Brilliant Tweet by Ted Cruz

Yeah, I have this really annoying obsession with FACTS instead of POLLS.

Neither your 'facts' or Polls indicate support for your War. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time? ;)

The facts are trouncing the shit out of Rafael Cruz and his rubes. Obama does not need to convene Congress to launch missiles at Syria. That is a FACT.

i knew it.....he's out looking for an aspirin factory.....

remember Clinton's 'wag-the-dog' incident...and all the "facts" that supported that particular bombing?.....:lol:
Does anyone have any doubt Cruz wants Obama to call him in about Syria, just so Cruz can turn Obama down on the missile attack?

His feelings are hurt that he is not going to get to say no and earn some street cred with the rubes.

Let us know when you figure out why you want War and hate Assad so much. Because right now it's pretty clear you have no idea why. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

I am merely pointing out the vast ignorance and hypocrisy of the faux doves, dolt.

Why is it hypocritical to have been for the Iraq war and against a war with Syria? There are completely different circumstances involved.

There is a time for peace and a time for war. Why is it ignorant or hypocritical for each case to be judged on the merits?
Yeah, I have this really annoying obsession with FACTS instead of POLLS.

Neither your 'facts' or Polls indicate support for your War. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time? ;)

The facts are trouncing the shit out of Rafael Cruz and his rubes. Obama does not need to convene Congress to launch missiles at Syria. That is a FACT.

I'm not saying he does.

What I'm saying is that he's a hypocritical cocksucker for DEMANDING that Bush seek Congressional approval for overseas Military actions.

The motherfucker won't even call what we're doing a Military Action. Betcha. He'll call it something else like, "Overseas Contingency Operations" or something.

And what about Biden. Will he seek to file Articles of Impeachment against the Stuttering Clusterfukk? He's president of the Senate, he can get someone in the House to do it for him... Or can he?

What I'm saying is -- dimocraps are the lyingest scumbags that ever walked the face of the Earth.

And you're one of the worst of all of them -- A hypocrite, liar, cultist, knee-pad wearing sycophant douchebag.
I guess Obama is free to launch missiles or invade North Korea whenever he feels like it, since it's just a cease fire...


That is the first correct thing you've said all day.

Nope. I was being sarcastic. It is completely wrong.

Sorry your butt hurts from all these facts.

If Obama, or any President, wanted to break a cease fire and invade North Korea, he would need Congressional approval if the action lasted more than 90 days. You clearly do not understand the law.

Less than that, he does not need Congressional approval for a missile attack against anyone.

You are losing badly and don't even know it. But I'm not surprised. After all, you thought Clinton was before Reagan. :lol:
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Yeah, I have this really annoying obsession with FACTS instead of POLLS.

Neither your 'facts' or Polls indicate support for your War. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time? ;)

The facts are trouncing the shit out of Rafael Cruz and his rubes. Obama does not need to convene Congress to launch missiles at Syria. That is a FACT.

Doesn't change the fact very few support your War. You don't even know why you hate Assad and support War with Syria. You only know someone told you that you're supposed to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is a pathetic charade, to get Sheeple like you fully onboard for another useless War. You're actually the rube.
Neither your 'facts' or Polls indicate support for your War. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time? ;)

The facts are trouncing the shit out of Rafael Cruz and his rubes. Obama does not need to convene Congress to launch missiles at Syria. That is a FACT.

Doesn't change the fact very few support your War. You don't even know why you hate Assad and support War with Syria. You only know someone told you that you're supposed to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is a pathetic charade, to get Sheeple like you fully onboard for another useless War. You're actually the rube.

You assume much. Please quote where I have ever said I support war with Syria.

Knock yourself out.

You have voices in your head writing things on me that are not in evidence. A very common problem with which many people here are afflicted.

"He says Obama can attack Syria without Congressional approval. Therefore, he wants war with Syria." That is what you are manufacturing in your head.
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Foreign born Ted Cruz. Swallows some Root Beer. Scratches left nut. Opens mouth. Burps. Right wing says, "Oh wow, that man is brilliant". He marches to a different drum. They have unbelievable standards.
The facts are trouncing the shit out of Rafael Cruz and his rubes. Obama does not need to convene Congress to launch missiles at Syria. That is a FACT.

