British parents gender transition son and foster son 7&3 to female high court judge praises them as


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
British parents gender transition son and foster son, 7 and 3, to female - High Court judge praises them as "good, attuned and careful" - Voice of Europe
A boy of three was dressed in a girl’s uniform for school after living with foster parents whose own son transitioned to being female at the age of seven.

When your mental illness spills over to your kid and you begin the mental illness in your own kids it should tell society whose really mentally fkd in nthe head to do this shit to innocent kids who have no voice yet and can't choose yet. THEY ARE TOLD who or what they ARE!!!! They are " TOLD" ..
The most distubing thing about stories like that is that they are happening in countries that are viewed by many as the pinnacle of western democracy. Poor kids, shame on brits!
The most distubing thing about stories like that is that they are happening in countries that are viewed by many as the pinnacle of western democracy. Poor kids, shame on brits!

It's happening here just the same and is about to get worse.
The most distubing thing about stories like that is that they are happening in countries that are viewed by many as the pinnacle of western democracy. Poor kids, shame on brits!

You should hear this poor kid's story and his dad omg!! ( THIS IS IN TEXAS) Texas mind you !

We are the Scott Family.

Joe, Sarah, Mackenzie, Grayson, Patton, Rowan and Lily.

We met Jeff Younger a few years ago and became friends. He told us about his divorce, twin sons and a little about his concerns for his son James. This was due to some unusual circumstances involving his ex-wife telling James that he was a girl. We, like many others, listened but assumed that it was a miscommunication or just part of an ugly divorce that would eventually blow over.
We were wrong. As time went by things progressed and Jeff’s ex-wife began not only dressing James as a girl at home, but began to call him by the name Luna, began taking him to therapy with a self-proclaiming gender transition therapist and enrolled him in school as a “girl”.
When our kids finally met, they hit it off immediately and became the best of friends.
Jeff’s twin sons James and Jude are 7. Our 3 boys are 10, 8, and 5. They jumped in immediately and became like a part of the family. I think it would break these kids hearts to be separated now.
When at home with Jeff, and when spending time with our family, James thoroughly enjoys being himself. He chooses to dress as a boy and vehemently refuses toys, games and clothing that could be considered even the slightest bit feminine.
This summer Jeff and his ex-wife entered into a battle for full custody. She accused Jeff of abuse for not affirming James as a girl. Jeff has been enjoined by the court from discussing or affirming his son’s biological gender, and from sharing his thoughts and religious beliefs with him. He cannot use male......................

Save James – Save Thousands of Children
British parents gender transition son and foster son, 7 and 3, to female - High Court judge praises them as "good, attuned and careful" - Voice of Europe
A boy of three was dressed in a girl’s uniform for school after living with foster parents whose own son transitioned to being female at the age of seven.

When your mental illness spills over to your kid and you begin the mental illness in your own kids it should tell society whose really mentally fkd in nthe head to do this shit to innocent kids who have no voice yet and can't choose yet. THEY ARE TOLD who or what they ARE!!!! They are " TOLD" ..

The uk is finished
I dont know what would be worse
this or putting the kid into the hands of the UK governments foster care program
I think i saw it on a gab ..could of been daily mail where a 14 year old foster kid was sent back to her Muslim rapist family ...and impregnated
British parents gender transition son and foster son, 7 and 3, to female - High Court judge praises them as "good, attuned and careful" - Voice of Europe
A boy of three was dressed in a girl’s uniform for school after living with foster parents whose own son transitioned to being female at the age of seven.

When your mental illness spills over to your kid and you begin the mental illness in your own kids it should tell society whose really mentally fkd in nthe head to do this shit to innocent kids who have no voice yet and can't choose yet. THEY ARE TOLD who or what they ARE!!!! They are " TOLD" ..

The uk is finished
I dont know what would be worse
this or putting the kid into the hands of the UK governments foster care program
I think i saw it on a gab ..could of been daily mail where a 14 year old foster kid was sent back to her Muslim rapist family ...and impregnated

It's getting bad you've been on here long enough to see me say multiple times " WE ARE EUROPE" unfolding....
ANTIFA ( NO TRUMP NO WALLS NNO USA AT ALL" how idiots can't see Europe here is beyonnnd me.
I bet these people own a labradoodle, and for the same reason.

It's trendy.

This reminds me of the mental illness called Munchausens syndrome by proxy. Instead of making their kids sick to get attention, they change their gender, instead .
When God sends his(non tranny) son back to destroy this fucking planet it'll be a glorious day for us who believe.
"As it was in the days of Noah" Never to be seen again.

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