British election shows stupidity of their voting system. Tories get 37% end up running the country

Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.
That's an illogical conclusion.

In any multiple major party system, the winners will almost always win with significantly less than 50% of the vote. You cannot argue that means there can never be a legitimate government.

Just ask the far left drones, as Bill Clinton did not get 50% popular of the vote, but the majority of the electoral votes.

In a more rational system Perot probably would have won that election...being seen as not a puppet of either major party.

However the system for president is not based on popular vote. Which is why it can handle multiple parties, like it has in the past.

Congress on the other hand you are stuck with who ever wins the majority vote even if the majority vote is 37% of the voting population.

right and I want a more rational system in both areas
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

Clearly, you know nothing about the British political system. I suggest you do some research before posting on a subject foreign to your knowledge bank. That way you'll avoid making yourself look foolish.

Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.

Your ignorance seems to have no bounds. The party system does not work on the basis of total votes across the country, but by votes cast by constituency. However, given the party system the Conservatives would still have won on total votes:-


Conservative - 36.9%
Labour - 30.5%
UKIP - 12.6%
LibDem - 7.8%
SNP - 4.7%
Green - 3.8%

That however has no bearing since the system is about winning the most seats in Parliament. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so to gain a majority the successful party must win in excess of 325 seats which is what the Conservatives did;-


Conservative - 331
Labour - 232
UKIP - 1
LibDem - 8
SNP - 56
Other - 18

you're the ignorant one.....I know how the system that someone the majority of the nation voted against....Conservative...ends up running the country...try to follow the argument...rather than just reciting the ways things are.

Citing the way things are as some sort of wisdom just shows you to be a tool
The need for people to express differing opinions in multi-party systems is needed..........what isnt needed is systems that punish giving an obviously left-wing country...a Tory governance....with an ass of an PM

Showing your ignorance again! As I mentioned in my previous post, the Conservatives gained 36.9% of total votes. Add to that the 12.6% gained by UKIP (seems you don't know that UKIP is a right wing party) and that means that total votes were spread evenly between left and right. Blows your supposition that Britain is a left wing country out of the water somewhat, eh. I suggest you stick to your own politics. You obviously know nothing about ours.
well try an do some simple math you ignorant ass...what is 36.9 plus 12.6.....can you figure out if that gets you over 50%?....

but even that is a stretch as UKIP hate Conservatives enough to vote against them in competitive first-past-the-post districts.

so the idea that the Conservatives end up running the country is idiotic.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.

in our system Cameron would have lost
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.

in our system Cameron would have lost

In our system, there would not have been a viable third party. Cameron would have won.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.

in our system Cameron would have lost

In our system, there would not have been a viable third party. Cameron would have won.

nope, in our system the greens, the SNP, labour, most of lib-dems and some of UKIP would have voted for Miliband
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.

in our system Cameron would have lost

In our system, there would not have been a viable third party. Cameron would have won.

nope, in our system the greens, the SNP, labour, most of lib-dems and some of UKIP would have voted for Miliband

Nope. Most of the dirty hippies would be too stoned to show up to vote.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
Have you noticed that every time the liberals lose, after being rejected by the people, they blame something OTHER than themselves? It's a bad system, or it's gerrymandering, or some other excuse.

It's NEVER that the people disagree with our policies and don't want us running things any more after so many of our lies were exposed, so many of our policies failed, and we made such a complete mess of the country.

Normal people don't call them losers for nothing.

sigh.....your dumb enough to be a Tory voter.......they won 37% of the vote..............does that sound like they were voted for????

? ....?
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.

in our system Cameron would have lost

In our system, there would not have been a viable third party. Cameron would have won.

nope, in our system the greens, the SNP, labour, most of lib-dems and some of UKIP would have voted for Miliband

Nope. Most of the dirty hippies would be too stoned to show up to vote.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
Have you noticed that every time the liberals lose, after being rejected by the people, they blame something OTHER than themselves? It's a bad system, or it's gerrymandering, or some other excuse.

It's NEVER that the people disagree with our policies and don't want us running things any more after so many of our lies were exposed, so many of our policies failed, and we made such a complete mess of the country.

Normal people don't call them losers for nothing.
By noon tomorrow liberals worldwide will be calling upon Britons to pull a Baltimore and set fire to their cities.

It's all they have left.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
Have you noticed that every time the liberals lose, after being rejected by the people, they blame something OTHER than themselves? It's a bad system, or it's gerrymandering, or some other excuse.

It's NEVER that the people disagree with our policies and don't want us running things any more after so many of our lies were exposed, so many of our policies failed, and we made such a complete mess of the country.

Normal people don't call them losers for nothing.

sigh.....your dumb enough to be a Tory voter.......they won 37% of the vote..............does that sound like they were voted for????

? ....?
As expected, the liberals immediately change the subject and try to avoid addressing the fact that they were resoundingly rejected by the people.

But I do appreciate your acknowledging that someone elected with less than a majority, is illegitimate. That takes care of Barack Obama, who was elected with less than a majority in 2008 and then passed Obamacare. When do you intend to stop supporting it, and working instead for its repeal on grounds that it is not "legitimate"?
"British election shows stupidity of their voting system. Tories get 37% end up running the country"

It's one of the many negative aspects of a democracy.

Fortunately we're not a democracy; thankfully the Framers had the wisdom to create a Republic.
If the Labour Party had won I'm guessing their voting system would be just fine then.
BTW, Cameron and his Conservative party got 51% of the seats in Parliament. It's the liberal Labour Party that got 36%.

The conservative party will be running the country.
"British election shows stupidity of their voting system. Tories get 37% end up running the country"

It's one of the many negative aspects of a democracy.

Fortunately we're not a democracy; thankfully the Framers had the wisdom to create a Republic.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
Have you noticed that every time the liberals lose, after being rejected by the people, they blame something OTHER than themselves? It's a bad system, or it's gerrymandering, or some other excuse.

It's NEVER that the people disagree with our policies and don't want us running things any more after so many of our lies were exposed, so many of our policies failed, and we made such a complete mess of the country.

Normal people don't call them losers for nothing.

sigh.....your dumb enough to be a Tory voter.......they won 37% of the vote..............does that sound like they were voted for????

? ....?
As expected, the liberals immediately change the subject and try to avoid addressing the fact that they were resoundingly rejected by the people.

But I do appreciate your acknowledging that someone elected with less than a majority, is illegitimate. That takes care of Barack Obama, who was elected with less than a majority in 2008 and then passed Obamacare. When do you intend to stop supporting it, and working instead for its repeal on grounds that it is not "legitimate"?

Obama got a may be thinking of Clinton

I am not in favor of Obama/Romney care....

Left leaning parties got the majority of the vote in England ...thats not "resoundingly rejected"
I heard that they only campaign for two months and then have the election that I'm totally in favor of.

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