British election shows stupidity of their voting system. Tories get 37% end up running the country

Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.
That's an illogical conclusion.

In any multiple major party system, the winners will almost always win with significantly less than 50% of the vote. You cannot argue that means there will never be a legitimate government under such a system.

Oh yes I can, and do.... If 63% of a nation votes against cannot claim a mandate of any type. ....This Tory government is essentially illegitimate.
Surprised the Left still gets so much support in Great Britain. They've completely destroyed that once great nation. The Left's actually done that all across Western Europe.

So why do so many still support em? Well, look at the U.S. It's mostly about the Freebies. Welfare addicts are no different than crack addicts. They're Freebie Junkies.

Well it was about "free" government services, but they are no longer sustainable as much of Europe under far left rule discovered. Now they have over bloated social programs and can barely pay for other things.

The Left also dismantled the Immigration System. They did that all across Western Europe. The damage is irreversible in Great Britain. But it's still possible other Western European Nations can reverse it.

The destruction of the Immigration System was all about Blair and Labour stickin it to the Tories. It was incredibly petty and achieved catastrophic results...

Surprised the Left still gets so much support in Great Britain. They've completely destroyed that once great nation. The Left's actually done that all across Western Europe.

So why do so many still support em? Well, look at the U.S. It's mostly about the Freebies. Welfare addicts are no different than crack addicts. They're Freebie Junkies.
I like ron Paul and im a leftist.....cause he worries about the "freebies" that do the most harm...corporate welfare.

The left won the most votes in England.....and those that despise the Tories won 63%+ .....yet the Tories will run the country......and most likely push out the Scots with their arrogance. ....(The ONLY good result of this idiotic election)

The Left has done irreversible damage to that once great nation. Now it's just a weak insignificant little island nation. Not sure why anyone even cares who's running it. It's over for Great Britain. It's glory days are gone forever.

It is the right that has run it into the ground....but your right in that it's glory days are over.
Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.
That's an illogical conclusion.

In any multiple major party system, the winners will almost always win with significantly less than 50% of the vote. You cannot argue that means there can never be a legitimate government.

Just ask the far left drones, as Bill Clinton did not get 50% popular of the vote, but the majority of the electoral votes.

In a more rational system Perot probably would have won that election...being seen as not a puppet of either major party.
Surprised the Left still gets so much support in Great Britain. They've completely destroyed that once great nation. The Left's actually done that all across Western Europe.

So why do so many still support em? Well, look at the U.S. It's mostly about the Freebies. Welfare addicts are no different than crack addicts. They're Freebie Junkies.
I like ron Paul and im a leftist.....cause he worries about the "freebies" that do the most harm...corporate welfare.

The left won the most votes in England.....and those that despise the Tories won 63%+ .....yet the Tories will run the country......and most likely push out the Scots with their arrogance. ....(The ONLY good result of this idiotic election)

The Left has done irreversible damage to that once great nation. Now it's just a weak insignificant little island nation. Not sure why anyone even cares who's running it. It's over for Great Britain. It's glory days are gone forever.

It is the right that has run it into the ground....but your right in that it's glory days are over.

The Right wasn't in power during the awful destruction of its Immigration System and so on. The damage done by Britain's Left is irreversible. It's all over. However, there might still be some hope for other Western European Nations damaged by the Left.
In the eyes of America's "conservatives", most of the world's conservative parties (except America's and Israel's) are much like they what call RINOs, in other words, more in the mainstream (centralist).
I'm not saying I have ever been a Republican, but I did used to vote Republican more than I do now. Now, I vote for moderate Republicans and also moderate Democrats.
As G5000 pointed out, sometimes having multiple parties can screw things up. But then considering that both parties have veered to the extreme right and left, I wouldn't mind seeing a more so centralist party as most Americans are more so centralist/moderates. Here we have the largest voting bloc in the country with little to no representation in their country's political system. No wonder there so so much dissatisfaction with Congress (about 75% dissatisfied). The polarized divide is too large, therefore no to little cooperation and nothing really gets done. That's called a broken system. It needs to be fixed.

