British P.M. hospitalized

If you have tears to shed give some thought to the nursing staff treating the sick without equipment because of tory incompetence. They are the victims here.

I don't think Boris is to blame for anything, if you want to blame then blame Theresa May, David Cameron and the Liberal Democrats who had the coalition with the Lefty at Heart David Cameron. They were all in a long time. Boris has only been the Prime Minister since July and he was not able to do ANYTHING until January because July-January was consumed with nothing but Brexit and a General Election.

It's not good Tommy to be wishing death of those who have different politics than you do. Karma Tommy Karma. Also Boris' fiancee is having a baby in June.
Longer term he is less culpable but since he has been PM he has blood on his hands. My wife hospital had its first fatality, staff working without ppe. He told us that our families would die a few months back when he was pursuing his herd immunity policy. He has dithered at every step of the way. Check out our deaths compared to Germany or Austria. History will not rate him highly.
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know

They are saying he's not on a ventilator, the BBC World Service have said he's been on oxygen. They said that they were told Boris was doing better until 6PM and then very suddenly he deteriorated.

Good that your son recovered. Not sure what Boris' health is like, he looks perhaps slightly overweight and he's 55 years in age.
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
If you have tears to shed give some thought to the nursing staff treating the sick without equipment because of tory incompetence. They are the victims here.

I don't think Boris is to blame for anything, if you want to blame then blame Theresa May, David Cameron and the Liberal Democrats who had the coalition with the Lefty at Heart David Cameron. They were all in a long time. Boris has only been the Prime Minister since July and he was not able to do ANYTHING until January because July-January was consumed with nothing but Brexit and a General Election.

It's not good Tommy to be wishing death of those who have different politics than you do. Karma Tommy Karma. Also Boris' fiancee is having a baby in June.
Longer term he is less culpable but since he has been PM he has blood on his hands. My wife hospital had its first fatality, staff working without ppe. He told us that our families would die a few months back when he was pursuing his herd immunity policy. He has dithered at every step of the way. Check out our deaths compared to Germany or Austria. History will not rate him highly.

Don't hold up Merkel as someone who did great things. We of course have been on the situation since day one, she wouldn't even close her border with us, so we closed our border with her.

What is your opinion of the Leftist Government of Sweden? Now THEY have blood on their hands, they have even REFUSED to close schools, bars, restaurants and EVERYTHING. They are just walking around doing anything they want in Stockholm and NOW their New Cases and Death Toll is going to go massively up. That is a CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT who do not give a crap about native Swedes.

From what I read Boris was slow at the beginning, he was given WRONG advice about doing the Herd Immunity thing and then when he was told that would not be good he reluctantly did the lockdown. NO Democratic Government WANTS to lockdown their ENTIRE population, doing so is the Totalitarian State way, Boris is NOT a Totalitarian.

IF anyone in Britain has blood on their hands I suggest it's that idiot Neil Ferguson and the crowd at Imperial College who have been giving the WRONG advice to the British Government.
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.

Most EU nations ended up also refusing them when it was found they were 60% produced in China and we now all know that the majority of Chinese ventilators have been defective. The solution is to turn production from making other products like eg. engines, fans etc into them making ventilators. I add also the test kits made in China are also showing that they are defective.
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
Scumbag piece of shit. I mean that in the nicest possible way.
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.

Tommy if Boris Johnson dies you are going to be SHOCKED at the mass outpouring of public grief, this is because even a majority of British who do not share his politics LIKE him as a person, because he's a happy character.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
Scumbag piece of shit. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Tommy needs to start thinking about Karma because wishing bad on others, Karma is going to eventually get you.
Especially that he did win the election and that no one really expected such a victory like Trump. and it's always a pleasure what I would like Marine Le Pen to also win the elections it's our turn
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.

Tommy if Boris Johnson dies you are going to be SHOCKED at the mass outpouring of public grief, this is because even a majority of British who do not share his politics LIKE him as a person, because he's a happy character.
I don't think so Lucy. Thousands are losing loved ones and many because of his bumbling.
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
I'm not there, nor am I that engaged in what's going on over there, but if what you're stating is true, if he passes away over Covid-19, it will be largely seen as a lesson in letting rhetoric rule your policy.
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
I'm not there, nor am I that engaged in what's going on over there, but if what you're stating is true, if he passes away over Covid-19, it will be largely seen as a lesson in letting rhetoric rule your policy.
Pretty much. They have turned away from several EU things that would have helped. On this one they realised they had gone too far and made up some shite about the e mail going to a spam folder. This is not a spoof, he actually claimed that.

Even trump has not plumbed such depths. We were offered 50,000 and turned them all down. Now we don't have enough and people are now dying.
Johnson tried to coast and failed.

