Britain Opens One Eye

Cameron's mistake is in thinking that there is a successful multicultural and multifaith society. It was tried. It failed. Until England realizes that, nothing will improve.
From the article:

Under the wide-ranging proposals, groups deemed extremist by promoting hatred will be banned; places where radicals thrive including mosques could be closed and the regulator Ofcom will get tougher powers to address TV and radio channels airing extremist material.

Address??... or how about shut down and indict?

The plans are designed to target all hate groups, including far-right organizations, but they were met with immediate opposition from Islamic groups who variously described it as "war on Muslims" or containing "McCarthyist" undertones.

Yes, I might call it that, too. Because that is exactly what is needed! Since you Muslims have isolated yourselves in your own “no-go” zones and communities, and since you cannot police yourselves, others need to step in.

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), the country's largest umbrella Islamic organization, said that while terrorism was a real threat, the government's strategy was based on poor analysis and risked alienating those whose support it needed.

Why do I think this MCB is a front for subversive activities abetting extremist Islamic motives? And how can they say the British measures risk alienating Muslims when it is already an epidemic where they have alienated themselves?

David Anderson, the independent reviewer of anti-terrorism legislation, has warned that any wrong decisions risked provoking a backlash in Muslim communities and driving people towards extremism and terrorism.

This is such garbage. The extremist Muslims have no less than 100 reasons they use for driving them to extremism and terrorism. We should do nothing to combat it because we may be giving them greater incentive to turn to terrorism? Ridiculous. They are on a war path they will never get off. They only pretend it’s because of our actions or jewish settlements or immoral Western practices.

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