Doesn't change the fact very few support your War. You don't even know why you hate Assad and support War with Syria. You only know someone told you that you're supposed to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is a pathetic charade, to get Sheeple like you fully onboard for another useless War. You're actually the rube.

You assume much. Please quote where I have ever said I support war with Syria.

Knock yourself out.

You have voices in your head writing things on me that are not in evidence. A very common problem with which many people here are afflicted.

"He says Obama can attack Syria without Congressional approval. Therefore, he wants war with Syria." That is what you are manufacturing in your head.

Obviously, Congress should return to session and debate this properly. And i'm sorry, but you sure do sound like a Chickenhawk kook. Do you oppose this War or not?
Foreign born Ted Cruz. Swallows some Root Beer. Scratches left nut. Opens mouth. Burps. Right wing says, "Oh wow, that man is brilliant". He marches to a different drum. They have unbelievable standards.

:lol: Projection can be hilarious. You just described your own loony worship of your Dear Leader perfectly.
Doesn't change the fact very few support your War. You don't even know why you hate Assad and support War with Syria. You only know someone told you that you're supposed to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is a pathetic charade, to get Sheeple like you fully onboard for another useless War. You're actually the rube.

You assume much. Please quote where I have ever said I support war with Syria.

Knock yourself out.

You have voices in your head writing things on me that are not in evidence. A very common problem with which many people here are afflicted.

"He says Obama can attack Syria without Congressional approval. Therefore, he wants war with Syria." That is what you are manufacturing in your head.

Obviously, Congress should return to session and debate this properly. And i'm sorry, but you sure do sound like a Chickenhawk kook. Do you oppose this War or not?

No, he's just an obama knob-slurping, knee pad-wearing sycophant that will agree with ANYTHING the obama regime wants to do.

To her, obama is God and one just simply does not question God.

Think I'm kidding? Think again.

Cultists. the dimocrap party has become a cult
Doesn't change the fact very few support your War. You don't even know why you hate Assad and support War with Syria. You only know someone told you that you're supposed to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is a pathetic charade, to get Sheeple like you fully onboard for another useless War. You're actually the rube.

You assume much. Please quote where I have ever said I support war with Syria.

Knock yourself out.

You have voices in your head writing things on me that are not in evidence. A very common problem with which many people here are afflicted.

"He says Obama can attack Syria without Congressional approval. Therefore, he wants war with Syria." That is what you are manufacturing in your head.

Obviously, Congress should return to session and debate this properly. And i'm sorry, but you sure do sound like a Chickenhawk kook. Do you oppose this War or not?

If they can bother to come back from their vacation.
Doesn't change the fact very few support your War. You don't even know why you hate Assad and support War with Syria. You only know someone told you that you're supposed to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is a pathetic charade, to get Sheeple like you fully onboard for another useless War. You're actually the rube.

You assume much. Please quote where I have ever said I support war with Syria.

Knock yourself out.

You have voices in your head writing things on me that are not in evidence. A very common problem with which many people here are afflicted.

"He says Obama can attack Syria without Congressional approval. Therefore, he wants war with Syria." That is what you are manufacturing in your head.

Obviously, Congress should return to session and debate this properly. And i'm sorry, but you sure do sound like a Chickenhawk kook. Do you oppose this War or not?
There is no war, except between the rebels and the Syrian government. The US being in a war with Syria has also been manufactured by the voices in your head.

As for my being a chickenhawk, that's rich. I've been to war. I'm retired military, and I got pretty fucking sick of all the chickenhawks urging us to go to war with Iran during Bush's terms in office. So take that fucking bullshit up with their hypocritical asses like I am right now.
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Is Congress the ones talking about striking Syria?

Did Congress open their big, fat, ignorant, stupid suck-hole and draw a red line?

Is Congress asking the United States Military to prepare to strike somebody who isn't bothering us in the least, tiny little bit?

