Brilliant Tweet by Ted Cruz

You people are seriously ignorant. History has proven time and time and time and time again the President does not need Congressional approval to throw a few missiles at another country.

He needs Congressional approval for war or any action which exceeds 90 days.

Consulting with Congress before launching is a political nicety. Not a requirement. You must have memories like that of goldfish, or just out of diapers, to not know this.

You are drinking the piss of a guy who has been in Congress for less than a year!
You people are seriously ignorant. History has proven time and time and time and time again the President does not need Congressional approval to throw a few missiles at another country.

He needs Congressional approval for war or any action which exceeds 90 days.

Consulting with Congress before launching is a political nicety. Not a requirement. You must have memories like that of goldfish, or just out of diapers, to not know this.

You are drinking the piss of a guy who has been in Congress for less than a year!

Now you just sound like a disingenuous rabid Warmonger. You don't even know why you're supposed to hate Assad and want him dead. All you know is, your Dear Leader and the Government/Media Complex told you that you had to. This 'Chemical Attack' thing is just another sad War Propaganda scam. Assad had absolutely no reason to use Chemical Weapons. And he didn't. Assad and Syria have done nothing to our Nation. There is no justification for War. And most Americans agree with me. So it looks like your War ain't gonna happen. You're just gonna have to deal with it. Good luck and God Bless.
You people are seriously ignorant. History has proven time and time and time and time again the President does not need Congressional approval to throw a few missiles at another country.

He needs Congressional approval for war or any action which exceeds 90 days.

Consulting with Congress before launching is a political nicety. Not a requirement. You must have memories like that of goldfish, or just out of diapers, to not know this.

You are drinking the piss of a guy who has been in Congress for less than a year!

Throwing Missiles at another Country is an Act of War.

Give me an example of where a President since Reagan has done this without permission of Congress or permission from the Government at whose soil the missiles are being thrown.

I'm waiting.
Does anyone have any doubt Cruz wants Obama to call him in about Syria, just so Cruz can turn Obama down on the missile attack?

His feelings are hurt that he is not going to get to say no and earn some street cred with the rubes.
Is Ted back from vacation yet to debate this on the Congressional floor?

He's willing to do that. It's pretty sad, he's one of the very few in Congress taking the time to comment on this. I don't think Congress can sink any lower. It's so tragic.
Does anyone have any doubt Cruz wants Obama to call him in about Syria, just so Cruz can turn Obama down on the missile attack?

His feelings are hurt that he is not going to get to say no and earn some street cred with the rubes.

Let us know when you figure out why you want War and hate Assad so much. Because right now it's pretty clear you have no idea why. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?
You people are seriously ignorant. History has proven time and time and time and time again the President does not need Congressional approval to throw a few missiles at another country.

He needs Congressional approval for war or any action which exceeds 90 days.

Consulting with Congress before launching is a political nicety. Not a requirement. You must have memories like that of goldfish, or just out of diapers, to not know this.

You are drinking the piss of a guy who has been in Congress for less than a year!

Throwing Missiles at another Country is an Act of War.

Give me an example of where a President since Reagan has done this without permission of Congress or permission from the Government at whose soil the missiles are being thrown.

I'm waiting.

Oooooh. Tough talk. "I'm waiting". BWA-HA-HA-HA!

See? You people are ignorant. I knew it. You are unaware this has been done before.


Here are three examples:
In 1993, President Clinton ordered missile strikes on Iraq as a response to an assassination plot against former President Bush, Sr.

No congressional approval was given or sought.

In 1996, President Clinton again ordered missile strikes on Iraq. No congressional approval was given or sought.

In 1998, Clinton ordered four days of sustained missile attacks on Iraq during Operation Desert Fox on the very eve of his impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky affair.

No congressional approval was given or sought.

Here was a Congress fixing to impeach the guy for lying about a blowjob, and he ordered a non-Congressionally approved military operation. The skids were already greased for impeachment, and yet Congress did not impeach him for Operation Desert Fox. long have you been out of diapers?
Does anyone have any doubt Cruz wants Obama to call him in about Syria, just so Cruz can turn Obama down on the missile attack?

His feelings are hurt that he is not going to get to say no and earn some street cred with the rubes.

Let us know when you figure out why you want War and hate Assad so much. Because right now it's pretty clear you have no idea why. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

I am merely pointing out the vast ignorance and hypocrisy of the faux doves, dolt.
The 1996 cruise missile strikes on Iraq (Operation Desert Strike) occurred in September 1996 during the Kurdish Civil War. It involved a joint United States Navy-United States Air Force strike against air defense targets in southern Iraq.

On 31 August 1996, the Iraqi military launched its biggest offensive since 1991 against the city of Irbil in Iraqi Kurdistan. This attack stoked American fears that the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein intended to launch a genocidal campaign against the Kurds similar to the campaigns of 1988 and 1991.

