60,000 American causalities and nearly broke our economy.

Bush spent too much money and he's not running fake :slap:
You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion
Fake wants a panel of oligarchs running the lives of every day people:cuckoo:
What is
is that you supported Bush's insane ME wars led by oligarchs and plutocrat that resulted in 60,000 American causalities and nearly broke our economy..
Yet, you support Hillary who wants to continue those wars.
Ever heard the phrase "no pain, no gain"?
It will be well worth it in the end regaining their sovereignty
They'll be fine. Markets always fluctuate in uncertainty, but once they see things stabilize, markets go up.

Example, the US market before and after a period of "uncertainty":

You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion
Fake wants a panel of oligarchs running the lives of every day people:cuckoo:
What is
is that you supported Bush's insane ME wars led by oligarchs and plutocrat that resulted in 60,000 American causalities and nearly broke our economy..
Yet, you support Hillary who wants to continue those wars.

Fake's dream girl...

Jroc finally admitted Bush failed yet Jroc will not condemn Bush for the unnecessary and immoral wastage of American lives and treasure.

Obama is not running, Jroc. Get that through your head.

Anyone, like bripat, who is supporting HRC, openly or covertly, is nuts.

Vote for Johnson.
OK, the crazies are on the loose.

The falls will be worldwide primarily in the equities markets.

Citi, JP Morgan, etc., are down and down.

Fake thinks its great when people lose their liberties, as long as the value of his portfolio increases...A typical, establishment, left wing, scumbag

They are such liars, obviously they aren't worried that markets are down when they are getting their way, like with Obamacare. Suddenly it's a standard ...
You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion

total bullshit. It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with intelligence and the desire to control ones own life. Socialism has failed, as it always does. Freedom works, as it always has. You are a relic of the 60s Marxist collectivist brainwashing. Said another way, you are a loser.
Your way is the unthinking, unwashed silliness of the mccarthyism of the fifties. The millennials want nothing to do with the wacky reactionary rump raiding rangers of the far right.

Wrong, millenials want an opportunity to succeed on their own merits, they do not want to be slaves or sheep to the federal government.

Face it dude, Obama has destroyed the libtardian dream and the dem party for the next 20 or 30 years. You dumb assholes put him in office, now you reap what you sowed.

Yes we did reap to the tune of....

10 million more jobs, stock market more than doubled, low gas prices, strongest dollar in a generation

100 million out of work, lowest GDP growth in the history of the US, record numbers on welfare, 20 trillion in debt. That's what the bumbling idiot has done. These are numbers that the left is proud of. It's appalling and despicable, actually.
You blew it with your first lie in your first word

Try again
Wrong, millenials want an opportunity to succeed on their own merits, they do not want to be slaves or sheep to the federal government.

Face it dude, Obama has destroyed the libtardian dream and the dem party for the next 20 or 30 years. You dumb assholes put him in office, now you reap what you sowed.

Yes we did reap to the tune of....

10 million more jobs, stock market more than doubled, low gas prices, strongest dollar in a generation

Sure, except that obozo had nothing to do with the market or gas prices. As to jobs, more part time minimum wage jobs is not something to brag about.

Care to discuss the doubling of the national debt, the increases in the number living in poverty, on food stamps, on welfare, or who can no longer afford their medical insurance?
Can't have it both ways pal

Republicans predicted Obamas policies would lead to economic disaster ( train wreck)

Never happened

20 trillion in debt. more in poverty, on welfare, on foodstamps, under-employed than ever before in our history.

The stupid obamacare law has cost millions of full time jobs, as to the unemployment rate, it only went down because they stopped counting people who have given up looking for work.

Obama has been a failure in every aspect of being president. He will go down in history as the worst, most incompetent, and most divisive president ever.
Debt does not matter.....Reagan proved that when he established our current economic model of deficit spending to cover low tax rates

more horseshit. The government has only three sources of money

1. taxes
2. borrowing
3. print it

The problem is not revenue or money supply, the problem is a government that spends more than it takes in-------no matter which party is in control.

wake up, fool. This is NOT a partisan issue, this is an ideological issue.
Wrong, millenials want an opportunity to succeed on their own merits, they do not want to be slaves or sheep to the federal government.

Face it dude, Obama has destroyed the libtardian dream and the dem party for the next 20 or 30 years. You dumb assholes put him in office, now you reap what you sowed.

Yes we did reap to the tune of....

10 million more jobs, stock market more than doubled, low gas prices, strongest dollar in a generation

Ohhhhh, Mr Astro turfer to the lefties rescue, and he uses cherry picked stats, lol.

1. 10 million more jobs! Average pay of those jobs, average hours, and with so many jobs, why is social services use rising? Explain-)

2. Stock market more than doubled! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, how many poor people are in the stock market? Income inequality? Stock market doubled? There you go for the reason-)

3. Low gas prices? Who is trying to stop fracking? Obama and the left. Need I say more, lol.

4. Strongest dollar in a generation? LIE! Maybe against other currencies, but ask if your dollar today is worth what it was in 1995. Answer, NO! 2005? NO! So aren't you a little off there Winger with what you are saying, lol!

