Brothers Who Killed Ethan Liming, Stomped on His Chest, Broke His Neck and Took His Car Acquitted of Involuntary Manslaughter Charges

Some things are just so outrageous it bedevils the mind to try and understand how any human beings could committ such evil and even more so how the people on the jury could fail their obgligations to society.

It is a sad commentary on our society that we see such miscarriages of justice so often in cases where the defendants are a is a reflection I think on how so many have been misled by our schools in particular but also by the media and the entertainment industry into believing that if your skin is a certain color you are excused way too often for outrageous criminal behavior to the extreme.

Talk about screaming for a FEderal civil rights suit. Where's Garland?
At the end of the day.....the bottom line is blacks are bad
That is a very debatable statement.

I am 86.

I remember that in 1960s Los Angeles, a significant minority of them had dreadful behavior.

Is it due to their sad history of slavery and segregation or to family disfunction or genetics?

Of course, I do not know.
You're blaming the victim for getting beaten to death? Really?
The black kids were at the park in THEIR neighborhood playing basketball and the so called victim and his friends rolled up on them and started firing soft pellet guns at them and who knows what was being said. So tell me who is at fault here.
Despite the fake melodrama of the thread title, it sounds like they should have been acquitted
You lib loons damn yourself to a death with your false feeling that instigation and provocation should only draw the response that You choose.
You could be correct about the white kids being the cause of the fight

But the savage beating of the white kid deserves long prison sentences even if the jury didnt see it that way

However they heard all the evidence and I didnt

So I defer to their decision

But the killing of protestors by Kyle Rittenhouse, who had wandered through the crowd pointing his AR15 at them, threatening them, was totally self defense.

But the killing of protestors by Kyle Rittenhouse, who had wandered through the crowd pointing his AR15 at them, threatening them, was totally self defense.

No the killing of the multiple armed people chasing him was.
There are too many people screwing with too many other people. The Good Samaritan idea is hit or miss from the authoritarians, the criminals and all things in between. This is how the despot societies were and this is where we are heading.
The idiot is dead and you are trash.

I see one more dumb dead rigger going to jail if the kid's family don't get him first. Suck on that, racist. Hope it is a SLOW death.

So the black kids were on the court minding their own business and the white kids roll up and start shooting gel gun pistols at them, which means it was the white kids who started this confrontation. Am I correct?

You're correct but only if you believe surveillance video, police detectives, and the prosecution itself.

On Friday, jurors visited the school’s basketball court on West Market Street where prosecutors said Liming and his friends shot at the Staffords and another person with a toy gun that fires gel pellets at a high rate of speed.

From Fox8
You're correct but only if you believe surveillance video, police detectives, and the prosecution itself.

On Friday, jurors visited the school’s basketball court on West Market Street where prosecutors said Liming and his friends shot at the Staffords and another person with a toy gun that fires gel pellets at a high rate of speed.

From Fox8
Notice how the OP just conveniently left all that out and tries to make it seem as if these young black teenagers tracked down this white boy and murdered him.
Notice how the OP just conveniently left all that out and tries to make it seem as if these young black teenagers tracked down this white boy and murdered him.

Just look at the source, The Gateway Pundit. The Weekly Reader we got in elementary school during the early 1960's was aimed at a more intelligent audience.

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