Britain Is Issuing Warnings


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

'Terror suspects should be seized'
Ian Craig

PLANS for the house arrest of terrorist suspects were due to return to parliament today as new warnings emerged of a terror threat to Britain.

Britain's former top police officer, Lord Stevens, has warned that up to 200 al-Qaida trained terrorists are in the UK and pose a real threat.

As the Prevention of Terrorism Bill is set to be considered by the House of Lords, David Bickford - a former legal adviser to MI5 and MI6 - has said he believes suspected terrorists should be picked up and investigated.

"If these suspected terrorists had been walking around in France or Italy, they'd have been arrested now on suspicion of association with a terrorist organisation," said Mr Bickford, who now advises foreign governments on terrorism.

"But we don't have that system and I don't understand why not. I think the Home Secretary wants to hang on to his executive powers and not give them up to judges. So he's missing out on a golden opportunity to really protect us.

"In fact, he's given us a mish-mash of legislation which terrorists can probably walk through quite easily..."
I don't know if anyone cares, but this legislation has now been passed and house arrest (or internment as it used to be called in Northern Ireland) is now legally enforceable for those whom the Home Secretary believes may be a terrorist threat to the UK.

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