Yer a fucking genius.....

But one thing about mental defectives, you do tend to think alike and we can count on this line of thinking from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM if the Stuttering Clusterfukk does hit Syria without running it by Congress first.

Which, if the Stuttering Clusterfukk does, he will almost certainly lose that vote.

He is one stupid motherfucker, but he has GOT to know that.

So one scenario is..... He orders the Military to hit Syria before Congress gets back and gets the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to run cover for him by saying, "Well, he couldn't ask Congress because they weren't in session."

And then all the little commie boys and girls all over the Cuntry will start parroting that talking point.

Just a prediction, just a guess. But it has the gutlessness and the dishonesty of the dimocrap party written all over it.

Watching r-wing extremist heads explode is so comforting to me. Thank God Obama won!

Oh please, you know that the right wing is tickled pink over seeing obama fall flat on his face.

The only thing better is watching President Romney fall flat on his face. Oh wait...

Brilliant Tweet By Ted Cruz | The Last Refuge
Nothing brilliant about it. He's just saying what about a million other people on Twitter have pointed out.
Wow. This is some seriously funny shit.

Bush jails citizens without habeaus corpus, waterboards detainees, spies on tens of millions of Americans, starts two wars, creates a massive new Cabinet level department, grows the size of the federal government, doubles the national debt, and creates a massive and expensive new medical entitlement program. The faux conservatives defended and apoligized for ALL of that shit from beginning to end, while simultaneously screaming for war with Iran.

This very day, the same people bitch and whine about Obama tossing a couple missles at Syria, and tremble over the propsect of an imaginary war in their minds.

This brings hypocrisy to a whole new level.
You assume much. Please quote where I have ever said I support war with Syria.

Knock yourself out.

You have voices in your head writing things on me that are not in evidence. A very common problem with which many people here are afflicted.

"He says Obama can attack Syria without Congressional approval. Therefore, he wants war with Syria." That is what you are manufacturing in your head.

Obviously, Congress should return to session and debate this properly. And i'm sorry, but you sure do sound like a Chickenhawk kook. Do you oppose this War or not?
There is no war, except between the rebels and the Syrian government. The US being in a war with Syria has also been manufactured by the voices in your head.

As for my being a chickenhawk, that's rich. I've been to war. I'm retired military, and I got pretty fucking sick of all the chickenhawks urging us to go to war with Iran during Bush's terms in office. So take that fucking bullshit up with their hypocritical asses like I am right now.

You wanna kill ya some Syrians, then head on over. That's your call. Spend your own money & blood. No one should be forced to support your War. Just head on over and join the Rebels. Good luck and God Bless.
Obviously, Congress should return to session and debate this properly. And i'm sorry, but you sure do sound like a Chickenhawk kook. Do you oppose this War or not?
There is no war, except between the rebels and the Syrian government. The US being in a war with Syria has also been manufactured by the voices in your head.

As for my being a chickenhawk, that's rich. I've been to war. I'm retired military, and I got pretty fucking sick of all the chickenhawks urging us to go to war with Iran during Bush's terms in office. So take that fucking bullshit up with their hypocritical asses like I am right now.

You wanna kill ya some Syrians, then head on over. That's your call. Spend your own money & blood. No one should be forced to support your War. Just head on over and join the Rebels. Good luck and God Bless.

No, President Of The United States Barack Obama will decide how to spend your tax money, in this regard.
Wow. This is some seriously funny shit.

Bush jails citizens without habeaus corpus, waterboards detainees, spies on tens of millions of Americans, starts two wars, creates a massive new Cabinet level department, grows the size of the federal government, doubles the national debt, and creates a massive and expensive new medical entitlement program. The faux conservatives defended and apoligized for ALL of that shit from beginning to end, while simultaneously screaming for war with Iran.

This very day, the same people bitch and whine about Obama tossing a couple missles at Syria, and tremble over the propsect of an imaginary war in their minds.

This brings hypocrisy to a whole new level.

Bush is white. That makes all the difference to these white wingers.

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