Voting far left is not voting centrist. Like is like claiming a far left drone is a liberal..

You really don't have much reading comprehension, do you? Did I post that? Did I say voting far right or far left was voting for centralist? No.
You go on the attack mode using your imagination as your base.

Yes you did! You arte a far left drone!

Much of your post shows that!

Really, well below is my post. Please point out were I posted what you claim.
In the eyes of America's "conservatives", most of the world's conservative parties (except America's and Israel's) are much like they what call RINOs, in other words, more in the mainstream (centralist).
I'm not saying I have ever been a Republican, but I did used to vote Republican more than I do now. Now, I vote for moderate Republicans and also moderate Democrats.
As G5000 pointed out, sometimes having multiple parties can screw things up. But then considering that both parties have veered to the extreme right and left, I wouldn't mind seeing a more so centralist party as most Americans are more so centralist/moderates. Here we have the largest voting bloc in the country with little to no representation in their country's political system. No wonder there so so much dissatisfaction with Congress (about 75% dissatisfied). The polarized divide is too large, therefore no to little cooperation and nothing really gets done. That's called a broken system. It needs to be fixed.
All you need to to do is copy and paste your proof.
I'll wait.

I love it when the far left drones show how far to the left they are (especially when they post far left religious propaganda), then post the evidence showing it, then they try and deny it..

Oh man these far left drones truly show they are not anywhere close to being a moderate on any level, I doubt they even know what a moderate is these days..

So, you can't find anything in my post that backs up your claim, can you? You just attack me, just to attack me. That's your M.O. What a loser.
Voting far left is not voting centrist. Like is like claiming a far left drone is a liberal..

You really don't have much reading comprehension, do you? Did I post that? Did I say voting far right or far left was voting for centralist? No.
You go on the attack mode using your imagination as your base.

Yes you did! You arte a far left drone!

Much of your post shows that!

Really, well below is my post. Please point out were I posted what you claim.
In the eyes of America's "conservatives", most of the world's conservative parties (except America's and Israel's) are much like they what call RINOs, in other words, more in the mainstream (centralist).
I'm not saying I have ever been a Republican, but I did used to vote Republican more than I do now. Now, I vote for moderate Republicans and also moderate Democrats.
As G5000 pointed out, sometimes having multiple parties can screw things up. But then considering that both parties have veered to the extreme right and left, I wouldn't mind seeing a more so centralist party as most Americans are more so centralist/moderates. Here we have the largest voting bloc in the country with little to no representation in their country's political system. No wonder there so so much dissatisfaction with Congress (about 75% dissatisfied). The polarized divide is too large, therefore no to little cooperation and nothing really gets done. That's called a broken system. It needs to be fixed.
All you need to to do is copy and paste your proof.
I'll wait.

I love it when the far left drones show how far to the left they are (especially when they post far left religious propaganda), then post the evidence showing it, then they try and deny it..

Oh man these far left drones truly show they are not anywhere close to being a moderate on any level, I doubt they even know what a moderate is these days..

So, you can't find anything in my post that backs up your claim, can you? You just attack me, just to attack me. That's your M.O. What a loser.

See how the far left will deny their own posts, even when they repost them..

Typical far left drone..
Surprised the Left still gets so much support in Great Britain. They've completely destroyed that once great nation. The Left's actually done that all across Western Europe.

So why do so many still support em? Well, look at the U.S. It's mostly about the Freebies. Welfare addicts are no different than crack addicts. They're Freebie Junkies.
I like ron Paul and im a leftist.....cause he worries about the "freebies" that do the most harm...corporate welfare.

The left won the most votes in England.....and those that despise the Tories won 63%+ .....yet the Tories will run the country......and most likely push out the Scots with their arrogance. ....(The ONLY good result of this idiotic election)

The Left has done irreversible damage to that once great nation. Now it's just a weak insignificant little island nation. Not sure why anyone even cares who's running it. It's over for Great Britain. It's glory days are gone forever.

It is the right that has run it into the ground....but your right in that it's glory days are over.

