Brilliant Tweet by Ted Cruz

It doesn't have to be on TV, but it does have to be in chambers with the opportunity for representatives to meet and confer.

obama didn't speak with all the congressmen or the senators. He called a few friends. The entirety of Congress and the Senate did not meet with one another.

He should recall Congress like James Cameron did in England, present his evidence, including all the evidence gathered by everyone else, and debate the issue.

If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.
It doesn't have to be on TV, but it does have to be in chambers with the opportunity for representatives to meet and confer.

obama didn't speak with all the congressmen or the senators. He called a few friends. The entirety of Congress and the Senate did not meet with one another.

He should recall Congress like James Cameron did in England, present his evidence, including all the evidence gathered by everyone else, and debate the issue.

Yes, you have to give Cameron and the Brits a lot of credit. Their System worked. Cameron lost, but he's handling it with grace. He's accepting the will of the People. I have much more respect for the man now.
All during Bush's time in office, the bloodthirsty maniacs on the Right could not wait to invade Iran. "Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb, Iran." The assholes thought we built tireless soliders in the basement of the Penatagon or something. What the heck, war in Iraq, war in Afghanistan, let's add Iran to the list. We can do it!

Remember all that tough guy "axis of evil" talk?

Now we are supposed to believe you assholes are doves? You think sane people can't see you for what you are; a bunch of bald-faced lying hypocrites?
It doesn't have to be on TV, but it does have to be in chambers with the opportunity for representatives to meet and confer.

obama didn't speak with all the congressmen or the senators. He called a few friends. The entirety of Congress and the Senate did not meet with one another.

He should recall Congress like James Cameron did in England, present his evidence, including all the evidence gathered by everyone else, and debate the issue.

If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.

Who are you referring to as "creeps?" Have you looked at the USMB Poll result so far? Have you looked at the National Polls? Dismissing so many fellow Citizens as "creeps", says a lot about you as a person. Shame on you.
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And the dolts in Congress wonder why they're despised so much. Vacationing, while they should be in session debating this incredibly important issue. Par for the course though i guess.

They may as well vacation. obungle hasn't recalled them. If they came back they would have nowhere to go. They can't be called into special session by anyone but the presidunce.

So, then if congress is truly out, the President should take the opportunity to make bunches of recess appointments.
g5000 said:
If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.
"When and if President Obama makes a decision on Syria, he must immediately call a special session of Congress and persuade the American people that what he proposes is critical to the defense of our nation", Mr. Cruz said. "I am confidant all members of Congress would willingly return to Washington to work with him on this issue."

Mr. Cruz said that Mr. Obama’s comments suggest the nation does not face an imminent threat, so only Congress has the authority to declare war.

He said the U.S. should take the lead of the the British House of Commons and the Israeli Knesset, which have called emergency meetings to take up the subject.

“In Washington, D.C., crickets are chirping,” Mr. Cruz said.

Read more: Sen. Ted Cruz: Congress must have say on Syria before Obama acts - Washington Times
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Infrastructure, science and technology instead of war with Syria.

No more worthless middle eastern war!!! Let's build America!!!

I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

Yeah. Here is the red line: If you use it on us, or on our people, then we send our military over there to kill as many of your people as we can, and break everything in sight.

I repeat: We send our military in to KILL AS MANY OF YOUR PEOPLE AS WE CAN, and we BREAK EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. We keep killing your people, and breaking your things until you completely and totally surrender. Then we hang all of you "leaders" for war crimes.

Then we return our troops home to continue training hard until the next son-of-a-bitch decides to attack us.

Until then, we stay out of other people's civil wars.
A White House statement released after the 90-minute teleconference said the call included, among others, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and 26 lawmakers — the chairs and ranking members of national security committees within Congress.

Obama prepares for possible action against Syria

So you see, kids, when Congress is on vacation, it is still possible for the President to talk to members of Congress. And it doesn't have to be on TV!

No one has said that the President can't talk to members of Congress while they are not in session. Straw man much?

What we are talking about is the Constitutional Requirement that Congress, as a body and not as individuals in that body, approve of any move to war. Which requires Congress be in session and debate and discuss going to war, as well as a vote on it.

Absent this, the President has little to no power to unilaterally go to war.

For both Iraq and Afghanistan, President Bush went to Congress and recieved approval. President Obama has not gone to Congress for a single one of his military campaigns.
And the dolts in Congress wonder why they're despised so much. Vacationing, while they should be in session debating this incredibly important issue. Par for the course though i guess.

They may as well vacation. obungle hasn't recalled them. If they came back they would have nowhere to go. They can't be called into special session by anyone but the presidunce.

So, then if congress is truly out, the President should take the opportunity to make bunches of recess appointments.

That's when they usually happen.

Congress cannot come back on their own and command the president's appearance, or in this case the presidunce's appearance. Democrats not being ordered to return wouldn't anyway. obama is miffed that he's expected to consult with anyone or explain himself to anyone.

What happened? The media-man, who can't wait to get on Letterman, Leno, or anywhere that he can put his face in front of a camera is suddenly camera shy? He sends stooge Kerry out there instead.
It doesn't have to be on TV, but it does have to be in chambers with the opportunity for representatives to meet and confer.

obama didn't speak with all the congressmen or the senators. He called a few friends. The entirety of Congress and the Senate did not meet with one another.

He should recall Congress like James Cameron did in England, present his evidence, including all the evidence gathered by everyone else, and debate the issue.

If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.

How on earth would Obama be "abusing" power by using the power he has to call a special session of Congress specifically to address the Syrian issue.

Does anyone honestly believe the President would be abusing power by following the law and getting approval from Congress for any military endevour?
It doesn't have to be on TV, but it does have to be in chambers with the opportunity for representatives to meet and confer.

obama didn't speak with all the congressmen or the senators. He called a few friends. The entirety of Congress and the Senate did not meet with one another.

