Brilliant Ann Coulter Column: "Media Magic: How Jeffrey Epstein became a trump scandal"

Ann Coulter, the United States Plagiarist Laureate. Why she even matters to POTUS apologists anymore, I don't even care to know.
this is absolutely correct about Jeffrey Epstein and his enablers, starting with the Democratic state attorney Barry Krischer, who wanted to give Epstein PROBATION.

Probably because these girls weren't reliable witnesses... they were claiming Allen Dershawitz and Prince Andrew were there...
But Acosta and Epstein’s armada of attorneys — Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, Jay Lefkowitz, Gerald Lefcourt, Jack Goldberger, Roy Black, Guy Lewis and former Whitewater special prosecutor Kenneth Starr — reached a consensus: Epstein would never serve time in a federal or state prison.

Read more here: Cops worked to put serial sex abuser in prison. Prosecutors worked to cut him a break
not for one minute do I believe Coulters blog.

60+ women accuse Jeffrey Epstein of sexual assault
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Trump stated in 2005 “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it–Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Fox News has covered the judge’s finding that Acosta violated the law for just 3 minutes and 44 seconds, with quick mentions on Special Report and Fox News at Night, and a report on The Daily Briefing. Perhaps even more egregious is the fact that Fox hosted Dershowitz (who helped create the plea deal) last night, and host Laura Ingraham conveniently didn’t ask him about the case.

While CNN’s and MSNBC’s coverage has been slightly more muted than what one might expect for a story of this caliber, both networks did more than Fox, particularly MSNBC. CNN devoted 15 minutes to the story while MSNBC spent 58 minutes covering the developments. CNN and MSNBC had multiple reports on the developments as well as panel discussions. CNN’s Jessica Schneider noted in her coverage that Epstein is “politically connected and he does count Donald Trump among his contacts.”

Fox News has a history of ignoring stories that reflect poorly on Trump and his administration; it seems the network is also willing to give Acosta a pass for his role in illegally helping a serial child abuser get off as easily as possible.

Fox News has barely covered the illegal plea deal Labor Secretary Alex Acosta gave to Jeffrey Epstein

Fox & Friends has spent less than two minutes covering Scott Pruitt’s scandals this week
Fox News downplays report that White House knew about domestic abuse allegations against top Trump aide Rob Porter
Fox & Friends ignores Mick Mulvaney’s pay-to-play admission
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