British film maker filmed trump up to and including January 6th....oh ohhhhh


takes time to edit out the facts to get the max effect needed for Trumps execution.
He wants equal I suggest he go ahead and testify at one of the J6 hearings....but he won't cause they will insist that he speak under oath. That would be an invitation to a perjury charge. trump cannot help himself. He lies like most people breath.
He wants equal I suggest he go ahead and testify at one of the J6 hearings....but he won't cause they will insist that he speak under oath. That would be an invitation to a perjury charge. trump cannot help himself. He lies like most people breath.

There are no Trump supporters at the J6 hearings. That's why it's a sham and a propaganda display for dumb people like you.
He wants equal I suggest he go ahead and testify at one of the J6 hearings....but he won't cause they will insist that he speak under oath. That would be an invitation to a perjury charge. trump cannot help himself. He lies like most people breath.
Or like some people miss-spel.
And Micheal Moore made a film called Fahrenheit 9/11, known for cherry picking conversations and statements for his own political purposes,

what makes this one different

Michael Moore's documentaries are contemporary on issues which are mostly political:
  • His point of view is clear, and factual.
  • His "witnesses" are not actors, per se, and their POV is not speaking from a script.
  • The tagline of Fahrenheit 9/11 is clear:
    • "The Temperature at Which Freedom Burns"
    • Even today, R v W, and Voting Rights are examples
The Select Committee is not a documentary, it is an assessment into an on going investigation to determine who, what, why and how the events before 1/6/21., on 1/6/21 and after 1/6/21. It is an Investigation, when witnesses are under oath. Moore's is not an Investigation!

Question to you: Why are members of the Trump Administration and Republican Elected Members of The Congress refusing to testify, some rejecting a legal subpoena
He wants equal I suggest he go ahead and testify at one of the J6 hearings....but he won't cause they will insist that he speak under oath. That would be an invitation to a perjury charge. trump cannot help himself. He lies like most people breath.
Sounds like both CLintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, and about 500 other people in DC we see in the news daily. You want Trump on the stand?

Sure, go for it.

Subpoena him.

and subpoena Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Boehner too,

Lets see who the biggest liars are,
Michael Moore's documentaries are contemporary on issues which are mostly political:
  • His point of view is clear, and factual.
  • His "witnesses" are not actors, per se, and their POV is not speaking from a script.
  • The tagline of Fahrenheit 9/11 is clear:
    • "The Temperature at Which Freedom Burns"
    • Even today, R v W, and Voting Rights are examples
The Select Committee is not a documentary, it is an assessment into an on going investigation to determine who, what, why and how the events before 1/6/21., on 1/6/21 and after 1/6/21. It is an Investigation, when witnesses are under oath. Moore's is not an Investigation!

Question to you: Why are members of the Trump Administration and Republican Elected Members of The Congress refusing to testify, some rejecting a legal subpoena
What is on the film? This could be interesting.

Hang on to your droopy drawers, shitferbrains. They were shooting a documentary on the Great Trump. You'll get no more proof of criminal activity elevated to the level you want to keep the People's Choice from office again, than you have so far, which is nothing, nadda, ZIP. And if you already HAD a damning case against Trump as the J6 Committee claimed, you wouldn't be hanging on to your sheet hopeful of this! :laugh2:

And when this investigation FALLS ON ITS FUCKING FACE---

---I guarantee you Trump walks right back into the White House!

Thanks! MAGA. See ya in 20 weeks! :lmao:
Sounds like both CLintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, and about 500 other people in DC we see in the news daily. You want Trump on the stand?

Sure, go for it.

Subpoena him.

and subpoena Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Boehner too,

Lets see who the biggest liars are,

They won't. There are no representatives of the opposing side at this "hearing". It's pure propaganda for the dumbfuck leftists, and as you can see, they're eating it up.
Michael Moore's documentaries are contemporary on issues which are mostly political:
  • His point of view is clear, and factual.
  • His "witnesses" are not actors, per se, and their POV is not speaking from a script.
  • The tagline of Fahrenheit 9/11 is clear:
    • "The Temperature at Which Freedom Burns"
    • Even today, R v W, and Voting Rights are examples
The Select Committee is not a documentary, it is an assessment into an on going investigation to determine who, what, why and how the events before 1/6/21., on 1/6/21 and after 1/6/21. It is an Investigation, when witnesses are under oath. Moore's is not an Investigation!

Question to you: Why are members of the Trump Administration and Republican Elected Members of The Congress refusing to testify, some rejecting a legal subpoena
Let me guess.. They are spineless cowards?
Sounds like both CLintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, and about 500 other people in DC we see in the news daily. You want Trump on the stand?

Sure, go for it.

Subpoena him.

and subpoena Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Boehner too,

Lets see who the biggest liars are,
Go fo it.

Who is stopping you? Or them?

Embarrass yourselves all you like.
Sounds like both CLintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Biden, and about 500 other people in DC we see in the news daily. You want Trump on the stand?

Sure, go for it.

Subpoena him.

and subpoena Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Boehner too,

Lets see who the biggest liars are,
Which of those people told his cult on January 6th to "fight like Hell" or you won't have a country.
trump is a slug.

takes time to edit out the facts to get the max effect needed for Trumps execution.
LOL So, you have been told by Big Brother that a Conspiracy Theory has edited video and audio, each fake network was able to work together to make trump look bad? Is that what you believe to defend trump?

Who is Big Brother? Carlson, Hannity, Fox ... um Fauxs' News Producers who puts these opinions without evidence in your head?

BTW, I watched every minute of live broadcasting on January 6, 2021.

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