He should recall Congress like James Cameron did in England, present his evidence, including all the evidence gathered by everyone else, and debate the issue.

If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.

Who are you referring to as "creeps?" Have you looked at the USMB Poll result so far? Have you looked at the National Polls? Dismissing so many fellow Citizens as "creeps", says a lot about you as a person. Shame on you.

I'm talking about the creeps who believe "if Obama is doing it, it must be wrong". That is not a majority, idiot. I know the voices in your heads tell you you are, but you are quite wrong.
g5000 said:
If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.
"When and if President Obama makes a decision on Syria, he must immediately call a special session of Congress and persuade the American people that what he proposes is critical to the defense of our nation", Mr. Cruz said. "I am confidant all members of Congress would willingly return to Washington to work with him on this issue."

For decades now, we have had many missiles attacks made on other countries without Congressional sessions approving those actions. Cruz is an unmitigaged demagogue who either has no clue what he is talking about, or else he does know better and is depending on rubes like you to not know any better.
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All during Bush's time in office, the bloodthirsty maniacs on the Right could not wait to invade Iran. "Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb, Iran." The assholes thought we built tireless soliders in the basement of the Penatagon or something. What the heck, war in Iraq, war in Afghanistan, let's add Iran to the list. We can do it!

Remember all that tough guy "axis of evil" talk?

Now we are supposed to believe you assholes are doves? You think sane people can't see you for what you are; a bunch of bald-faced lying hypocrites?

Red herring. The merits of a war with Iran are completely irrelevant to going to war in Syria.

Not to mention, there wasn't any strong inclination to go into Iran, despite the fact that most thought we needed to do more than what we were doing.

Nor was there any attempt to say we dont need Congressional approval to go into Iran.

The two wars that occured during the Bush administration both had approval from Congress. People might not like them, but Congressional approval is what mattered and President Bush had Congressional approval for both.

So what exactly is wrong with requiring President Obama to likewise get approval from Congress like the law and Constitution require?
If Cruz ever became President (which he won't, no matter how much he wants to) his words today would come back to haunt him.
If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.

Who are you referring to as "creeps?" Have you looked at the USMB Poll result so far? Have you looked at the National Polls? Dismissing so many fellow Citizens as "creeps", says a lot about you as a person. Shame on you.

I'm talking about the creeps who believe "if Obama is doing it, it must be wrong". That is not a majority, idiot. I know the voices in your heads tell you you are, but you are quite wrong.

It's wrong because the Constitution spells out certain requirements for war. Obama isn't following them at this point. If at some point he eventually takes this to Congress. He will be.

I have no doubt that a majority do want the President to obey the law.
g5000 said:
If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.
"When and if President Obama makes a decision on Syria, he must immediately call a special session of Congress and persuade the American people that what he proposes is critical to the defense of our nation", Mr. Cruz said. "I am confidant all members of Congress would willingly return to Washington to work with him on this issue."

For decades now, we have had many missiles attacks made on other countries without Congressional sessions approving those actions. Cruz is an unmitigaged demagogue who either has no clue what he is talking about, or else he does know better and is depending on rubes like you to not know any better.

What missile attacks on what Countries are you talking about?

Vague statement about vague actions are not a defense but simply the noise of an uninformed dimocrap.

What missile attacks on what Countries?
If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.

Who are you referring to as "creeps?" Have you looked at the USMB Poll result so far? Have you looked at the National Polls? Dismissing so many fellow Citizens as "creeps", says a lot about you as a person. Shame on you.

I'm talking about the creeps who believe "if Obama is doing it, it must be wrong". That is not a majority, idiot. I know the voices in your heads tell you you are, but you are quite wrong.

If obama does it, it IS wrong. Not because everything he does is wrong. He doesn't do anything that isn't wrong. He didn't call Congress into session as he is legally obligated to do. Why not? Because he's wrong and won't do anything else.
If Obama called Congress into session, you rubes would be screaming about abuse of power.

Like I said, there is no way to satisfy the creeps.

Who are you referring to as "creeps?" Have you looked at the USMB Poll result so far? Have you looked at the National Polls? Dismissing so many fellow Citizens as "creeps", says a lot about you as a person. Shame on you.

I'm talking about the creeps who believe "if Obama is doing it, it must be wrong". That is not a majority, idiot. I know the voices in your heads tell you you are, but you are quite wrong.

Check out the USMB Poll on this. And then check out the National Polls. You're conveniently dismissing the reality. Many many Americans oppose this War. I know it makes you feel better dismissing everyone as "creeps", but in the end it just says it all about you as a person.
If Cruz ever became President (which he won't, no matter how much he wants to) his words today would come back to haunt him.

I don't think Cruz is going to have a problem seeking Congressional approval if he is ever the President.
"When and if President Obama makes a decision on Syria, he must immediately call a special session of Congress and persuade the American people that what he proposes is critical to the defense of our nation", Mr. Cruz said. "I am confidant all members of Congress would willingly return to Washington to work with him on this issue."

For decades now, we have had many missiles attacks made on other countries without Congressional sessions approving those actions. Cruz is an unmitigaged demagogue who either has no clue what he is talking about, or else he does know better and is depending on rubes like you to not know any better.

What missile attacks on what Countries are you talking about?

Vague statement about vague actions are not a defense but simply the noise of an uninformed dimocrap.

What missile attacks on what Countries?

What missile attacks on what Countries are you talking about?

Shouldn't take that long for you to run back to your CPUSA Message Board for an answer.

What Missile Attacks on what Countries do you mean?

Before you C&P a CPUSA talking point, you probably should be able to defend it, no?

What Missile Attacks on What Countries?

Enquiring minds want to know

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