Brits Sure Have a Way with the English Language. Especially When It Concerns Joe.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
More of that ā€˜adults now in charge and smart foreign policyā€™ forced upon us in January. Iā€™m so old I remember when the Left coveted the opinion of the international community.

GRADUALLY, the Americans are realising that they have elected a weak, self-serving idiot to be their President.

You have to say, itā€™s taken them long enough to realise.

So desperate were the media and luvvies to get rid of Donald Trump they latched upon a semi-senile, perpetually dozing dork to replace him.

The signs were all there long before he was elected. At times he couldnā€™t remember the names of his own family.

He seemed to nod off in the middle of speeches. And there were the occasional snippets of racism.

Such as suggesting a black person couldnā€™t be a conservative.

But Afghanistan has opened the eyes of the country to the sheer cosmic uselessness of Joe Biden. A man who would do anything to save his own skin, too.

The USA was right to leave Afghanistan, sure. Donald Trump himself put that decision in train. But never in the manner that this has been done.

If Trump ā€” whose foreign policy record was pretty good ā€” had failed even half as spectacularly as Biden, the media would be calling for his head.

There is growing evidence that Biden has behaved despicably over the chaos of Afghanistan.

He seemingly ignored the evidence from his intelligence chiefs that the Taliban would take over the country very quickly once the US left.

He simply didnā€™t want to hear it.

Worse still, telephone transcripts suggest that he instructed the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani to ā€œalter the perceptionā€ that the Taliban were winning their fight.

In other words, to lie. To tell the folks that the Taliban werenā€™t winning.
And he did that because he knew it wouldnā€™t play well with his voters back home if the Taliban swept to victory.
That is the sort of stuff worthy of impeachment.
Left behind in Afghanistan are still thousands of Americans and Afghans ā€” and Brits ā€” who worked for the USA-imposed regime.
They now face reprisals from the savages who have taken over the country.
And after all this, Biden has called the American pull-out an ā€œextraordinary successā€.
You would have to be mentally ill, or out of your box on hallucinogenic drugs, to think that what has happened in Afghanistan is anything short of a disaster.
Biden has presided over the greatest American humiliation since Vietnam and possibly before.

The Chinese, the Russians and the nutters in the militant Islamic world are laughing their heads off.

He has infuriated his allies ā€” us Brits, but also the other European countries who contributed to the occupation of Afghanistan.

Millions of Americans are now kicking themselves, wondering why they voted for this gormless wazzock.

They did so because the media ā€” virtually all of it ā€” told them they had to.

The outgoing President was even banned from Twitter and Facebook, so single-minded was the liberal establishment in getting rid of Trump.

And yet Trump had been able to keep North Korea and China in check. He brokered peace deals between Israel and moderate Arab countries in the Middle East.

Coarse and grotesque though he was at times, Trump was ten times better as a president than Joe Biden.

The liberal establishment saddled the USA with Biden as President.

Read it all.

You could be the poster boy for contrived outrage. Fake-ass partisans.
Typical. Attack the poster and provide zero content...

images (15).jpeg

If you cannot see this as the epic failure it clearly is, you are a blind partisan.
Biden has destroyed American credibility.
But hey, no more mean tweets.
Elections have consequences. He received the most votes in the history of the U.S, even black voters supported him more then Obama!

Thus, this is the Will of the American people. He is the leader of the greatest administration in U.S history.
"cosmic uselessness of Joe Biden"
"gormless wazzock"

Gormless Definition & Meaning |

Gormless is a slang word meaning stupid, dull, or clumsy

What does wassock mean? wassock Definition. Meaning of ...
Mar 01, 2005 Ā· euphemism for wanker. He's such a wassock. See more words with the same meaning: uncool person, jerk, asshole
More of that ā€˜adults now in charge and smart foreign policyā€™ forced upon us in January. Iā€™m so old I remember when the Left coveted the opinion of the international community.

GRADUALLY, the Americans are realising that they have elected a weak, self-serving idiot to be their President.

You have to say, itā€™s taken them long enough to realise.

So desperate were the media and luvvies to get rid of Donald Trump they latched upon a semi-senile, perpetually dozing dork to replace him.

The signs were all there long before he was elected. At times he couldnā€™t remember the names of his own family.

He seemed to nod off in the middle of speeches. And there were the occasional snippets of racism.

Such as suggesting a black person couldnā€™t be a conservative.

But Afghanistan has opened the eyes of the country to the sheer cosmic uselessness of Joe Biden. A man who would do anything to save his own skin, too.

The USA was right to leave Afghanistan, sure. Donald Trump himself put that decision in train. But never in the manner that this has been done.

If Trump ā€” whose foreign policy record was pretty good ā€” had failed even half as spectacularly as Biden, the media would be calling for his head.

There is growing evidence that Biden has behaved despicably over the chaos of Afghanistan.

He seemingly ignored the evidence from his intelligence chiefs that the Taliban would take over the country very quickly once the US left.

He simply didnā€™t want to hear it.

Worse still, telephone transcripts suggest that he instructed the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani to ā€œalter the perceptionā€ that the Taliban were winning their fight.

In other words, to lie. To tell the folks that the Taliban werenā€™t winning.
And he did that because he knew it wouldnā€™t play well with his voters back home if the Taliban swept to victory.
That is the sort of stuff worthy of impeachment.
Left behind in Afghanistan are still thousands of Americans and Afghans ā€” and Brits ā€” who worked for the USA-imposed regime.
They now face reprisals from the savages who have taken over the country.
And after all this, Biden has called the American pull-out an ā€œextraordinary successā€.
You would have to be mentally ill, or out of your box on hallucinogenic drugs, to think that what has happened in Afghanistan is anything short of a disaster.
Biden has presided over the greatest American humiliation since Vietnam and possibly before.

