British election shows stupidity of their voting system. Tories get 37% end up running the country

your a typical sap, name calling without proving anything ...get lost
Really? Where have I called you any names? Get lost? Certainly not.

almost from the beginning you have. While not offering true criticism....

go comment on a UK board this board is the US message board.

Then prove it by quoting those posts. BTW making statements about your lack of knowledge is not name calling. Keep digging pal. I'm laughing like mad.

Calling a person the manner you did....without offering factual criticism of a just cheap name calling...I think you said that in your very first reply....but Im not wasting time wading through your BS again.
I didn't call you ignorant, I highlighted your ignorance of the subject. Something quite different.

BTW I wasn't aware that the management of this board were not in favour of non-US nationals posting here. Furthermore when you post about my country I have every right to respond.If you don't like it...tough.
And now for a final spank on the moronic OP:


In Britain an electoral earthquake shatters pre-election assumptions - The Washington Post
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Tories are to the left of our Democrats.

NHS is safe, of course.

The SNP will hold the Tories feet to the fire if they try "austerity."

how does posting something everybody knows and acknowledges refute me?.....Conservatives won only 36.9% of the nations vote.....almost 2/3rds of the nation rejected them......and yet they run the government?..................that is an idiotic result.

Translation: you believe in MOB rule.

how does posting something everybody knows and acknowledges refute me?.....Conservatives won only 36.9% of the nations vote.....almost 2/3rds of the nation rejected them......and yet they run the government?..................that is an idiotic result.

Translation: you believe in MOB rule. do believe in arbitrary rule ...based on no legitimate rational
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
This is the dumbing down of America. Alas, another child left behind.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
This is the dumbing down of America. Alas, another child left behind.

again, snide name calling without true criticism .....that is the true dumbing down....of wherever you are
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
This is the dumbing down of America. Alas, another child left behind.

again, snide name calling without true criticism .....that is the true dumbing down....of wherever you are
The true dumbing is your inability to distinguish forms of of Democracy many who have not studied or been exposed to various forms of government. What you cannot understand you consider idiotic.
Tories are to the left of our Democrats.

NHS is safe, of course.

The SNP will hold the Tories feet to the fire if they try "austerity."

I don't know if I would quite say to the left of the Democrats, but they certainly aren't as conservative as the Republicans either.

how does posting something everybody knows and acknowledges refute me?.....Conservatives won only 36.9% of the nations vote.....almost 2/3rds of the nation rejected them......and yet they run the government?..................that is an idiotic result.

Translation: you believe in MOB rule. do believe in arbitrary rule ...based on no legitimate rational

B'loney, bub. The Brits set up their districts for election, and the voters voted accordingly.

You don't like the result, but that is far from a justification to hold their elections illegitimate.

Your stupid - it burns.
About 9,200 seats were up for grabs in 279 metropolitan, district and unitary authorities across England, excluding London. The last time they were contested was in 2011.

Counting began on Friday, after general election results were declared, and continued on Saturday.

By late evening, the state of play was:
  • The Conservatives have won 5,364 seats, up 535. They control 159 councils, an increase of 29
  • Labour have won 2,199 seats, down 180. They control 73 councils, two fewer than before
  • The Lib Dems have won 619 seats, down 361. They control four councils, four fewer than before
  • UKIP has won 204 seats, boosting its representation by 85. It controls one council, its first in the UK
  • The Green Party has won 83 seats, a net gain of 2
BBC News
BTW, the people of England agreed that a party that gets elected with less than a majority, still gets the seats it won on Parliament, and the Enlgih people will obey the laws they pass.

So what do you find "illegitimate" about it?

Oh, I remember: Anything that goes against what the liberals want, is "illegitimate". Doesn't matter if the people agree with it or not.

how does posting something everybody knows and acknowledges refute me?.....Conservatives won only 36.9% of the nations vote.....almost 2/3rds of the nation rejected them......and yet they run the government?..................that is an idiotic result.

Translation: you believe in MOB rule. do believe in arbitrary rule ...based on no legitimate rational

B'loney, bub. The Brits set up their districts for election, and the voters voted accordingly.

You don't like the result, but that is far from a justification to hold their elections illegitimate.

Your stupid - it burns.

Libs like results only when they win.

Police arrest 15 in anti-austerity protest in London

What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
This is the dumbing down of America. Alas, another child left behind.

again, snide name calling without true criticism .....that is the true dumbing down....of wherever you are
The true dumbing is your inability to distinguish forms of of Democracy many who have not studied or been exposed to various forms of government. What you cannot understand you consider idiotic.

well it is a very inferior form of democracy, when someone 2/3rds of the nation voted against gets power
The difference between Labour and Tory in the UK is like 1/20th of the difference between the GOP and Democrats in the USA you know...

how does posting something everybody knows and acknowledges refute me?.....Conservatives won only 36.9% of the nations vote.....almost 2/3rds of the nation rejected them......and yet they run the government?..................that is an idiotic result.

Translation: you believe in MOB rule. do believe in arbitrary rule ...based on no legitimate rational

B'loney, bub. The Brits set up their districts for election, and the voters voted accordingly.

You don't like the result, but that is far from a justification to hold their elections illegitimate.

Your stupid - it burns.

Any system that produces that idiot result is illigitimate.

how does posting something everybody knows and acknowledges refute me?.....Conservatives won only 36.9% of the nations vote.....almost 2/3rds of the nation rejected them......and yet they run the government?..................that is an idiotic result.

Translation: you believe in MOB rule. do believe in arbitrary rule ...based on no legitimate rational

B'loney, bub. The Brits set up their districts for election, and the voters voted accordingly.

You don't like the result, but that is far from a justification to hold their elections illegitimate.

Your stupid - it burns.

Any system that produces that idiot result is illigitimate.

Only to Sore Loser Mans.
The difference between Labour and Tory in the UK is like 1/20th of the difference between the GOP and Democrats in the USA you know...
Maybe in presentation, but the reality is there is more difference between the Conservatives and the Labour Party in actual policy programs than there is between the Democrats and Republicans. Obama is more or less a continuation of Bush with a more socially liberal presentation to appeal to his particular demographics.

But you Americans love a good show, some political kabuki theater. All flash no actual substance for you colonials.

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