British General Election Results


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2016
The first result is from Newcastle Upon Tyne Central and the seat goes to Labour which represents a swing to Labour of 2% from the Conservatives.

This constituency has a university and graduates are giving support to Labour.

Houghton and Sunderland South: Labour win!

This gives Labour the first two seats.
But the Conservatives are making gains in those seats.
BBC exit polls are predicting a hung Parliament.
I wonder if this will affect Brexit?
It is doubtful that this will affect Brexit because Labour are not vocal about staying in the European Union single market.
May will be under pressure, even if she pulls this off.
But the Conservatives are making gains in those seats.
According to exit polls, Conservatives are expected to lose their majority in parliament, Toro.

Yup. But in the first two seats, the Tories are outperforming the exit polls.

Still a long way to go, though.

You are correct Toro and the Exit Poll is wrong, just like the Exit Poll was wrong about the Brexit vote.

The Exit Poll for example in the Newcastle vote said it was going to be a 7% swing to Labour, but the actual vote shows a 2% swing to Labour, so a - 5% difference from the Exit Poll was saying.

Based on those first two results the swing to Labour is substantially lower than the Exit Poll is saying and also the Conservative vote is up in those two seats from the 2015 vote, especially in that Sunderland vote and also the good news for the Conservatives is that the UKIP vote has nearly collapsed in both those seats.

If further vote counts in safe Labour seat are similar a 2%-3% swing and a better percentage of the vote up from 2015 to the Conservatives and the UKIP vote substantially down then the Conservatives could well have an overall majority of 20-30 seats.

The Exit Poll Projection of Conservatives on 314 is wrong, the worst case scenario is that Theresa May might be short of an overall majority but she can count on the DUP, they don't need the 326 seats that people think, this is because Sinn Fein are certain to keep their 3 seats but they don't take their seats in their Parliament because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen so they cannot be seated and therefore cannot vote in Parliament.

Also I just heard on the BBC some strange projections for Conservative gains in Wales and Scotland the latter at the expense of the Scottish Nationalist Party.
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May will find resistance to several aspects of European Union treaties, such as pulling out of the European Court and human rights protections.
The country are not behind her.
But the Conservatives are making gains in those seats.
According to exit polls, Conservatives are expected to lose their majority in parliament, Toro.

Yup. But in the first two seats, the Tories are outperforming the exit polls.

Still a long way to go, though.

You are correct Toro and the Exit Poll is wrong, just like the Exit Poll was wrong about the Brexit vote.

Based on those first two results the swing to Labour is substantially lower than the Exit Poll is saying and also the Conservative vote is up in those two seats from the 2015 vote, especially in that Sunderland vote and also the good news for the Conservatives is that the UKIP vote has nearly collapsed in both those seats.

If further vote counts in safe Labour seat are similar a 2%-3% swing and a better percentage of the vote up from 2015 to the Conservatives and the UKIP vote substantially down then the Conservatives could well have an overall majority of 20-30 seats.

The Exit Poll Projection of Conservatives on 314 is wrong, the worst case scenario is that Theresa May might be short of an overall majority but she can count on the DUP, they don't need the 326 seats that people think, this is because Sinn Fein are certain to keep their 3 seats but they don't take their seats in their Parliament because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen so they cannot be seated and therefore cannot vote in Parliament.
May cannot count on the SDLP.
Labour holds Sunderland.

Labour has 3 seats and none of the other parties have any.
Conservatives do better than expected in Sunderland Central.

UKIP collapsing.

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