Broncos will win the Super Bowl.


Manning's in the twilight of his career but has the experience and tools to overcome Seattle's awesome defense.

Young Mr. Wilson has a bright future ahead of him, though, so a loss at his first Super Bowl won't be something that will make him damaged goods.
Broncos will win the Super Bowl. Remember you heard it here first.

If your a Broncos fan,better get out that crying towel and ask Elway if you can snuggle up to him and cry cause you guys will need it come supersunday.:D:lmao::lmao:

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but Manning struggled twice this year against The Chargers who in both games, controlled the line of scimmage with their physical play and knocked manning around as well.

they just made a couple of critical mistakes on both sides of the ball the first time in san diego which is why they lost to the donkeys but then did not make mistakes the second time in denver when they beat them.

It took the donkeys "three" times to figure out how to match up with them in their physical play and even then,they had to sweat it out for a victory the final two minutes against a bad team that should not have been in the playoffs in the first place.

they struggled against THAT physical defense of the chargers. well guess what? Manning in his two years in denver has faced NOTHING at all like the kind of defense he will have to face in new york when he faces the Hawks defense.

The Hawks excel against the pass which is the donkeys strength, passing.Plus the donkeys running back moreno probably wont even play because of a major injury he suffered it appears.He wont be a %100 if he does and guess what? that means NO RUNNING GAME for manning.:lol::lol:

dont be surprised if Manning has his worst game ever as a pro since his first game his rookie season with at least two interceptions and a turnover.:lol: this defense will cause him nightmares like no other he has faced this year or last.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh and The Hawks dont have to worry about a quarterback who can srmable and beat you with his legs.That will seem like a vacation for them facing the statue of Liberty Mr choker Peyton Manning.:lol::lol::lol:

compared to the niners defense who also have a very rough physical defense much like the Hawks have which they later exploited in the second half,the donkeys defense is like swiss cheese that they will tear apart.:lol::lol::lol:

if this game was in denver,they MIGHT have a chance with that crowd noise and that thin air but on a NEAUTRAL site? forget it,it probably wont even be a close game.The REAL superbowl was played between the Hawks and the niners who are the two best teams in the NFL.Hands down,no contest.

so again,start hunting for that crying towel,you'll need it come super sunday.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
My crystal ball rarely fails me. Denver will win the Super Bowl.

You better check your crystal ball for crack. :lol:

In a way I feel sorry for a great player with a huge legacy and history of accomplishment like Manning. He will be embarrassed by Seattle Feb 2. He deserves better but sadly he will not get it.
#1 offence VS #1 defense.

Doesn't get much better than this. :thup:

(Crystal balls notwithstanding)
Yup this is going to be a crystal balls-out matchup.

Reminds me of a Super Bowl about 20 years ago. Visiting my brother in Texas. Big party at his house. Loud as hell yak yak yak

As soon as the National Anthem started, the whole place went silent. We all faced the TV removed hats and shut the fuck up.

After that we all got real fucked up the whole game.
My crystal ball rarely fails me. Denver will win the Super Bowl.

You better check your crystal ball for crack. :lol:

In a way I feel sorry for a great player with a huge legacy and history of accomplishment like Manning. He will be embarrassed by Seattle Feb 2. He deserves better but sadly he will not get it.

thats the understatement of the century.Its cracked all right no

I could not have said it better myself.Wilson will feel like he is in heaven facing the donkeys swiss cheese defense after having to run around all day long avoiding the pass rush of the physical niners defense. and Poor Manning,his best running back-"not that they had a running game to begin with that could match up with the hawks defense." what little hope of having any kind of running game MAYBE happening for a little while on super sunday, dissapeared when he lost Moreno to an injury to the pats.

Manning will feel like he got jumped in a back alley bar and got beat up by a bunch of thugs after facing the Hawks defense and never want to face them again.:lmao:
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#1 offence VS #1 defense.

Doesn't get much better than this. :thup:

(Crystal balls notwithstanding)

which is WHY the Hawks win this game easily.

Great defense beats great offense everytime.

In baseball,great pitching and great plays on defense backing up the pitcher beats great hitting everytime.

same goes for football.The Hawks defense is in a zone right now.I guarantee you,there are no football teams out there right now that want to face the Hawks defense right now.they got all their players healthy and that spells doom for the donkeys.when SOME of their players are hurt and they are at half strenght,teams have a chance to score some touchdowns on them THEN,but when they are completely healthy like they are now? forget it,its game over for the donkeys.

Now if they were playing in denver,I could see people picking them to win.But on a NEAUTRAL field? better get out your crying towels and ask Elway if you can sit next to him when you cry.:lmao:
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The Denver Bronco offensive juggernaut will continue unabated. Broncos will win in a walk...the game will be over at halftime......

Broncos - 38
Seapigeons- 13
Well, I was pullin for the Patriots, but now I guess it is the Broncos.

Don't know how true it is, but I have heard that the Seahawks drink little baby's blood and all get into Satanic orgies with goats and pig's brains.

I don't know that that is true, but you know, where there's smoke there's usually fire and all that.

The Seahawks are among the lowest forms of life on the planet, under the planet in the planet and beyond the stars. All of them, each and every one are stinky slimey pond scum.

I think the Broncs will win, but I hope they absolutely stomp the Seahawks 56 to 0.

that would be whining crybaby Belicheat and the cheatriots who are the lowest forms of life on the planet.:cuckoo:

Manning's in the twilight of his career but has the experience and tools to overcome Seattle's awesome defense.

Young Mr. Wilson has a bright future ahead of him, though, so a loss at his first Super Bowl won't be something that will make him damaged goods.

apparently you did not read this post of Huggys below that he took you to school on.

Denver has never faced a defensive secondary like Seattle's. Once the ball has left Manning's hand both teams have the right to catch it. Keep that in mind as you watch the Legion of Boom dismantle the Bronco passing attack.

Then there is Marshawn Lynch. If Denver cannot stop him Seattle will control the clock and Manning will have precious few opportunities to force his passes into Sherman's and Chancellor's and Thomas's and the new guy's waiting arms.

If Wilson doesn't do as much goofy shit as he did this afternoon we should win easily.
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Manning's in the twilight of his career but has the experience and tools to overcome Seattle's awesome defense.

Young Mr. Wilson has a bright future ahead of him, though, so a loss at his first Super Bowl won't be something that will make him damaged goods.

deleted double post.
The weather will decide the winner. It is pretty simple. Denver is all about timing and speed. If it snows and the weather sucks, that will favor the SeaHags.
The weather will decide the winner. It is pretty simple. Denver is all about timing and speed. If it snows and the weather sucks, that will favor the SeaHags.

Cold affects games also. Fatigue sets in earlier. The hits add up faster. The mental proccess slows down. The wolves get the scent. The pack howls. The weak fall victim.

Bring on the cold.

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