Brittany Griner

So what?

Point is if she were a man she'd be making seven or eight figures.

Paul Whelan - You mean the guy who was discharged from the USMC for grand larceny before he was caught actually spying in Russia?
Trevor Reed just sounds like a guy who got drunk and got into a fight with Russian cops, which is dumb but not evil.
What did Marc Fogel do to deserve to be left in Russia to rot? Seems he got busted with a little bit of Cannabis and is doing 14 years in a penal colony. I wonder how many notorious arms dealers we will trade to get him out. I'll put the over under at zero....
Grinder was arrested BECAUSE of our support for Ukraine. She is a political prisoner in a Mafia state
Grinder was arrested BECAUSE of our support for Ukraine. She is a political prisoner in a Mafia state
You know she was arrested before the invasion of Ukraine right? So she was publicly opposed to the invasion before it happened? Got a link for that? She was arrested because she broke Russian law. And I suspect if she weren’t a black lesbian you wouldn’t give 2 shits about her.
So its not that she broke the law it’s our support of Ukraine during the invasion except she was arrested before the invasion…….
She was arrested in February. The invasion was in February
She was arrested in February. The invasion was in February
Yeah. Was she arrested before or after the invasion in February? And why weren’t the other WNBA players arrested? Griner was a relative nobody in the US prior to her arrest in Russia. She was arrested because she broke the law. Stop trying to make this more than it is. Don’t worry we are going to give up a notorious arms dealer because BG couldn’t go a few months without her dope.
Im confused by the narrative/expectations surrounding this story for a number of reasons.

Let me say that I want this woman to be returned to the US swiftly and safely. She's a US citizen, and our government should be working to get her returned home.

That said.

1. She did break the law (Russian law) allegedly by having cannabis oil in her carry on. I'm not spun up on what the punishment for that type of crime is in Russia but like it or not we have to accept their legal process. Is the contention that she didn't have cannabis oil in her baggage? I haven't heard anyone say that she didn't.

2. This couldn't be going on at a worse time. Russia has no motivation to negotiate with the US right now.

3. Her wife made the assertion that she was in Russia playing because the WNBA doesn't pay her enough. She makes 220k a year from the WNBA a sum of money most people can live on. A league that runs a 10 million dollar a year deficit and wouldn't even exist if not for the largess of the NBA. I'm not sure how much money a person can expect to make from a failing business venture that only continues to stay afloat due to the charity of another super lucrative business. Making 220k a year playing a game in a league that hemorrhages 10 million dollars a year seems pretty good to me.

4. Im not sure how fast everyone expected her to be returned to the US. If we use the recently released Reed as a gauge she might be in Russia for a year or more. He was held for 3 years I think, it doesnt seem reasonable to assume she would be released before her trial has concluded.

Hopefully this issue is resolved quickly and Brittany gets to come home safe to her family both immediate and her American family but it's likely going to take a year or more for that to happen.

Is Brittany a biological woman? Her Adams apple is larger than her breasts
The State Dept says that about most people who are arrested in countries we have issues with. They've said it about Paul Whelan, as well as Trevor Reed. Neither of which were imprisoned for possession of drugs. Can you give a name of a US citizen in jail for drug possession in Russia?

I would agree that if she werent who she is there would be a lot less attention given to her regarding this issue. I would also agree that's she has in large part brought this down on herself. That said.

Her political/social stances should have zero to do with the US working to get her out of Russia.
You're right, her politics should have nothing at all to do with her imprisonment. Or with our fight to get her out. Our government didn't fight to get others out in Russian prisons for spying or for marijuana possession. Only now that there's a black lesbian does it become an issue. Politics
You're right, her politics should have nothing at all to do with her imprisonment. Or with our fight to get her out. Our government didn't fight to get others out in Russian prisons for spying or for marijuana possession. Only now that there's a black lesbian does it become an issue. Politics
The fight to get her out has to do with her special status as a black female lesbian. And it allows people to sell the utter bullshit narrative that if only the WNBA were paid commensurate with their male counter parts she wouldnt have to go overseas to play.
The fight to get her out has to do with her special status as a black female lesbian. And it allows people to sell the utter bullshit narrative that if only the WNBA were paid commensurate with their male counter parts she wouldnt have to go overseas to play.
Wrong . It has to do with her special status as an American citizen and the fact that she is a political prisoner
Wrong . It has to do with her special status as an American citizen and the fact that she is a political prisoner
Is that why Marc Fogel is still sitting in prison for the exact same offense and the US government is doing fuck all to get him out?
Holding people over a small vial of Cannabis Oil is silly no matter what Country they are in.

It is a LOT cheaper for Russia to let get her go back to America and good for some positive PR from it.
Oh that's what Russia is looking for, positive PR. That's why they continue to bomb civilian targets in Ukraine.

Griner bad mouthed the US in the past and now she wants the politicians to drop everything and save her. Karma sucks.

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