Brits to Catholics : "Drop Dead"


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

For crying out loud. The people in the pews were wearing masks. Cops in bullet proof vests come in and tell them "this gathering is unlawful" and they'll be arrested and/or fined if they remain to worship on Good Friday. That sure sounds like religious liberty being thwarted to me.

Catholics around the world didn't get to attend Mass last Easter ( and for over a year). Enough with this bogus pandemic tyranny already.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

If that fucking dumb ass Pope would have given Henry his divorce from the barren queen so much religious strife would not have been. Big mistake.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

If that fucking dumb ass Pope would have given Henry his divorce from the barren queen so much religious strife would not have been. Big mistake.

Maybe the religious strife would have occurred elsewhere if the Clement VII would have approved the annulment with Catherine? The Spanish were opposed to Henry-Catherine breakup.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

If that fucking dumb ass Pope would have given Henry his divorce from the barren queen so much religious strife would not have been. Big mistake.

Maybe the religious strife would have occurred elsewhere if the Clement VII would have approved the annulment with Catherine? The Spanish were opposed to Henry-Catherine breakup.
I believe him not having a son heir was the main reason no? Also after 6 wives his heir is a sickly boy lasing a few yrs.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

If that fucking dumb ass Pope would have given Henry his divorce from the barren queen so much religious strife would not have been. Big mistake.

Maybe the religious strife would have occurred elsewhere if the Clement VII would have approved the annulment with Catherine? The Spanish were opposed to Henry-Catherine breakup.
I believe him not having a son heir was the main reason no? Also after 6 wives his heir is a sickly boy lasing a few yrs.

I think Henry wanted to move on to a younger , more attractive dame. Catherine was long past prime child bearing years when he dumped her.

She only had one child that lived, the future Queen Mary.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

If that fucking dumb ass Pope would have given Henry his divorce from the barren queen so much religious strife would not have been. Big mistake.

Maybe the religious strife would have occurred elsewhere if the Clement VII would have approved the annulment with Catherine? The Spanish were opposed to Henry-Catherine breakup.
I believe him not having a son heir was the main reason no? Also after 6 wives his heir is a sickly boy lasing a few yrs.

I think Henry wanted to move on to a younger , more attractive dame. Catherine was long past prime child bearing years when he dumped her.

She only had one child that lived, the future Queen Mary.
Henry had a bad rap. he was one of the most gifted athletic kings ever around. He was slim his whole life.

A foolish jousting accident smashed his leg in his late 40's. His girth rose then the last couple years.
Henry attended seminary before he became king. Had his brother not died so Henry became king he might have become a priest. While king, Henry wrote books defending the Catholic faith - including the matter of keeping the sacrament of marriage.

Later, he decided he knew better than the Church that Jesus founded. More changed in him than getting wounded and fat.
Misleading headline. There is nothing in the linked article that suggests that this service was targeted because it was Catholic. Apparently, these people were raided because they were violating public-health rules that apply to everyone.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

If that fucking dumb ass Pope would have given Henry his divorce from the barren queen so much religious strife would not have been. Big mistake.

Catherine of Aragon was not "barren." Her and Henry's daughter eventually became Queen Mary I. Henry just shot the wrong bullets.
Reminiscent of past regulations, the British Crown raided Catholic Good Friday services yesterday in London.

For many decades, Catholic worship was outlawed in the UK, looks like this is the new normal to which they want to return to.

The thread premise is a lie.

The UK does not prohibit Catholic worship.
Meanwhile, in Calgary. Covid Cops entered the church during Good Friday services Pastor Pawlowski addressed them.

“Please get out – immediately get out of this property… I do not want to hear a word!” Pawlowski shouted, demanding they provide a warrant.

“Out of this property you Nazis! Gestapo is not allowed here!” he shouted. “Out, Nazi! Out! Nazis are not welcome here! Do not come back here you Nazi psychopaths!”
White people fighting White people over religion, I don't get it.

It's been going on for close to 2,000 years among white folks, during which they thought of more and more gruesome ways to kill each other, and all in the name of the Jewish "Prince of Peace." Of course, they occasionally would call a truce so that they could get together and go kill some Jews, and occasionally others. Jesus never founded a religion, but the one started supposedly to worship him as the messiah has a very violent past and it looks like it isn't finished. It doesn't take a personal tour of the Tour of London or Auschwitz to figure this out.

It is ironic that so many Christians pretend to worship Jesus but don't pay any attention to anything he said and reject what I think are the universal truths that he articulated and are recognized all over this earth regardless of faith. "White" Christianity seems to be a thing apart from the totality of Christianity, a religion in which race does not play any role. It has its own agenda: earthly power and control. When you see a photo of a lynching in the 20s or 30s, dollars to donuts it was a Christian man hanging from that rope, murdered by fellow Christians.

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