Bring your video camera to your town hall

Gunny said:
You need to re-read what I wrote. I did not say I felt people should not be allowed to protest/physcially demonstrate. I said I think it's stupid, IMO. People should be allowed to demonstrate in accordance with the law. That means in a proper forum.

Blocking a sidewalk/and or the means of entry to a public building or inconveniencing anyone in any way from having free and unfettered access to said building is creating a disturbance.
Annie said:
Unfortunately, those that do not want to incite cannot necessarily be identified seperatly from those that do. Thus, in the interest of the 'whole' the protestors must be kept in an area that is 'manageable.'

Annie has been running from this quote, back in 2004.

Annie, shouldn't you be asking for these health care protesters to be kept in managable areas? In the interest of the "whole"?
That's pretty funny. No, strike that, it's hysterically funny.
Navy1960 said:
It is interesting with the impending election, the number of people that
have caught the protest fever. I often wonder, where does this come from?
Does it come from young people wanting to express themsleves? Is it a
protest culture, taught in the college's from burned out professors yearning
to relive their by gone day's of the 60's? I have watched many of these protest groups, Code Pink, The RNC Welcoming Committee, just to name a few of the many and it has come to me that many of these people are protesting just for the sake of having something to do? Now while I would never say that they do not have a right to do so. Tell me why is it that more often than not, these groups shouting for their rights do so at the expense of other's rights?
Willy, you should start a separate thread and list all these things the wingers have stated...:lol: Funniest thread evah!
There was never any mention of this qualifying as "an incitement to overthrowing the democracy". The point was - and still is - that this is not as grassroots as people want to make it out to be. Because bigger orgs like the one run by that crook Rick Scott are helping out.

What about the example Barb just posted, btw?

What is your definition of 'grass roots?' As I implied above, for the most part it would be pretty tough to get me to show up at a town hall meeting. However, if I was very concerned about an issue and got a notification that there was a meeting that would be convenient for me, I might go. Are you saying that being informed by some internet site or the Country Demcratic/Republican organization, (yes, I get emails from both), would make my appearance less than 'grass roots'?

If I sign up for emails from an online organization, that sends the same info to me and I go, is that not 'grass roots?'

To my way of thinking, if I and 200 of my fellow friends show up at a town hall for a representative of another district, that would be astroturfing.

I see your point, but then that means that those of us who wish to counter-protest in favor of HCR aren't less grassroots, either, just because SEIU or other liberal is also supporting these efforts.

Did you ever answer Sweet Willy, btw?

I choose not to answer Silly Willy, because he wants to tie me up to explain how the conservatives got from what I said several years ago to today. Things have changed, more rapidly than even this Chicago girl could imagine.

As for my response to you, who actually seems able to discuss issues; I think anyone should be able to attend and speak in public forums to their representative, assuming the forum was set up for that purpose. Neither side should be bussing in outsiders, like I said now numerous times, some sort of proof of residing in the district should be required. Not for just some, but all.
If Nixon were president he'd instruct the NG to shoot the protesters...isn't that what happened at Kent State? :eusa_eh:
It's going to be tough to pick a winner but this one is top shelf material:

Navy1960 said:
While I agree that the right to voice one's dissent peacefully is a given. What about changing it from within? Do you really think that a congressmen listens to the group of protesters that cause mayhem in a hearing, or the Senator perhaps that is blocked from entering a buliding? Do you think perhaps they look upon them as more of an annoying presence? While we may disagree on that point I honestly believe that if the same energy and passion that was directed in these protests was directed at , let's say a local candidate for office or perhaps even joining the military think how much we could accomplish?
What is your definition of 'grass roots?' As I implied above, for the most part it would be pretty tough to get me to show up at a town hall meeting. However, if I was very concerned about an issue and got a notification that there was a meeting that would be convenient for me, I might go. Are you saying that being informed by some internet site or the Country Demcratic/Republican organization, (yes, I get emails from both), would make my appearance less than 'grass roots'?

If I sign up for emails from an online organization, that sends the same info to me and I go, is that not 'grass roots?'

To my way of thinking, if I and 200 of my fellow friends show up at a town hall for a representative of another district, that would be astroturfing.

