British attorney general warns EU of legal action


Nov 9, 2013
December 2, 2013 11:46

British attorney general warns EU of legal action

Britain will not hesitate to take legal action against attempts by the EU to grab more powers that are alienating people across Europe, the British attorney general will say in a speech in Brussels on Monday.

Dominic Grieve was to say that he is "frankly astonished" by what he said were efforts by the EU's executive arm, the European Commission, to override the rules of the 28-member bloc.

His comments come against a backdrop of growing tension between Brussels and an increasingly eurosceptic Britain, over issues ranging from immigration to free trade and bureaucracy.

British attorney general warns EU of legal action | GlobalPost


Grab more powers? The word "more" should be noted. As for grabbing powers, it seems to me that sovereign nations (member states) ceded powers. Italy even went so far as to publically state it would cede all sovereign powers to save the euro.

After all these years why now? I don't suppose it has anything to do with coming EU election and surge in UKIP support? And that is just in UK.

See next post, which will support observations made.
What is EU law--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The main goal of the EU is the progressive integration of Member States' economic and political systems and the establishment of a single market based on the free movement of goods, people, money and services.

To this end, its Member States cede part of their sovereignty under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) which empowers the EU institutions to adopt laws.[/b]

[These laws (regulations, directives and decisions) takeprecedence over national law and are binding on national authorities. The EU also issues non-binding instruments, such as recommendations and opinions, as well as rules governing how EU institutions and programmes work, etc.[/size]

Direct LINK to European Commission


The powers ceded above was not part of any power grab. Those sovereign powers were freely surrendered.
I see you're learning the evil of progressives.

They want to control everything, so we are all just one big happy planet b/c they say so.

you guys have been breeding this crap for a long time and now our 'liberals' want to copy you
The clip the EU doesn't want you to see. Doing YES after a NO

[ame=]YouTube LINK[/ame]


The above video link is to protest within the EU Parliament itself after the EU compelled Ireland to vote again on Lisbon treaty after they rejected it.

Note there were 27 member states in the EU at the time, and only the Irish people were given a referendum on it.

What is the total population of EU?

What is the total population of Ireland?

And this we are told was a democratic decision.

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