Cruise missile strikes on Iraq (1996)

In reviewing the political interplay and dialogue between each branch prior to military action in each case, it is striking how little Congress knew about the strikes. In 1993, the Clinton administration attempted to contact Congressman Ron Dellums (D-Ca) prior to the strikes, but failed to reach him. Other than this attempt, no other evidence at this time suggests that any member of Congress was involved in the decision to strike Hussein or had prior knowledge of the strikes. In the planning sessions for the strikes, and in the discussions over Iraqi complicity in the previously planned strike, no member of Congress was in Clinton’s inner circle of advisors. In this case, it is also noteworthy that no national emergency existed, nor had any actual strike taken place against the United States.

Similarly, in 1996, no consultation with Congress took place prior to the strikes. As in 1993, the United States had not been attacked, there was no clear need to “repel a sudden attack” against the United States, and no national emergency that had been precipitated by Hussein’s actions. Some members of Congress, notably Senators Trent Lott (R-Miss.), John Kyl (R-Az) and John McCain (R-Az) raised questions about the president’s constitutional authority to conduct the attack. This opposition was short-lived, however, as the Republican party’s presidential nominee, Robert Dole (R-Ks) rallied behind Clinton for his actions on Iraq.
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Does anyone have any doubt Cruz wants Obama to call him in about Syria, just so Cruz can turn Obama down on the missile attack?

His feelings are hurt that he is not going to get to say no and earn some street cred with the rubes.

Let us know when you figure out why you want War and hate Assad so much. Because right now it's pretty clear you have no idea why. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

I am merely pointing out the vast ignorance and hypocrisy of the faux doves, dolt.

Yeah, you do seem obsessed with that. Probably time to get passed that though. Check out the USMB Poll on this. Also check out National Polls. There just isn't much support for this War. The opposition is coming from many different political sides. It's across the board at this point.
You people are seriously ignorant. History has proven time and time and time and time again the President does not need Congressional approval to throw a few missiles at another country.

He needs Congressional approval for war or any action which exceeds 90 days.

Consulting with Congress before launching is a political nicety. Not a requirement. You must have memories like that of goldfish, or just out of diapers, to not know this.

You are drinking the piss of a guy who has been in Congress for less than a year!

Throwing Missiles at another Country is an Act of War.

Give me an example of where a President since Reagan has done this without permission of Congress or permission from the Government at whose soil the missiles are being thrown.

I'm waiting.

Bombing of Libya 1986
Let us know when you figure out why you want War and hate Assad so much. Because right now it's pretty clear you have no idea why. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

I am merely pointing out the vast ignorance and hypocrisy of the faux doves, dolt.

Yeah, you do seem obsessed with that. Probably time to get passed that though. Check out the USMB Poll on this. Also check out National Polls. There just isn't much support for this War. The opposition is coming from many different political sides. It's across the board at this point.

Isolationist before WWII allowed Nazi rise, see where that got us?
Let us know when you figure out why you want War and hate Assad so much. Because right now it's pretty clear you have no idea why. What has Assad and Syria ever done to our Nation?

I am merely pointing out the vast ignorance and hypocrisy of the faux doves, dolt.

Yeah, you do seem obsessed with that. Probably time to get passed that though. Check out the USMB Poll on this. Also check out National Polls. There just isn't much support for this War. The opposition is coming from many different political sides. It's across the board at this point.

Yeah, I have this really annoying obsession with FACTS instead of POLLS.
You people are seriously ignorant. History has proven time and time and time and time again the President does not need Congressional approval to throw a few missiles at another country.

He needs Congressional approval for war or any action which exceeds 90 days.

Consulting with Congress before launching is a political nicety. Not a requirement. You must have memories like that of goldfish, or just out of diapers, to not know this.

You are drinking the piss of a guy who has been in Congress for less than a year!

Throwing Missiles at another Country is an Act of War.

Give me an example of where a President since Reagan has done this without permission of Congress or permission from the Government at whose soil the missiles are being thrown.

I'm waiting.

Oooooh. Tough talk. "I'm waiting". BWA-HA-HA-HA!

See? You people are ignorant. I knew it. You are unaware this has been done before.


Here are three examples:
In 1993, President Clinton ordered missile strikes on Iraq as a response to an assassination plot against former President Bush, Sr.

No congressional approval was given or sought.

In 1996, President Clinton again ordered missile strikes on Iraq. No congressional approval was given or sought.

In 1998, Clinton ordered four days of sustained missile attacks on Iraq during Operation Desert Fox on the very eve of his impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky affair.

No congressional approval was given or sought.

Here was a Congress fixing to impeach the guy for lying about a blowjob, and he ordered a non-Congressionally approved military operation. The skids were already greased for impeachment, and yet Congress did not impeach him for Operation Desert Fox. long have you been out of diapers?