Actually that is incorrect, they now want to bolster and change the immigration policy in England, that is not what the far left wants in any country, including the US.
Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.
That's an illogical conclusion.

In any multiple major party system, the winners will almost always win with significantly less than 50% of the vote. You cannot argue that means there can never be a legitimate government.

Just ask the far left drones, as Bill Clinton did not get 50% popular of the vote, but the majority of the electoral votes.

In a more rational system Perot probably would have won that election...being seen as not a puppet of either major party.

However the system for president is not based on popular vote. Which is why it can handle multiple parties, like it has in the past.

Congress on the other hand you are stuck with who ever wins the majority vote even if the majority vote is 37% of the voting population.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

Clearly, you know nothing about the British political system. I suggest you do some research before posting on a subject foreign to your knowledge bank. That way you'll avoid making yourself look foolish.

Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.

Your ignorance seems to have no bounds. The party system does not work on the basis of total votes across the country, but by votes cast by constituency. However, given the party system the Conservatives would still have won on total votes:-


Conservative - 36.9%
Labour - 30.5%
UKIP - 12.6%
LibDem - 7.8%
SNP - 4.7%
Green - 3.8%

That however has no bearing since the system is about winning the most seats in Parliament. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so to gain a majority the successful party must win in excess of 325 seats which is what the Conservatives did;-


Conservative - 331
Labour - 232
UKIP - 1
LibDem - 8
SNP - 56
Other - 18
You really don't have much reading comprehension, do you? Did I post that? Did I say voting far right or far left was voting for centralist? No.
You go on the attack mode using your imagination as your base.

Yes you did! You arte a far left drone!

Much of your post shows that!

Really, well below is my post. Please point out were I posted what you claim.
In the eyes of America's "conservatives", most of the world's conservative parties (except America's and Israel's) are much like they what call RINOs, in other words, more in the mainstream (centralist).
I'm not saying I have ever been a Republican, but I did used to vote Republican more than I do now. Now, I vote for moderate Republicans and also moderate Democrats.
As G5000 pointed out, sometimes having multiple parties can screw things up. But then considering that both parties have veered to the extreme right and left, I wouldn't mind seeing a more so centralist party as most Americans are more so centralist/moderates. Here we have the largest voting bloc in the country with little to no representation in their country's political system. No wonder there so so much dissatisfaction with Congress (about 75% dissatisfied). The polarized divide is too large, therefore no to little cooperation and nothing really gets done. That's called a broken system. It needs to be fixed.
All you need to to do is copy and paste your proof.
I'll wait.

I love it when the far left drones show how far to the left they are (especially when they post far left religious propaganda), then post the evidence showing it, then they try and deny it..

Oh man these far left drones truly show they are not anywhere close to being a moderate on any level, I doubt they even know what a moderate is these days..

So, you can't find anything in my post that backs up your claim, can you? You just attack me, just to attack me. That's your M.O. What a loser.

See how the far left will deny their own posts, even when they repost them..

Typical far left drone..

So, you can't prove your claim. If you could, you would be able to copy and paste your evidence.
Everybody can read our little exchange and that means everyone can see what a fool you are.
Just keep on making a fool out of yourself.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

Clearly, you know nothing about the British political system. I suggest you do some research before posting on a subject foreign to your knowledge bank. That way you'll avoid making yourself look foolish.

Its a fucked up system that gives you Tory "leadership" with 37% of the vote.

Anything coming out of that government is illegitimate.

Your ignorance seems to have no bounds. The party system does not work on the basis of total votes across the country, but by votes cast by constituency. However, given the party system the Conservatives would still have won on total votes:-


Conservative - 36.9%
Labour - 30.5%
UKIP - 12.6%
LibDem - 7.8%
SNP - 4.7%
Green - 3.8%

That however has no bearing since the system is about winning the most seats in Parliament. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so to gain a majority the successful party must win in excess of 325 seats which is what the Conservatives did;-


Conservative - 331
Labour - 232
UKIP - 1
LibDem - 8
SNP - 56
Other - 18

Yes all 650 of them..


