Britain's Threat Level Just Raised to "Highly Likely"

Has Cameron dropped a single bomb or fired a Brit missile at any single ISIS target since the open ISIL terrorist offensive into Musul and Tikrit last June?

What in the hell are you fools being suckered into with this Cameron crap.

ISIS roots are directly related to the US and UK invasion of Iraq. The leader of iSIS became radicalized in Iraq because of the US. Invasion into
Iraq. I'll check what Cameron said - he's probably talking about all Islamic terrorists from lone wolfs to those organizations that have existed for decades. Of course that didnt start because of the UK and US very stupid invasion into Iraq in March 2003. But ISIL as an organization came out of Iraq.

And does anyone think that if Saddam Hussein were still in power there would be the ISIS assault on Iraq right now?

Cameron would be an idiot to suggest that Iraq Republucan Guard would have allowed a thousand Islamist in fighters take over Saddam's hometown in Tikrit, he would be nuts.

But the political right is going gaga over Cameron's do nothing speech today. Excessive Ignorance is overflowing on the right wing hate talk radio machine today over Cameron.

Quite a farce:

Cameron explains why ISIS beginnings way before Iraq War. Listen up NotFooled.

Cameron calls "JV team" Poisonous Islamist Extremists

Cameron says we'll be fighting not for years but decades.

At least 500 of ISIS started out in Britain enroute to Syria/Iraq. 700 in France. Cameron concerned about lone attacks....

Obama now forced to do DO OVER of yesterday's presser because of Cameron's presser today. Will speak before noon.

At least Cameron had the balls to name the enemy...

Radicalized, militant forms of Islam...

Well done, David...

...especially since Cameron finally put to rest the leftie argument that ISIS is because of Iraq War. He went out of his way to say it was NOT.
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I think you just gave more thought to the problem of ISIS in the few seconds you wrote that post than Obama gave in the last three days.

Actually I cannot take credit since it is near verbatim what the White House has been saying all along.

That tells me a lot about you. You don't really pay attention to what is actually going on. You are a soundbite junkie and your favorite flavor is dissing Obama.
He raised the threat level, yet refuses military action against ISIS...Wow!! What a show of strength and resolve...
Has anybody posted this link to the video of Cameron's speech HERE?
Pretty good speech. Don't know why they want to prevent the fanatics from leaving the country by revoking their passports though. Wouldn't letting them leave and then revoking their passports be smarter? It would get them the fuck out of country at least. He did say they were revoking citizenship of those involved with ISIS and introducing legislation to make that easier.

And for all those using the ISIS surge for scatological attacks on Obama you should note that Britain has been behind the curve during the rise of ISIS and they haven't come close to doing anything like the anti-ISIS actions that the American military has taken. Time for them to stop talking and start doing instead of hanging back and letting America carry that military load alone.

And yes he did stress that he believes that the Iraqi war was in no way responsible for the multiplication of terrorist threats since the 2003 invasion. Duh? What did you expect, a mea culpa? The British government has a vested interest in combatting the linking of invasion and increased terrorism in the public mind to any larger degree than it has already taken hold. Their culpability is almost as great as the American Neocon's if you believe as I do that the invasion kicked over the hornet's nest. I believe it'll take more than his words to convince any rational observer of events in the last ten years that his interpretation is correct on that score.
At least Cameron had the balls to name the enemy...

Radicalized, militant forms of Islam...

Well done, David...

At least Obama has the balls to actually bomb ISIS instead of just take pictures of them and tell us what we
already know.

Well done Mr President.

Although the Americans have launched air strikes against Isis, the RAF Tornado jets dispatched to the region have only been involved in surveillance.

UK should join US in bombing Isis militants says ex-head of army UK news
Looks like
Has anybody posted this link to the video of Cameron's speech HERE?
Pretty good speech. Don't know why they want to prevent the fanatics from leaving the country by revoking their passports though. Wouldn't letting them leave and then revoking their passports be smarter? It would get them the fuck out of country at least. He did say they were revoking citizenship of those involved with ISIS and introducing legislation to make that easier.

And for all those using the ISIS surge for scatological attacks on Obama you should note that Britain has been behind the curve during the rise of ISIS and they haven't come close to doing anything like the anti-ISIS actions that the American military has taken. Time for them to stop talking and start doing instead of hanging back and letting America carry that military load alone.

And yes he did stress that he believes that the Iraqi war was in no way responsible for the multiplication of terrorist threats since the 2003 invasion. Duh? What did you expect, a mea culpa? The British government has a vested interest in combatting the linking of invasion and increased terrorism in the public mind to any larger degree than it has already taken hold. Their culpability is almost as great as the American Neocon's if you believe as I do that the invasion kicked over the hornet's nest. I believe it'll take more than his words to convince any rational observer of events in the last ten years that his interpretation is correct on that score.

Well said. It's too bad the history of the ME isn't better known, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and Europe carving up the region is the grandfather of terrorism.
EconChick (EC), one 'authority' can be contrasted with another and another, something even simple concrete thinkers can imagine. I didn't say Cameron lied nor that he is not in a postion to know more than I. However, I can easily point out you not only use an appeal to authority as incontroversial proof; then attack me for suggesting it is not, when anyone with an education knows it is evidence, but question its probatory worth, and understand the evidence is one man's opinion and thus does not meet the burden of proor necessary to be clear and convincing, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.

Actually this is a pretty good post. You have now made it onto my list of respectable liberals. Good come back.