The jobs numbers are well documented. Unemployment dropped from 10.1 to 4.7 and that was in all jobs sectors

A hundred million Americans have 401k heavily invested in stocks

Obamagas is selling at record low numbers. Republicans predicted $6 a gallon gas if Obama was reelected. It dropped below $2

please list the specific things that Obama has done that has caused either the market to go up or gas prices to go down. Specific things that he has done, not BS talking points.
OK....let's go there

Obama stopped a depression
He took over an economy losing 750,000 jobs a month, a stock market that had dropped 7000 points, banks and the auto industry on the verge of collapse

The market was in a panic with investors pulling out by the day

Obama stepped up and declared the U.S. Government would stand behind our banks, they would not fail. He took over the auto companies. He pumped $800 billion into an economy everyone else was pulling out of

OMG, you are truly brainwashed. None of that is true. There was no depression in 08, there was a market correction, nothing more.

The auto industry would have been just fine after a structured bankruptcy, the bail out was to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC.

Stimupork did nothing but cause inflation that hurt the middle and lower classes.

Are you really as stupid as you appear, or are you being paid to post this bullshit?
Yes we did reap to the tune of....

10 million more jobs, stock market more than doubled, low gas prices, strongest dollar in a generation

Sure, except that obozo had nothing to do with the market or gas prices. As to jobs, more part time minimum wage jobs is not something to brag about.

Care to discuss the doubling of the national debt, the increases in the number living in poverty, on food stamps, on welfare, or who can no longer afford their medical insurance?
Can't have it both ways pal

Republicans predicted Obamas policies would lead to economic disaster ( train wreck)

Never happened

20 trillion in debt. more in poverty, on welfare, on foodstamps, under-employed than ever before in our history.

The stupid obamacare law has cost millions of full time jobs, as to the unemployment rate, it only went down because they stopped counting people who have given up looking for work.

Obama has been a failure in every aspect of being president. He will go down in history as the worst, most incompetent, and most divisive president ever.
Debt does not matter.....Reagan proved that when he established our current economic model of deficit spending to cover low tax rates

more horseshit. The government has only three sources of money

1. taxes
2. borrowing
3. print it

The problem is not revenue or money supply, the problem is a government that spends more than it takes in-------no matter which party is in control.

wake up, fool. This is NOT a partisan issue, this is an ideological issue.

Reagan established a model to cut taxes first and worry about spending later

Remember...Tax cuts always pay for themselves?
Yes we did reap to the tune of....

10 million more jobs, stock market more than doubled, low gas prices, strongest dollar in a generation

Ohhhhh, Mr Astro turfer to the lefties rescue, and he uses cherry picked stats, lol.

1. 10 million more jobs! Average pay of those jobs, average hours, and with so many jobs, why is social services use rising? Explain-)

2. Stock market more than doubled! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, how many poor people are in the stock market? Income inequality? Stock market doubled? There you go for the reason-)

3. Low gas prices? Who is trying to stop fracking? Obama and the left. Need I say more, lol.

4. Strongest dollar in a generation? LIE! Maybe against other currencies, but ask if your dollar today is worth what it was in 1995. Answer, NO! 2005? NO! So aren't you a little off there Winger with what you are saying, lol!

The jobs numbers are well documented. Unemployment dropped from 10.1 to 4.7 and that was in all jobs sectors

A hundred million Americans have 401k heavily invested in stocks

Obamagas is selling at record low numbers. Republicans predicted $6 a gallon gas if Obama was reelected. It dropped below $2

please list the specific things that Obama has done that has caused either the market to go up or gas prices to go down. Specific things that he has done, not BS talking points.
OK....let's go there

Obama stopped a depression
He took over an economy losing 750,000 jobs a month, a stock market that had dropped 7000 points, banks and the auto industry on the verge of collapse

The market was in a panic with investors pulling out by the day

Obama stepped up and declared the U.S. Government would stand behind our banks, they would not fail. He took over the auto companies. He pumped $800 billion into an economy everyone else was pulling out of

OMG, you are truly brainwashed. None of that is true. There was no depression in 08, there was a market correction, nothing more.

The auto industry would have been just fine after a structured bankruptcy, the bail out was to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC.

Stimupork did nothing but cause inflation that hurt the middle and lower classes.

Are you really as stupid as you appear, or are you being paid to post this bullshit?

You sound like Hoover in 1930.... Prosperity is just around the corner
Sure, except that obozo had nothing to do with the market or gas prices. As to jobs, more part time minimum wage jobs is not something to brag about.

Care to discuss the doubling of the national debt, the increases in the number living in poverty, on food stamps, on welfare, or who can no longer afford their medical insurance?
Can't have it both ways pal

Republicans predicted Obamas policies would lead to economic disaster ( train wreck)

Never happened

20 trillion in debt. more in poverty, on welfare, on foodstamps, under-employed than ever before in our history.

The stupid obamacare law has cost millions of full time jobs, as to the unemployment rate, it only went down because they stopped counting people who have given up looking for work.

