Brown Would Be Alive Today if...


May 23, 2014
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.
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Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Just don't get what ? When you commit crimes and attack police you can end up dead? That's common sense. No, it's the left that is in the cosmos on this.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Blaming the victim for the irrational acts of others. That's the way their pea brains work.

I bet they think if Eric Garner hadn't been selling cigarettes in Staten Island he would be alive today, too.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Just don't get what ? When you commit crimes and attack police you can end up dead? That's common sense. No, it's the left that is in the cosmos on this.

Who had the gun, you stupid fucking idiot?

The one with the gun is the one in control.

Wilson was out of control.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

What is there to get? Explain it to me than?
Seems obvious that if he had done any of the three things mentioned above he would still be alive.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

He would certainly be alive if Officer Wilson were black.

Blacks NEVER shoot a brother. RIGHT?
It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Just don't get what ? When you commit crimes and attack police you can end up dead? That's common sense. No, it's the left that is in the cosmos on this.

Who had the gun, you stupid fucking idiot?

The one with the gun is the one in control.

Wilson was out of control.

That one comment explains so much about how libtards think.

1) No, the man with a gun does NOT have control. A gun is not a fucking magic wand, dipshit.

2) the autopsy that the NYT released shows officer Wilson shot in self defense and there was not one bullet wound in Browns back.

3) This is just another example of a manufactured controversy by case picking libtard activist groups trying to polarize our nation.

4) you are a lying stupid fucktard.
It is perfectly reasonable to draw two seemingly contradictory conclusions from the episode that resulted in Mr. Brown's death:

(1) The policeman was culpable for an un-justified shooting of a civilian, and should probably face criminal charges; and

(2) Had Mr. Brown acted reasonably and prudently, he would be alive today.

But from many indications, the world is probably a better place with him not in it.

Sorry. Had to say it.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

YES !, if he had said, "yes officer, no prob", and done so, he would be alive and a cop would still be just a cop doing his duties, plus many stores and businesses would still be doing business, there would be calm as it was a month ago, BUT NO !! the "******" (as PMH describes him) had to make an issue of the whole mater by acting like the fucking jungle bunny he was, his family should be made to pay for damages to all real property. :up:
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Blaming the victim for the irrational acts of others. That's the way their pea brains work.

I bet they think if Eric Garner hadn't been selling cigarettes in Staten Island he would be alive today, too.

Victims were the store owner and the cop Brown attacked.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

dont get what
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

it comes as no surprise that you and others on the far, far left want to hold your end of the "Teeter-Toter" down ! :up:

"...with a bullet in his head", are you admitting his skull was so thick the bullet never exited ? :lmao:

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