Brilliant Tweet by Ted Cruz

Obama has it all under control...........:lol:

So it would seem...because Congress is still on vacation and nothing has happened yet.

yeah right.....Obama just got bitch-slapped by the Brits.....

payback's a bitch doncha know....? :eusa_boohoo:

I feel bad for Cameron. He HAD to take the request to Parliament. When your most important Ally asks you to join a Coalition to strike someone, you have no choice but to go through the motions.

No choice. He couldn't refuse. So now, his political career is ruined and for what? For a scumbag that doesn't like the British in the first place? Sends them back a Bust of the greatest Politician and Leader of the 20th Century and sends them DVDs of HIMSELF that won't even work on their electrical systems? (they use 220, we use 110)

I hope Cameron recovers, but I don't know. 2015 is a long time off (their next major election) and if Syria gets out of control, he may end up looking like a genius.

This whole thing is about nothing other than a feckless, weak president opening his stupid fucking mouth and making a fool of himself.

And the whole World is laughing at him
Stand tall, sputtering bug-eyed red-faced Republicans. You do Andrew Breitbart proud, and he is surely now looking up upon you and smiling.

This also illustrates why it's so important to have a Democratic president. Democrats will be consistently rational no matter who is in office, while Republicans will switch to rabid warmonger mode the instant a Republican takes office. The only way to get a Republican to oppose bombing everyone is to have a Democratic president.
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He's not messing with an African backwater but countries with the capability of fighting back in all kinds of different ways.
Stand tall, sputtering bug-eyed red-faced Republicans. You do Andrew Breitbart proud, and he is surely now looking up upon you and smiling.

This also illustrates why it's so important to have a Democratic president. Democrats will be consistently rational no matter who is in office, while Republicans will switch to rabid warmonger mode the instant a Republican takes office. The only way to get a Republican to oppose bombing everyone is to have a Democratic president.

Take your meds and shut up
So it would seem...because Congress is still on vacation and nothing has happened yet.

yeah right.....Obama just got bitch-slapped by the Brits.....

payback's a bitch doncha know....? :eusa_boohoo:

I feel bad for Cameron. He HAD to take the request to Parliament. When your most important Ally asks you to join a Coalition to strike someone, you have no choice but to go through the motions.

No choice. He couldn't refuse. So now, his political career is ruined and for what? For a scumbag that doesn't like the British in the first place? Sends them back a Bust of the greatest Politician and Leader of the 20th Century and sends them DVDs of HIMSELF that won't even work on their electrical systems? (they use 220, we use 110)

I hope Cameron recovers, but I don't know. 2015 is a long time off (their next major election) and if Syria gets out of control, he may end up looking like a genius.

This whole thing is about nothing other than a feckless, weak president opening his stupid fucking mouth and making a fool of himself.

And the whole World is laughing at him

Cameron's political career isn't ruined! It's enhanced! He showed that his decisions would be based on what is best for Britian and the consensus of what the British want. He WON'T be obama's poodle. He will be using "I stood up to obama" for the rest of his career.
Stand tall, sputtering bug-eyed red-faced Republicans. You do Andrew Breitbart proud, and he is surely now looking up upon you and smiling.

This also illustrates why it's so important to have a Democratic president. Democrats will be consistently rational no matter who is in office, while Republicans will switch to rabid warmonger mode the instant a Republican takes office. The only way to get a Republican to oppose bombing everyone is to have a Democratic president.

don't kid yourself......why do you think he drew the red line in the first place.....?

his problem is that he bit off more than he can chew....
Stand tall, sputtering bug-eyed red-faced Republicans. You do Andrew Breitbart proud, and he is surely now looking up upon you and smiling.

This also illustrates why it's so important to have a Democratic president. Democrats will be consistently rational no matter who is in office, while Republicans will switch to rabid warmonger mode the instant a Republican takes office. The only way to get a Republican to oppose bombing everyone is to have a Democratic president.

And this neg's especially for you! I know how you hate having your reputation tarnished.

I noticed that little bit about Democrats being rational. If you saw what the current resident of the White House is planning to do about Syria, regardless of whether he gets approval from Congress or not, you would wise up. I posted on another thread, I think it was [MENTION=33063]paulitician[/MENTION]:'s thread, that some Liberals would stop at nothing to defend Obama if he struck Syria. Lo and behold, I was correct. The only way to get someone like you to agree with anything is "well Obama's doing it."

Now stop trolling.
I'm not a big fan of the Brits. They are by far the most meddlesome Nation on this Planet. Unfortunately, we're a close second. But that being said, it was fascinating watching their System work. Now we need to get our Politicians back to following the Constitution and allowing our System to work. Because it really does work. I find it highly suspicious and a bit shameful, that this rush for War is happening while our U.S. Congress vacations. Call em back and debate this properly.
yeah right.....Obama just got bitch-slapped by the Brits.....

payback's a bitch doncha know....? :eusa_boohoo:

I feel bad for Cameron. He HAD to take the request to Parliament. When your most important Ally asks you to join a Coalition to strike someone, you have no choice but to go through the motions.

