British violent beating death of pregnant woman and her guns used...that's good, right?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So....when no guns exist all will be heavenly....except that there were no guns for a very long time and people still slaughtered each other...what a gun does is give the weak a chance to fight against the strong, or the more in this story....

But....since the couple was apparently beaten to death...and no one used a gun...that was a win...right?

Pakistani Christian couple beaten to death for throwing out a dead relative s Koran Daily Mail Online

Shehzad Masih and Shama Bibi - who was four months pregnant and a mother to three children - were then beaten, surrounded by a 1,500 strong crowd and thrown on top of a brick kiln, witnesses said.

Now tell me...having a gun would have been a bad thing was better that they were disarmed by their government...right? This is the prefered outcome...right?

Reason to own and carry a gun #3...when the government can't or won't protect you.....

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