Bristol Palin Shoots a Gun, Quotes Bible Verse About Virtuous Woman

The left loses their minds when the name Palin is mentioned. Seven years ago Palin was a candidate for fucking years these loons have been rabid over Palin
The left loses their minds when the name Palin is mentioned. Seven years ago Palin was a candidate for fucking years these loons have been rabid over Palin

no one loses their minds. you're confused as usual since you wackos lose your minds every time the president accomplishes something.

we're just amused by the white trash that you find acceptable.
The left loses their minds when the name Palin is mentioned. Seven years ago Palin was a candidate for fucking years these loons have been rabid over Palin
we're just amused by the white trash that you find acceptable.
Says the mindless partisan bigot who dropped out of her 4th year of some backwater Mississippi middle school so she could clean toilets and shine shoes at a courthouse.
The left loses their minds when the name Palin is mentioned. Seven years ago Palin was a candidate for fucking years these loons have been rabid over Palin

no one loses their minds. you're confused as usual since you wackos lose your minds every time the president accomplishes something.

we're just amused by the white trash that you find acceptable.

Ah. Thanks for making President Obama and Bristol Palin moral equivalents.
The left loses their minds when the name Palin is mentioned. Seven years ago Palin was a candidate for fucking years these loons have been rabid over Palin

no one loses their minds. you're confused as usual since you wackos lose your minds every time the president accomplishes something.

we're just amused by the white trash that you find acceptable.

You'd be white trash I find unacceptable...sort of like Obama's mama
You can't make this stuff up folks

And to think that family might have been living in the vice president residence

Again, for some bizarre reason, Palin called out Girls creator Lena Dunham, whom she and her mother both previously lashed out against during the Josh Duggar molestation scandal.

Bristol Palin Shoots a Gun Quotes Bible Verse Amidst Pregnancy Saga - Us Weekly

Yo, it must be nice to support your own family, and not rely on Obama and his Puppet Administration? You Go Bristol, make the hypocrites talk out of their ASS!!!

Bet you pigs in the Socialist Party had more Bristol`s in your Party, shame, you will have to live with other PIGS!
At least Bristol hasn't slugged anyone in a drunken rage recently. Baby steps. We should be praising her for managing to remain sober in public.
Palin also updated her blog on Tuesday, June 30, to opine about her pro-life stance. "In another outrageous move this week, the Supreme Court temporarily blocked a common-sense abortion regulation in Texas," Palin wrote, citing an Associated Pressreport. "After the elected representatives voted to enact laws to protect the health of women and unborn children, 5 unelected judges are once again putting their policy preferences above those of the American people."

Read more: Bristol Palin Shoots a Gun Quotes Bible Verse Amidst Pregnancy Saga - Us Weekly

Thanks to those five Justices, less young women will become unwed mothers like you, Bristol. Too bad your fragile mind was warped by your narcissistic, fame-whore of a mother.

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