Britain's Threat Level Just Raised to "Highly Likely"


Gold Member
Feb 15, 2014
Britain just raised threat level to it's second highest level.

I'm hearing this verbally....will look for link when it shows up.
I just heard the same thing on the morning news. Britian made a concerted effort to attract muslims to Britian. I don't know what they were thinking, but this is what they got.
I just heard the same thing on the morning news. Britian made a concerted effort to attract muslims to Britian. I don't know what they were thinking, but this is what they got.

Immigration laws coming back to haunt, huh?
Cameron explains why ISIS beginnings way before Iraq War. Listen up NotFooled.
I find it hard to believe ISIS went from a Syria/Iraq campaign to Britian in this short a time period. Doesn't sound like a coordinated attack.
UK Raises Terror Threat Level To 'Severe'

Britain's government has raised the country's terror threat level to "severe," Home Secretary Theresa May said Friday.

May said the threat level was raised because of the risk from the deterorating situation in Iraq and Syria, where extremist militants from the group calling itself the Islamic State (also ISIS or ISIL).

"The increase in the threat level is related to developments in Syria and Iraq where terrorist groups are planning attacks against the West. Some of these plots are likely to involve foreign fighters who have traveled there from the UK and Europe to take part in those conflicts," May said in a statement.

Read more: UK TERROR THREAT LEVEL SEVERE - Business Insider

Obama: “We don’t have a strategy yet”

Why Obama Backed Off More ISIS Strikes: His Own Team Couldn’t Agree on a Syria Strategy

Why Obama Backed Off More ISIS Strikes His Own Team Couldn t Agree on a Syria Strategy - The Daily Beast

Obama Going On Democratic Fundraising Trifecta
President Barack Obama is going on a fundraising sweep through New York and Rhode Island as he continues to help Democrats raise money for November’s elections.

Obama headlines three events on Friday. Two are just north of New York City, in Westchester County, and the third is in Newport, Rhode Island.

The New York fundraisers will benefit the Democratic National Committee, which is still paying off debt from the 2012 campaign season.

Obama Going On Democratic Fundraising Trifecta CBS DC
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I find it hard to believe ISIS went from a Syria/Iraq campaign to Britian in this short a time period. Doesn't sound like a coordinated attack.

At least 500 of ISIS started out in Britain enroute to Syria/Iraq. 700 in France. Cameron concerned about lone attacks....
Just what is wrong with this man? Other heads of state are raising their terror levels and he goes off fundraising even after he admits there is no strategy for the US and his advisers cannot agree on one. No matter off to do what I like best...
What does raising the threat level to "severe" mean, exactly? As far as I'm concerned it's just another one of Theresa May's empty platitudes. If Britain was actually serious about mitigating the threat level posed by ISIS or, more specifically, the young men who are expected to return with insurgency training they've received abroad, the British government would simply rescind their citizenship on the grounds of treason and deny them access if they ever attempted to return to the United Kingdom.
Obama now forced to do DO OVER of yesterday's presser because of Cameron's presser today. Will speak before noon.
and , what , some people still haven't figured this guy out as to the why of what he does and doesn't do ?? Answer is obvious but very unusual to see in an American CiC / president !!
At least Cameron had the balls to name the enemy...

Radicalized, militant forms of Islam...

Well done, David...

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