Obama has been a failure in every aspect of being president. He will go down in history as the worst, most incompetent, and most divisive president ever.
Debt does not matter.....Reagan proved that when he established our current economic model of deficit spending to cover low tax rates

more horseshit. The government has only three sources of money

1. taxes
2. borrowing
3. print it

The problem is not revenue or money supply, the problem is a government that spends more than it takes in-------no matter which party is in control.

wake up, fool. This is NOT a partisan issue, this is an ideological issue.

Reagan established a model to cut taxes first and worry about spending later

Remember...Tax cuts always pay for themselves?

Who said that everything Reagan did was right? Your moral equivalency attempts fail as usual.
Ohhhhh, Mr Astro turfer to the lefties rescue, and he uses cherry picked stats, lol.

1. 10 million more jobs! Average pay of those jobs, average hours, and with so many jobs, why is social services use rising? Explain-)

2. Stock market more than doubled! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, how many poor people are in the stock market? Income inequality? Stock market doubled? There you go for the reason-)

3. Low gas prices? Who is trying to stop fracking? Obama and the left. Need I say more, lol.

4. Strongest dollar in a generation? LIE! Maybe against other currencies, but ask if your dollar today is worth what it was in 1995. Answer, NO! 2005? NO! So aren't you a little off there Winger with what you are saying, lol!

The jobs numbers are well documented. Unemployment dropped from 10.1 to 4.7 and that was in all jobs sectors

A hundred million Americans have 401k heavily invested in stocks

Obamagas is selling at record low numbers. Republicans predicted $6 a gallon gas if Obama was reelected. It dropped below $2

please list the specific things that Obama has done that has caused either the market to go up or gas prices to go down. Specific things that he has done, not BS talking points.
OK....let's go there

Obama stopped a depression
He took over an economy losing 750,000 jobs a month, a stock market that had dropped 7000 points, banks and the auto industry on the verge of collapse

The market was in a panic with investors pulling out by the day

Obama stepped up and declared the U.S. Government would stand behind our banks, they would not fail. He took over the auto companies. He pumped $800 billion into an economy everyone else was pulling out of

OMG, you are truly brainwashed. None of that is true. There was no depression in 08, there was a market correction, nothing more.

The auto industry would have been just fine after a structured bankruptcy, the bail out was to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC.

Stimupork did nothing but cause inflation that hurt the middle and lower classes.

Are you really as stupid as you appear, or are you being paid to post this bullshit?

You sound like Hoover in 1930.... Prosperity is just around the corner

In spite of obozo and 50 years of failed liberal policies, the USA remains the best nation in the history of the world. You left wing assholes will never bring it down, no matter how hard you try.
Yes we did reap to the tune of....

10 million more jobs, stock market more than doubled, low gas prices, strongest dollar in a generation

Ohhhhh, Mr Astro turfer to the lefties rescue, and he uses cherry picked stats, lol.

1. 10 million more jobs! Average pay of those jobs, average hours, and with so many jobs, why is social services use rising? Explain-)

2. Stock market more than doubled! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, how many poor people are in the stock market? Income inequality? Stock market doubled? There you go for the reason-)

3. Low gas prices? Who is trying to stop fracking? Obama and the left. Need I say more, lol.

4. Strongest dollar in a generation? LIE! Maybe against other currencies, but ask if your dollar today is worth what it was in 1995. Answer, NO! 2005? NO! So aren't you a little off there Winger with what you are saying, lol!

The jobs numbers are well documented. Unemployment dropped from 10.1 to 4.7 and that was in all jobs sectors

A hundred million Americans have 401k heavily invested in stocks

Obamagas is selling at record low numbers. Republicans predicted $6 a gallon gas if Obama was reelected. It dropped below $2

please list the specific things that Obama has done that has caused either the market to go up or gas prices to go down. Specific things that he has done, not BS talking points.
OK....let's go there

Obama stopped a depression
He took over an economy losing 750,000 jobs a month, a stock market that had dropped 7000 points, banks and the auto industry on the verge of collapse

The market was in a panic with investors pulling out by the day

Obama stepped up and declared the U.S. Government would stand behind our banks, they would not fail. He took over the auto companies. He pumped $800 billion into an economy everyone else was pulling out of

OMG, you are truly brainwashed. None of that is true. There was no depression in 08, there was a market correction, nothing more.

The auto industry would have been just fine after a structured bankruptcy, the bail out was to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC.

Stimupork did nothing but cause inflation that hurt the middle and lower classes.

Are you really as stupid as you appear, or are you being paid to post this bullshit?

Yes, the auto industry would have been better off if the government stayed out of it. They'd have restructured. The government bailout wasn't about the business, it was about the unions
Jroc finally admitted Bush failed yet Jroc will not condemn Bush for the unnecessary and immoral wastage of American lives and treasure.

Obama is not running, Jroc. Get that through your head.

Anyone, like bripat, who is supporting HRC, openly or covertly, is nuts.

Vote for Johnson.

Funny fake wanted Jeb Bush as the nominee :confused:

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