Note: red on this map is the Labour party and the blue is the Conservative. Yellow represents Scottish National Party (SNP)
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

Clearly, you know nothing about the British political system. I suggest you do some research before posting on a subject foreign to your knowledge bank. That way you'll avoid making yourself look foolish.
He already did that when he said Farage and Galloway are "are genuine voices, out of the box thinkers", when they are generally viewed in the UK as a public embarrassment. :puke3:

what a toad you are
Yes you did! You arte a far left drone!

Much of your post shows that!

Really, well below is my post. Please point out were I posted what you claim.
In the eyes of America's "conservatives", most of the world's conservative parties (except America's and Israel's) are much like they what call RINOs, in other words, more in the mainstream (centralist).
I'm not saying I have ever been a Republican, but I did used to vote Republican more than I do now. Now, I vote for moderate Republicans and also moderate Democrats.
As G5000 pointed out, sometimes having multiple parties can screw things up. But then considering that both parties have veered to the extreme right and left, I wouldn't mind seeing a more so centralist party as most Americans are more so centralist/moderates. Here we have the largest voting bloc in the country with little to no representation in their country's political system. No wonder there so so much dissatisfaction with Congress (about 75% dissatisfied). The polarized divide is too large, therefore no to little cooperation and nothing really gets done. That's called a broken system. It needs to be fixed.
All you need to to do is copy and paste your proof.
I'll wait.

I love it when the far left drones show how far to the left they are (especially when they post far left religious propaganda), then post the evidence showing it, then they try and deny it..

Oh man these far left drones truly show they are not anywhere close to being a moderate on any level, I doubt they even know what a moderate is these days..

So, you can't find anything in my post that backs up your claim, can you? You just attack me, just to attack me. That's your M.O. What a loser.

See how the far left will deny their own posts, even when they repost them..

Typical far left drone..

So, you can't prove your claim. If you could, you would be able to copy and paste your evidence.
Everybody can read our little exchange and that means everyone can see what a fool you are.
Just keep on making a fool out of yourself.

You proved my claim with your own post, that is the irony here..

And thus proves that the far left is irony impaired..
Well Kosh, I'm calling you out in the Flame Zone. I'm going to post our entire conversation. I'm going to embarrass your ass. I might as well, you just keep on stalking me with lies and bullshit.
Well Kosh, I'm calling you out in the Flame Zone. I'm going to post our entire conversation. I'm going to embarrass your ass. I might as well, you just keep on stalking me with lies and bullshit.

And more far left drone comments not based on reality..
The need for people to express differing opinions in multi-party systems is needed..........what isnt needed is systems that punish giving an obviously left-wing country...a Tory governance....with an ass of an PM

Showing your ignorance again! As I mentioned in my previous post, the Conservatives gained 36.9% of total votes. Add to that the 12.6% gained by UKIP (seems you don't know that UKIP is a right wing party) and that means that total votes were spread evenly between left and right. Blows your supposition that Britain is a left wing country out of the water somewhat, eh. I suggest you stick to your own politics. You obviously know nothing about ours.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.
The British electoral system is their own and not easily comprehended by Americans. There is no "president". The closest thing to that - and there really is no direct comparison - is the Prime Minister. NOT chosen by popular vote, rather by the number of seats in parliament.

Whining about the way the popular vote might have gone? Then worry about the American "electoral college" system in which presidents can be elected with less than a majority of the popular vote.

Grow up and face that nations have it to themselves to decide how to choose their leadership. I know that's a big step but if you put on your big-girl panties you can probably do it.

BTW, the numerics might be slightly different were Northern Ireland to quit electing MPs (Members of Parliament) who refuse to serve in a futile protest.
Last edited:
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

The Labor Force Participation Rate in the UK is 74% under Cameron - it is 62.8% under Obama.

Looks like the voters in the UK are smart enough to know what's in their best interests: Jobs.

Yes according to the far left if we create more jobs there will be no riots/protests in places like Baltimore and there would be no ISIS either.

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