Britain just betrayed America at the United Nations


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
From the Fusion GPS fake dossier being passed on through Canada, to this and many other issues in between. I think the UK joins the ranks of Canada as a nation that cannot be trusted.

You guys had better remain on your toes, from the RCMP, OPP and TPS to Mi5 and mi6, you are being exploited. Socialism can rub off on some of the weak very easily, next thing you know, you will have some bad actors following Canada and British tactics, breaking laws and rules to try and dictate the outcome of a democratic election in America...

European allies, most notably Britain, helped isolate America at the United Nations Monday, demonstrating how even the most special of relationships stops at the water’s edge of Israel’s Mediterranean shores.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley vetoed an Arab-proposed Security Council resolution Monday that rebuked President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and start the process of moving the US embassy there. All other 14 Security Council members supported the anti-American resolution.

Haley berated UN member states for their hypocrisy. On the one hand, she noted, they complained that Trump’s decision “prejudges” final-status issues. On the other, she said, they rely on the United Nations, despite being “disproportionally hostile” to Israel, to weigh in on all kinds of issues regarding Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking.
America needs to cut its ties with the terrorist state of Israel.

95% of our problems in the Middle East stem from backing the genocidal zionist government residing on that sliver of stolen land. .... :cool:
Keep drinking the Trump kool aid..............................

Because Trump did something that Britain didn't agree with and they spoke out about it is why we should now consider them against us? Really?
America needs to cut its ties with the terrorist state of Israel.

95% of our problems in the Middle East stem from backing the genocidal zionist government residing on that sliver of stolen land. .... :cool:


The Jews built Jerusalem. It belongs to them now after they beat the mooselimbs.

The UN is itself an anti-America entity. We should just shut it down and let them re-open one in Pyonyang.
From Kim Philby to UN votes the last couple of years, to British politicians and royalty playing host to former presidents. The fake Fusion GPS dossier a clear example of a foreign nation trying to interfere in the U.S election.

You can put your head in the sand, but clearly there is a lack of respect for U.S sovereignty and a willingness to bend to the will of the UN, a vast number of nations within it, who absolutely hate the West. The same nations who always vote against U.S positions in the U.S while they themselves take zero refugees from the area.

Hypocrisy doesnt even begin to describe some of these nations.
America needs to cut its ties with the terrorist state of Israel.

95% of our problems in the Middle East stem from backing the genocidal zionist government residing on that sliver of stolen land. .... :cool:

I have a better idea. Let's wipe the radical Islamic nations that attack Israel off the face of the earth! Problem solved!
America needs to cut its ties with the terrorist state of Israel.

95% of our problems in the Middle East stem from backing the genocidal zionist government residing on that sliver of stolen land. .... :cool:

I have a better idea. Let's wipe the radical Islamic nations that attack Israel off the face of the earth! Problem solved!
Or we could just bomb the entire ME! :confused:
America needs to cut its ties with the terrorist state of Israel.

95% of our problems in the Middle East stem from backing the genocidal zionist government residing on that sliver of stolen land. .... :cool:

I have a better idea. Let's wipe the radical Islamic nations that attack Israel off the face of the earth! Problem solved!
Or we could just bomb the entire ME! :confused:

Nah! There are some good people there. Not many, but a few!

Islam better get control of itself before the rest of the world finally has enough.
America needs to cut its ties with the terrorist state of Israel.

95% of our problems in the Middle East stem from backing the genocidal zionist government residing on that sliver of stolen land. .... :cool:

What about the genocidal Muslim countries that have wiped out all non-Muslims? It’s perfectly fine for Islamic countries to discriminate against non-Muslims, but other countries can’t do the same against Muslims?

Islam should be rejected, Israel is being smart by not allowing Muslims to become citizens or allow them to cross their borders.

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