I see your point, but then that means that those of us who wish to counter-protest in favor of HCR aren't less grassroots, either, just because SEIU or other liberal is also supporting these efforts.

Did you ever answer Sweet Willy, btw?

I choose not to answer Silly Willy, because he wants to tie me up to explain how the conservatives got from what I said several years ago to today. Things have changed, more rapidly than even this Chicago girl could imagine.

As for my response to you, who actually seems able to discuss issues; I think anyone should be able to attend and speak in public forums to their representative, assuming the forum was set up for that purpose. Neither side should be bussing in outsiders, like I said now numerous times, some sort of proof of residing in the district should be required. Not for just some, but all.

What a flake you are Annie.

it is a simple question. Do you still support sending protesters to managable areas?
EDITEC said:
I used to attend protests to pick up chicks.

And if I happened to smash the state at the same time, so much the better

This one isn't hypocritical but Ed cracks me up.
I see your point, but then that means that those of us who wish to counter-protest in favor of HCR aren't less grassroots, either, just because SEIU or other liberal is also supporting these efforts.

Did you ever answer Sweet Willy, btw?

I choose not to answer Silly Willy, because he wants to tie me up to explain how the conservatives got from what I said several years ago to today. Things have changed, more rapidly than even this Chicago girl could imagine.

As for my response to you, who actually seems able to discuss issues; I think anyone should be able to attend and speak in public forums to their representative, assuming the forum was set up for that purpose. Neither side should be bussing in outsiders, like I said now numerous times, some sort of proof of residing in the district should be required. Not for just some, but all.

What a flake you are Annie.

it is a simple question. Do you still support sending protesters to managable areas?
Willy I'm not going to chase my tail for you, however I will answer this regarding today. I think any group should be able to peacefully assemble in legal areas. I think in light of the pressing matters confronting our country, with many citizens wanting to have their say, town hall meetings or 'announced' public forum meetings with elected representatives should be restricted to their constituents, regardless of their being registered voters or point of view. They should be heard. However, keep out anyone brought in to cause trouble, meaning anyone that doesn't live in the district.
I choose not to answer Silly Willy, because he wants to tie me up to explain how the conservatives got from what I said several years ago to today. Things have changed, more rapidly than even this Chicago girl could imagine.

As for my response to you, who actually seems able to discuss issues; I think anyone should be able to attend and speak in public forums to their representative, assuming the forum was set up for that purpose. Neither side should be bussing in outsiders, like I said now numerous times, some sort of proof of residing in the district should be required. Not for just some, but all.

What a flake you are Annie.

it is a simple question. Do you still support sending protesters to managable areas?
Willy I'm not going to chase my tail for you, however I will answer this regarding today. I think any group should be able to peacefully assemble in legal areas. I think in light of the pressing matters confronting our country, with many citizens wanting to have their say, town hall meetings or 'announced' public forum meetings with elected representatives should be restricted to their constituents, regardless of their being registered voters or point of view. They should be heard. However, keep out anyone brought in to cause trouble, meaning anyone that doesn't live in the district.
silly willy is too fucking stupid to know the difference between a political party's convention and a town hall meeting
I choose not to answer Silly Willy, because he wants to tie me up to explain how the conservatives got from what I said several years ago to today. Things have changed, more rapidly than even this Chicago girl could imagine.

As for my response to you, who actually seems able to discuss issues; I think anyone should be able to attend and speak in public forums to their representative, assuming the forum was set up for that purpose. Neither side should be bussing in outsiders, like I said now numerous times, some sort of proof of residing in the district should be required. Not for just some, but all.

What a flake you are Annie.

it is a simple question. Do you still support sending protesters to managable areas?
Willy I'm not going to chase my tail for you, however I will answer this regarding today. I think any group should be able to peacefully assemble in legal areas. I think in light of the pressing matters confronting our country, with many citizens wanting to have their say, town hall meetings or 'announced' public forum meetings with elected representatives should be restricted to their constituents, regardless of their being registered voters or point of view. They should be heard. However, keep out anyone brought in to cause trouble, meaning anyone that doesn't live in the district.

Annie, in light of the pressing matters that confronted our country in going to WAR, many citizens wanted to have their say. You advocated putting them into desiganted protest areas.

Do you now, as you did then, advocate protesters being sent to designated protest areas?

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