No choice. He couldn't refuse. So now, his political career is ruined and for what? For a scumbag that doesn't like the British in the first place? Sends them back a Bust of the greatest Politician and Leader of the 20th Century and sends them DVDs of HIMSELF that won't even work on their electrical systems? (they use 220, we use 110)

I hope Cameron recovers, but I don't know. 2015 is a long time off (their next major election) and if Syria gets out of control, he may end up looking like a genius.

This whole thing is about nothing other than a feckless, weak president opening his stupid fucking mouth and making a fool of himself.

And the whole World is laughing at him

Cameron's political career isn't ruined! It's enhanced! He showed that his decisions would be based on what is best for Britian and the consensus of what the British want. He WON'T be obama's poodle. He will be using "I stood up to obama" for the rest of his career.

Yes, i have to give Cameron a lot of credit. He hasn't whined about this at all. In fact, he's instead proudly embraced it. Their System worked. The People have spoken. Time to move on.
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And this neg's especially for you! I know how you hate having your reputation tarnished.

Months later, and you're _still_ crying about your precious rep? Yes, yes, we get it. Neg-bullying is your life, the entire purpose of your existence. No need to keep shouting it. I never would have participated in that thread if I had known just how obsessed and hysterical it was going to make you. Would it help if I said that I'm sorry for hurting your tender feewings?
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Infrastructure, science and technology instead of war with Syria.

No more worthless middle eastern war!!! Let's build America!!!

I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

there is a red line in the sand.

just let others deal with it.

The main referee is tired.
Empty words from an empty suit poster doesn't want anything done unless Congress debates it....and another poster thinks the President is only issuing empty words.

Meme-confusion on the Right!

Personally, I don't believe the scumbag-in-chief HAS to consult Congress first.

It's just that, if the piece of fucking shit doesn't, it will make him out to be a hypocrite and a liar. Along with the overwhelmingly vast majority of his cult-worshiping followers.

I, and most other Republicans, don't believe the Commander in Chief (in this case, the scumbag-in-chief) have to consult Congress for a Military Strike.

But dimocraps do.

It just shows what scum dimocraps are.

Like we didn't know already. :lmao:

I wonder if Joe Biden will introduce Article of Impeachment against the Stuttering Clusterfukk?

Both of them have let their alligator mouths overload their canary asses.

And I'm enjoying the shit out of this.

The British PM has already been HUMILIATED by this shit. First time in 225 YEARS the British Parliament has turned down a War Vote..... :lmao:

First time.

Bush had a coalition of 48 other other Nations against Iraq. the Stuttering Clusterfukk has.....??

I think even France is wavering now..... :lmao:

What a disgrace this scumbag is. Unbelievable. The whole world is laughing at us for electing such a weak, limp-wristed fairy

I am not a fan of Obama, but your conclusions are wrong. We don't have a dog in this fight and we should not get involved.

The Brits should be thanked for their decision - maybe this at least will cool down the warmongering of obama.
And the dolts in Congress wonder why they're despised so much. Vacationing, while they should be in session debating this incredibly important issue. Par for the course though i guess.
And the dolts in Congress wonder why they're despised so much. Vacationing, while they should be in session debating this incredibly important issue. Par for the course though i guess.

They may as well vacation. obungle hasn't recalled them. If they came back they would have nowhere to go. They can't be called into special session by anyone but the presidunce.
Infrastructure, science and technology instead of war with Syria.

No more worthless middle eastern war!!! Let's build America!!!

I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

there is a red line in the sand.

just let others deal with it.

The main referee is tired.

his stupid red line now has him boxed in.....time for Congress to step in and stop the idiocy....

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I can join in on that. question. Then there is no red line in the sand over chemical weapon use?

there is a red line in the sand.

just let others deal with it.

The main referee is tired.

his stupid red line now has him boxed in.....time for Congress to step in and stop the idiocy....


Sadly, i wouldn't count on Congress acting any differently. They've been a rubber stamp for useless Wars for many many years. They've ceded complete control to the President. They've allowed the Presidency to become a rogue Dictatorship. It's time for Congress to assert itself again. We have to restore the Checks & Balances.
Congress is on vacation till Tuesday.

Just because they arent in session doesn't mean they are on vacation. They have work to do in their home districts. You know, actually meeting with people that they claim to represent.

I AM curious as to why Congress isn't debating it. Isn't the House a majority of Republicans? Can't the Speaker get this going?

Or...................................are they on vacation?

Is Congress the ones talking about striking Syria?

Did Congress open their big, fat, ignorant, stupid suck-hole and draw a red line?

Is Congress asking the United States Military to prepare to strike somebody who isn't bothering us in the least, tiny little bit?

Yer a fucking genius.....

But one thing about mental defectives, you do tend to think alike and we can count on this line of thinking from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM if the Stuttering Clusterfukk does hit Syria without running it by Congress first.

Which, if the Stuttering Clusterfukk does, he will almost certainly lose that vote.

He is one stupid motherfucker, but he has GOT to know that.

So one scenario is..... He orders the Military to hit Syria before Congress gets back and gets the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to run cover for him by saying, "Well, he couldn't ask Congress because they weren't in session."

And then all the little commie boys and girls all over the Cuntry will start parroting that talking point.

Just a prediction, just a guess. But it has the gutlessness and the dishonesty of the dimocrap party written all over it.

Watching r-wing extremist heads explode is so comforting to me. Thank God Obama won!

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