1) I said post-Reagan

2) Those strikes on Iraq? They happened during a Congressionally and UN Backed War.

Don't argue with me, you'll lose.

Hint: Look up the meaning of the term, "Cease Fire"

Fuck..... You won't. I'll do it for you

Persian Gulf War

After Iraq was driven by U.S.-led coalition forces out of Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm, Iraq and the U.N. Security Council signed a ceasefire agreement on March 3, 1991. Throughout the 1990s, the U.N. Security Council passed 16 Resolutions calling for Iraq to disarm the WMDs program unconditionally and immediately. Because no peace treaty was signed after the Gulf War, the war still remained in effect, such as an assassination attempt of former U.S. President George H. W. Bush by Iraqi agents while on a visit to Kuwait and Iraq was bombed in June 1993 as a response, Iraqi forces firing on coalition aircraft patrolling the Iraqi no-fly zones, U.S. President Bill Clinton's bombing of Baghdad in 1998 during Operation Desert Fox, and an earlier 1996 bombing of Iraq by the U.S. during Operation Desert Strike. The war remained in effect until 2003 when U.S. and United Kingdom forces invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein's regime from power.

stupid, stupid, stupid

Any more example you want me to shove where the sun don't shine?

How about Yemen or Pakistan? Wanna give those a whirl?

I personally don't believe a President needs Congressional permission to strike a target.

But dimocrap scum have done nothing but complain about Reagan and Bush and their Wars.

Biden even said he'd file ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT against Bush if he bombed Iran.

And the Stuttering Clusterfukk said that there was no way any president had the authority to launch a Military Strike unless the Country was under attack or an imminent threat of attack.

dimocrap scum lie. It's all you do. It's all you know how to do.

I hate and despise dimocraps with all my heart and soul.

Worse than the communists I had to fight. At least they were honest about what they were. dimocrap scum are the lyingest motherfuckers the Earth has ever known. Worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, worst ever.
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Throwing Missiles at another Country is an Act of War.

Give me an example of where a President since Reagan has done this without permission of Congress or permission from the Government at whose soil the missiles are being thrown.

I'm waiting.

Oooooh. Tough talk. "I'm waiting". BWA-HA-HA-HA!

See? You people are ignorant. I knew it. You are unaware this has been done before.


Here are three examples:
In 1993, President Clinton ordered missile strikes on Iraq as a response to an assassination plot against former President Bush, Sr.

No congressional approval was given or sought.

In 1996, President Clinton again ordered missile strikes on Iraq. No congressional approval was given or sought.

In 1998, Clinton ordered four days of sustained missile attacks on Iraq during Operation Desert Fox on the very eve of his impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky affair.

No congressional approval was given or sought.

Here was a Congress fixing to impeach the guy for lying about a blowjob, and he ordered a non-Congressionally approved military operation. The skids were already greased for impeachment, and yet Congress did not impeach him for Operation Desert Fox. long have you been out of diapers?

1) I said post-Reagan

Clinton is post-Reagan, dipshit.

2) Those strikes on Iraq? They happened during a Congressionally and UN Backed War.

Don't argue with me, you'll lose.


So...Clinton could have invaded Iraq without Congressional approval then, eh?

Man, you are really stupid. A CEASE-FIRE was BROKEN. Without Congressional approval or even knowledge until after the fact.
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I am merely pointing out the vast ignorance and hypocrisy of the faux doves, dolt.

Yeah, you do seem obsessed with that. Probably time to get passed that though. Check out the USMB Poll on this. Also check out National Polls. There just isn't much support for this War. The opposition is coming from many different political sides. It's across the board at this point.

Yeah, I have this really annoying obsession with FACTS instead of POLLS.

Neither your 'facts' or Polls indicate support for your War. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time? ;)
I guess Obama is free to launch missiles or invade North Korea whenever he feels like it, since it's just a cease fire...

Yeah, you do seem obsessed with that. Probably time to get passed that though. Check out the USMB Poll on this. Also check out National Polls. There just isn't much support for this War. The opposition is coming from many different political sides. It's across the board at this point.

Yeah, I have this really annoying obsession with FACTS instead of POLLS.

Neither your 'facts' or Polls indicate support for your War. Sorry bout that. Maybe next time? ;)

The facts are trouncing the shit out of Rafael Cruz and his rubes. Obama does not need to convene Congress to launch missiles at Syria. That is a FACT.
I guess Obama is free to launch missiles or invade North Korea whenever he feels like it, since it's just a cease fire...


That is the first correct thing you've said all day.

Technically, we're still in a State of War with North Korea.

Speaking of which, this is how your Workers Paradise rolls...

North Korea leader Kim Jong-un's ex-girlfriend executed by firing squad


Killing little girls? Sounds like it's about your speed

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