The Chinese, the Russians and the nutters in the militant Islamic world are laughing their heads off.

He has infuriated his allies ā€” us Brits, but also the other European countries who contributed to the occupation of Afghanistan.

Millions of Americans are now kicking themselves, wondering why they voted for this gormless wazzock.

They did so because the media ā€” virtually all of it ā€” told them they had to.

The outgoing President was even banned from Twitter and Facebook, so single-minded was the liberal establishment in getting rid of Trump.

And yet Trump had been able to keep North Korea and China in check. He brokered peace deals between Israel and moderate Arab countries in the Middle East.

Coarse and grotesque though he was at times, Trump was ten times better as a president than Joe Biden.

The liberal establishment saddled the USA with Biden as President.

Read it all.

The Sun is a murdoch owned rag that is most famous for printing topless pix of 16 year old girls on page 3. Handy for cons looking for wank material but lirrle use for anything else.
Why don't you actually state your position?
All I see is you hurling insults.
I think Joe is an embarrassment to the nation. Democrats talked shit for 4 years and then Joe Biden is how they put their money where their mouths are? Nah. Fuck that. Fuck Joe. Fuck the Democrats.

That being said, particularly with posters like the OP, a lot of the outrage seems contrived, like I said. The position of fake-ass partisans like the OP never changes. It doesn't actually matter what the controversies are. Partisans will find a justification for their contrived, shallow outrage.
RE: thread title

Well, it is their language.

Yes, the Brits know how to handle this magnificent language.

For example, they know how to insult you in the most pleasant manner.

And their magazines and newspapers are fascinating reading.

As more than one media observer has observed, British editors know how to write scintillating copy.


And in all fairness, some Brits are the worst writers in the world. They produce literally unreadable books.
If Trump ā€” whose foreign policy record was pretty good ā€” had failed even half as spectacularly as Biden, the media would be calling for his head.

its obvious they don't listen to fox.
More of that ā€˜adults now in charge and smart foreign policyā€™ forced upon us in January. Iā€™m so old I remember when the Left coveted the opinion of the international community.

GRADUALLY, the Americans are realising that they have elected a weak, self-serving idiot to be their President.

You have to say, itā€™s taken them long enough to realise.

So desperate were the media and luvvies to get rid of Donald Trump they latched upon a semi-senile, perpetually dozing dork to replace him.

The signs were all there long before he was elected. At times he couldnā€™t remember the names of his own family.

He seemed to nod off in the middle of speeches. And there were the occasional snippets of racism.

Such as suggesting a black person couldnā€™t be a conservative.

But Afghanistan has opened the eyes of the country to the sheer cosmic uselessness of Joe Biden. A man who would do anything to save his own skin, too.

The USA was right to leave Afghanistan, sure. Donald Trump himself put that decision in train. But never in the manner that this has been done.

If Trump ā€” whose foreign policy record was pretty good ā€” had failed even half as spectacularly as Biden, the media would be calling for his head.

There is growing evidence that Biden has behaved despicably over the chaos of Afghanistan.

He seemingly ignored the evidence from his intelligence chiefs that the Taliban would take over the country very quickly once the US left.

He simply didnā€™t want to hear it.

Worse still, telephone transcripts suggest that he instructed the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani to ā€œalter the perceptionā€ that the Taliban were winning their fight.

In other words, to lie. To tell the folks that the Taliban werenā€™t winning.
And he did that because he knew it wouldnā€™t play well with his voters back home if the Taliban swept to victory.
That is the sort of stuff worthy of impeachment.
Left behind in Afghanistan are still thousands of Americans and Afghans ā€” and Brits ā€” who worked for the USA-imposed regime.
They now face reprisals from the savages who have taken over the country.
And after all this, Biden has called the American pull-out an ā€œextraordinary successā€.
You would have to be mentally ill, or out of your box on hallucinogenic drugs, to think that what has happened in Afghanistan is anything short of a disaster.
Biden has presided over the greatest American humiliation since Vietnam and possibly before.

The Chinese, the Russians and the nutters in the militant Islamic world are laughing their heads off.

He has infuriated his allies ā€” us Brits, but also the other European countries who contributed to the occupation of Afghanistan.

Millions of Americans are now kicking themselves, wondering why they voted for this gormless wazzock.

They did so because the media ā€” virtually all of it ā€” told them they had to.

The outgoing President was even banned from Twitter and Facebook, so single-minded was the liberal establishment in getting rid of Trump.

And yet Trump had been able to keep North Korea and China in check. He brokered peace deals between Israel and moderate Arab countries in the Middle East.

Coarse and grotesque though he was at times, Trump was ten times better as a president than Joe Biden.

The liberal establishment saddled the USA with Biden as President.

Read it all.



Tommy Tainant
Your Government isn't owned by the Sun and they have nothing good to say about your hero.

At least some Brits have intelligence and you aren't one of them.
Our government is under a lot of pressure for its dismal performance in Afghanistan. They are trying to deflect this by scapegoating. Catch up babe, it isnt difficult.
Tommy Tainant
You sure are full of shit. You're Govt. has no problem telling one and all what they think of Bidung.

Scapegoat?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

They don't need a scapegoat they have Bidung who's incompetent ass was in charge. Keep up dummy.

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