Now if only your post that provoked my response was as reasonable. Asking WHAT WOULD YOU DO is like asking someone to explain how the world was created in one post.

It would take days, weeks to discuss. If you wanted to be taken seriously, ask in a way that shows you're being realistic.

Or show you recognize you're asking a loaded question by prefacing with, "I know this is a complex answer but ....

Otherwise expect to get the snark that you provoked is what I'm saying.

And my answer, which I've given on other sites at length, can be boiled down to the fact we won't be successful while O is in office. Our enemies knew the day he took office that he didn't have the will that they certainly have. We will have to wait for the next President to project will.

So yes, no matter what he does, he will fail. I don't expect liberals to understand. Just like they don't understand drawing red lines and moving them is failing Parenting 101 and Diplomacy 101.
At least Cameron had the balls to name the enemy...

Radicalized, militant forms of Islam...

Well done, David...

At least Obama has the balls to actually bomb ISIS instead of just take pictures of them and tell us what we
already know.

Well done Mr President.

Although the Americans have launched air strikes against Isis, the RAF Tornado jets dispatched to the region have only been involved in surveillance.

UK should join US in bombing Isis militants says ex-head of army UK news

I don't know which one of you is a bigger fucking idiot, Fakey Jakey or You.

But I do suspect there's no one on this Board with their mouth firmly around Obama's dick moreso then you.

You're a total hack. And a massively fucking dumb one at that.

You need to stick with subjects you understand....whatever they are....maybe writing poems or automotive maintenance. It sure isn't anything complicated.

Even most of the other libs on here can see Obama is crashing and burning even if they don't admit it publicly.

You on the other hand are just a complete brain dead dishonest moron with not one ounce of integrity.

But by all means keep telling us how the oceans are made of mercury and the sun made of bubblegum and the rest of your blah blah blah blah blah.
"Well done Mr President."

Oh look, it's the sound of of NotFooled sucking Obama's dick again......

That's the only reason he speaks. The one and only reason! It's not because anyone with a brains agrees with anything he posts....
There is no answer, as there is no perfect move in chess. All one can do, is look at the board (the current events) and decide the best move at the time (and hope the move is not a blunder). Blunders occurr when the move is done without due dilligence, and in haste.
Obama has The Force of the most lethal and powerful military in World History behind him. We, and the world, are fortunant, he is not the person the New Right has tried to paint him. He's a decent man doing what is best for his nation and his family.

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Has anybody posted this link to the video of Cameron's speech HERE?
Pretty good speech. Don't know why they want to prevent the fanatics from leaving the country by revoking their passports though. Wouldn't letting them leave and then revoking their passports be smarter? It would get them the fuck out of country at least. He did say they were revoking citizenship of those involved with ISIS and introducing legislation to make that easier.

You're absolutely correct with your suggested strategy but it's naive in terms of understanding the political angle. The UK Muslim community is going to put on a tear-jerking performance about their sons, stranded abroad, being state-less people, painting a picture of hardship, then they'll launch lawsuits AND HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF WINNING (look at how their judges have routinely privileged the rights of terrorists over the safety of the polity). This abandonment strategy would be a political headache for government. That says something about government priorities too, take the easy road rather than the correct road that you suggest.
Well said. It's too bad the history of the ME isn't better known, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and Europe carving up the region is the grandfather of terrorism.

You're right on with that observation. The present upheaval in the region has direct links to the tottering European Empire's involvement in the region in the World War 1 era. And ironically everbody's WW2 hero (including mine) Winston Churchill was a central figure in the West's entanglement in the ME. Not only was he the primary agitator for the invasion that led to Galipoli but as a young Navy official he had convinced the Admiralty to switch the British Navy from plentiful Welsh coal to Oil, the main supplier of which at that time was Persia (Iran). This decision modernized the Navy and guaranteed it another 40 yrs. domination of the seas but it also made the Suez Canal and ME oil absolutely vital to the flagging British Empire. (Churchill was of course a life-long Imperialist). As one source puts it "The defeat of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 and events at the end of World War I, has led the Middle East into a dangerously discontent and torn land. And as the author David Fromkin argues; the treaty forced upon the Muslim world was indeed -"The peace to end all peace".

All the other western powers including America would become just as dependent on the region's oil of course. And the rest, as they say, is History.
Well said. It's too bad the history of the ME isn't better known, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and Europe carving up the region is the grandfather of terrorism.

You're right on with that observation. The present upheaval in the region has direct links to the tottering European Empire's involvement in the region in the World War 1 era. And ironically everbody's WW2 hero (including mine) Winston Churchill was a central figure in the West's entanglement in the ME. Not only was he the primary agitator for the invasion that led to Galipoli but as a young Navy official he had convinced the Admiralty to switch the British Navy from plentiful Welsh coal to Oil, the main supplier of which at that time was Persia (Iran). This decision modernized the Navy and guaranteed it another 40 yrs. domination of the seas but it also made the Suez Canal and ME oil absolutely vital to the flagging British Empire. (Churchill was of course a life-long Imperialist). As one source puts it "The defeat of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 and events at the end of World War I, has led the Middle East into a dangerously discontent and torn land. And as the author David Fromkin argues; the treaty forced upon the Muslim world was indeed -"The peace to end all peace".

All the other western powers including America would become just as dependent on the region's oil of course. And the rest, as they say, is History.

Yes, and those who don't know the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

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