45 lied his ass off. He was briefed by his Intelligence Chiefs, he was briefed by the Army and he claims he did not know, pure unadulterated grade AAA Bull Shit.

People are DYING and 45 fucking lied.

Johnson is nothing but an English version of 45 and just as useless.
If you have tears to shed give some thought to the nursing staff treating the sick without equipment because of tory incompetence. They are the victims here.

You are really a lamentable human being

My personal feeling and I HATE this, my personal feeling is that Boris Johnson is going to die, I think probably between coming Saturday-Monday or perhaps sooner. I HOPE my feeling is WRONG because I like Boris Johnson. IF they say he's been put onto a ventilator, he's dying, more die when put onto a ventilator than recover and live, it is usually the first sign that their internal organs are failing, they cannot breathe on their own, their brain and heart cannot generate enough oxygen on their own, it's basically not long perhaps a few hours-48 hours after they are put on a ventilator they usually die. I have post an article below where a Professor says that Boris will probably have to go on a ventilator along with the sedition Induced Coma.

Boris was given 4 liters of oxygen on arrival to Intensive Care. This is what it says about that amount of oxygen to help your lungs:


I also post the below re. oxygen levels:


Also this:






Last edited:
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
I'm not there, nor am I that engaged in what's going on over there, but if what you're stating is true, if he passes away over Covid-19, it will be largely seen as a lesson in letting rhetoric rule your policy.
Pretty much. They have turned away from several EU things that would have helped. On this one they realised they had gone too far and made up some shite about the e mail going to a spam folder. This is not a spoof, he actually claimed that.

Even trump has not plumbed such depths. We were offered 50,000 and turned them all down. Now we don't have enough and people are now dying.

Somehow, as if by magic Cons seem to think they know more than the experts and end up killing innocent Men, Women and Children and try shift blame for their ineptitude on to someone else.
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
I'm not there, nor am I that engaged in what's going on over there, but if what you're stating is true, if he passes away over Covid-19, it will be largely seen as a lesson in letting rhetoric rule your policy.
Pretty much. They have turned away from several EU things that would have helped. On this one they realised they had gone too far and made up some shite about the e mail going to a spam folder. This is not a spoof, he actually claimed that.

Even trump has not plumbed such depths. We were offered 50,000 and turned them all down. Now we don't have enough and people are now dying.

Somehow, as if by magic Cons seem to think they know more than the experts and end up killing innocent Men, Women and Children and try shift blame for their ineptitude on to someone else.
They get an easy ride from our press who are generally right wing frothers. I suspect they will get away with it.
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.

Tommy if Boris Johnson dies you are going to be SHOCKED at the mass outpouring of public grief, this is because even a majority of British who do not share his politics LIKE him as a person, because he's a happy character.
I don't think so Lucy. Thousands are losing loved ones and many because of his bumbling.

Okay so IF Boris dies, we will either return to highlight MY post or return to highlight YOUR post and see which one of us was correct, me who says they will have an outpouring of public grief or you who says they will not.
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.
I'm not there, nor am I that engaged in what's going on over there, but if what you're stating is true, if he passes away over Covid-19, it will be largely seen as a lesson in letting rhetoric rule your policy.
But will the Left learn from it? I have my doubts...
Boris Johnson has been moved into an ICU as his condition get worse.


Like I give a shit...
If you don't give a shit, so go away
For you from me.
View attachment 319934

Boris' sister Rachel Johnson Retweeted the below, I think his below Tweet probably was before they put him into Intensive Care and when he was just in the hospital last night for tests:

View attachment 319940

Thank you Lucy, The virus acts very quickly on people here in a short time people were better then they die a few hours later:(

If they go onto a ventilator they have a 60% chance of dying, it's not good.

Oh no this is horrible news. We don't know if he's on a ventilator though, do we? Our son had a terrible case of pneumonia last May at 22 yo. He was transferred to ICU just for constant monitoring and oxygen support, but never went on a vent. Thank God, he recovered, but was hospitalized for a week.

So I know ICU is not always a "death sentence"---it can just mean more intense monitoring. But a ventilator, that I don't know
The EU offered us ventilators and he turned them down because errrr brexit.

Brexit before breathing.

Tommy if Boris Johnson dies you are going to be SHOCKED at the mass outpouring of public grief, this is because even a majority of British who do not share his politics LIKE him as a person, because he's a happy character.
I don't think so Lucy. Thousands are losing loved ones and many because of his bumbling.

Okay so IF Boris dies, we will either return to highlight MY post or return to highlight YOUR post and see which one of us was correct, me who says they will have an outpouring of public grief or you who says they will not.
If he dies we would need to see the body. He is such a lying bastard.

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