British election shows stupidity of their voting system. Tories get 37% end up running the country

Oh, I see what dcraelin was talking about now.

While the Conservative Party won 51% of the seats, they did indeed only win 36.9% of the popular vote.

But this is to be expected in countries that have more than two major parties. I explain this to dunderheads who want the US to have more than two major parties all the time.

Yep, first past the post voting + more than 2 non-insignificant parties usually equals more people voting against the winner than for them.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
Best not to point fingers. Look at who we ended up with for 8 years of feckin malaise...
The UK is way less messed up politically than the US, and they are doing a lot better job of paying down debt and cutting deficits: Budget 2015 some of the things we ve announced - News stories - GOV.UK
2. Debt will be falling as a share of GDP in 2015-16
Debt will be falling as a share of GDP from 2015-16. This is a year earlier than forecast at Autumn Statement.

By 2014-15, the deficit is forecast to have fallen by half, from 10.2% at its peak in 2009-10, to 5% in 2014-15.

In 2018-19, the government will have a surplus (will raise more in taxes than is being spent) of £5.2 billion.

Yes it is nice to have other territories to tax outside your mother land to tax to pay down your debt.
Oh, I see what dcraelin was talking about now.

While the Conservative Party won 51% of the seats, they did indeed only win 36.9% of the popular vote.

But this is to be expected in countries that have more than two major parties. I explain this to dunderheads who want the US to have more than two major parties all the time.

Hence why the electoral college was developed. It was designed to handle multiple parties. It is our two party system that does not want any more parties.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.

Clearly, you know nothing about the British political system. I suggest you do some research before posting on a subject foreign to your knowledge bank. That way you'll avoid making yourself look foolish.
He already did that when he said Farage and Galloway are "are genuine voices, out of the box thinkers", when they are generally viewed in the UK as a public embarrassment. :puke3:
Oh, I see what dcraelin was talking about now.

While the Conservative Party won 51% of the seats, they did indeed only win 36.9% of the popular vote.

But this is to be expected in countries that have more than two major parties. I explain this to dunderheads who want the US to have more than two major parties all the time.

Hence why the electoral college was developed. It was designed to handle multiple parties. It is our two party system that does not want any more parties.
You could always form the Tard Party and see how far it gets.
When are people gonna get it? It's just a weak insignificant little island nation. There is no England now...

Oh, I see what dcraelin was talking about now.

While the Conservative Party won 51% of the seats, they did indeed only win 36.9% of the popular vote.

But this is to be expected in countries that have more than two major parties. I explain this to dunderheads who want the US to have more than two major parties all the time.

Hence why the electoral college was developed. It was designed to handle multiple parties. It is our two party system that does not want any more parties.
You could always form the Tard Party and see how far it gets.

Wrong! It is not possible for a third party to emerge in this country as the two party system has made sure of that after Ross Perot. But only a far left drone would ignore that.
Hence why the electoral college was developed. It was designed to handle multiple parties.

Nope. That is completely manufactured bullshit.

Another far left drone fail post!
Prove that is why the electoral college was developed, tard.

Good luck with that.

You made it up and got caught.

Wrong! That is like trying to prove that riots happened in Baltimore. Typical far left drone..
The truth is the exact opposite of Koshtard's claim. The Founder's did not expect parties ("factions") to rise as they believed there would be no place for factions in our representative government.
Hence why the electoral college was developed. It was designed to handle multiple parties.

Nope. That is completely manufactured bullshit.

Another far left drone fail post!
Prove that is why the electoral college was developed, tard.

Good luck with that.

You made it up and got caught.

Wrong! That is like trying to prove that riots happened in Baltimore. Typical far left drone..
You made it up. You got caught. That's why you can't prove it.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
So? They have a multiple party system, you know.

yes, but they should have a runoff system or a proportional voting system...........37% is no basis to run a country....
no policy by the tories is legitimate.
Just look at the structure of the original Constitution. The winner of the most votes would be President, and the second place winner would be Vice President.

This is not a structure which anticipates parties.

Kosh, you are full of shit and got caught again.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
The Conservatives got 51% of the vote, not 37%.

Labor got 36%.

Yes the Conservatives won big in spite of their news media saying it would be a close vote.
Looks like the world is fed up with the socialists for right now.
Conservatives won big in Australia, Israel and now the U.K.
I bet that Obama is not happy at all that Netanyahu and Cameron are still in power.
More than that.

I have noticed that a lot of 'left wing' voters stayed home and didn't bother to vote, in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.

My tactical votes were wasted last time (when I gritted by teeth and voted Mana-Internet), as they simply gave up and didn't bother to vote.

So, I don't vote along party lines anymore.

Instead by what a candidate can realistically offer, their level of corruption, their chance of electability, and how bad their opponents are.

Yes the voters did turn out in large numbers, especially in Australia.
Australia had 93.23% of voter turn out.
Israel had 72.34%
UK - Record turnout on the cards for UK election euronews world news
The truth is the exact opposite of Koshtard's claim. The Founder's did not expect parties ("factions") to rise as they believed there would be no place for factions in our representative government.

Once again the far left drones prove they do not understand the electoral system, let alone the Constitution.
Hence why the electoral college was developed. It was designed to handle multiple parties.

Nope. That is completely manufactured bullshit.

Another far left drone fail post!
Prove that is why the electoral college was developed, tard.

Good luck with that.

You made it up and got caught.

Wrong! That is like trying to prove that riots happened in Baltimore. Typical far left drone..
You made it up. You got caught. That's why you can't prove it.

Yes I am sure you believe the riots in Baltimore were made up as well.
What an idiotic result......

Tories get less than 37% of the vote...yet they will govern the country.

Not a single solitary policy they pass will have true legitimacy.

Just as nothing the US Senate passes does.
The Conservatives got 51% of the vote, not 37%.

Labor got 36%.

Yes the Conservatives won big in spite of their news media saying it would be a close vote.
Looks like the world is fed up with the socialists for right now.
Conservatives won big in Australia, Israel and now the U.K.
I bet that Obama is not happy at all that Netanyahu and Cameron are still in power.

They DIDN'T "win big",....they got less that 37% of the vote..............and even that is doubtful if computers counted the vote.

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