"Brownie....You're Doin' A Helluva Job"

And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!
And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!

Every storm, everywhere, ever, MIGHT hit somewhere. What you said was we "KNEW".

You're a dishonest lying hack trying to weasel out of your own words. Go fuck yourself Dipshit.
If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

And Saturday afternoon to Monday dawn is a good bit less even than "two days" anyway.
He's a lying hack.
Here's the thing...you clueless band of idiots...we have hurricane season every year! It's the months where you know that hurricanes can pop up at any time and it's the time of year that if you have half a brain you're keeping track of weather forecasts because they let you know what's coming your way.

I don't suddenly wake up the day that a hurricane is going to make landfall where I live and decide that it's time for me to run to the store and buy water and batteries. I don't put up my hurricane shutters that morning. I don't go to the gas station to fill up all my vehicles.

To make the claim that officials in New Orleans only had 48 hours to plan for a possible hurricane is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard on this board. THEY HAD YEARS TO PREPARE FOR THAT STORM!!!
You're fucking deranged.

No one's going to allow you to change your argument now that you realize you've failed.

You said, "it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

To which I responded, "So demented, you even think it was known a week in advance Katrina was going to hit New Orleans. :cuckoo: In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, they had less than 48 hours notice."

We're not talking about the years prior when they could have taken better precautions for any random storm -- we're talking about Katrina.

They did not know "for the better part of a week" the storm was coming.

4 days before Katrina hit, the storm was projected to hit the Florida Panhandle.

3 days before Katrina hit, the storm was projected to hit Alabama. At that time, the governor of Louisiana declared a state of emergency for her state and the mayor of New Orleans told his city to evacuate. You know, what you call doing nothing.

2 days before Katrina hit, the storm was projected to hit New Orleans. At that time, the governor of Louisiana requested federal assistance and the mayor of NO made evacuation mandatory. You know, again, what you call doing nothing.

The storm hit.

A week later, FEMA finally showed up.

Brown was rightfully fired.
And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!

Every storm, everywhere, ever, MIGHT hit somewhere. What you said was we "KNEW".

You're a dishonest lying hack trying to weasel out of your own words. Go fuck yourself Dipshit.

Show me a model that had Katrina hitting somewhere other than the Gulf Coast! The fact is...that storm WAS going to make landfall somewhere in the Gulf Coast and it was a crap shoot where that would take place JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER HURRICANE!!! To say that officials in New Orleans didn't know about Katrina until two days before it made landfall is ridiculous.
Here's the thing...you clueless band of idiots...we have hurricane season every year! It's the months where you know that hurricanes can pop up at any time and it's the time of year that if you have half a brain you're keeping track of weather forecasts because they let you know what's coming your way.

I don't suddenly wake up the day that a hurricane is going to make landfall where I live and decide that it's time for me to run to the store and buy water and batteries. I don't put up my hurricane shutters that morning. I don't go to the gas station to fill up all my vehicles.

To make the claim that officials in New Orleans only had 48 hours to plan for a possible hurricane is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard on this board. THEY HAD YEARS TO PREPARE FOR THAT STORM!!!
You're fucking deranged.

No one's going to allow you to change your argument now that you realize you've failed.

You said, "it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

To which I responded, "So demented, you even think it was known a week in advance Katrina was going to hit New Orleans. :cuckoo: In reality, from which you are clearly divorced, they had less than 48 hours notice."

We're not talking about the years prior when they could have taken better precautions for any random storm -- we're talking about Katrina.

They did not know "for the better part of a week" the storm was coming.

4 days before Katrina hit, the storm was projected to hit the Florida Panhandle.

3 days before Katrina hit, the storm was projected to hit Alabama. At that time, the governor of Louisiana declared a state of emergency for her state and the mayor of New Orleans told his city to evacuate. You know, what you call doing nothing.

2 days before Katrina hit, the storm was projected to hit New Orleans. At that time, the governor of Louisiana requested federal assistance and the mayor of NO made evacuation mandatory. You know, again, what you call doing nothing.

The storm hit.

A week later, FEMA finally showed up.

Brown was rightfully fired.

And what conclusions should you draw from the constantly changing projections on where storms are projected to make landfall? That they don't know for sure? That they could very well change course...and do so multiple times?

So what would the correct response be if you were the Mayor of a city that has large portions that lie BELOW sea level and a category 5 hurricane is out in the Gulf? Hope it goes somewhere else?
If you stop with the partisan bullshit and really look at how the locals dealt with those hurricanes it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

So did Louisiana governor Blanco. Friday the 26th.
Your point is what?

btw where's your reference for the Florida declaration? I did a search, found nothing. But I did find an idea where you're getting this absolute horseshit:

>> The September 12 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes included a deceptive on-screen Hurricane Katrina timeline that purported to cover developments in the storm and emergency response from August 24-30. Echoing a Bush administration official who falsely told The Washington Post that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) failed to declare a state of emergency, Fox's timeline omitted Blanco's August 26 declaration of a state of emergency while including similar declarations by the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama. Similarly, the timeline echoed Bush administration claims that the levee breaks were unexpected: The timeline indicated that, on August 30, three New Orleans levees broke and "water poured into [the] city" but did not mention that two levees that broke on the morning of August 29, triggering catastrophic flooding.

Under the header "Fox Facts," each of the 22 events identified in the timeline was displayed briefly at the bottom of the screen during an interview with Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) about government failures in responding to the disaster. Two of the entries read: "8/27: MISSISSIPPI GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY"; and "8/28: ALABAMA GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY." But the timeline made no mention of the state of emergency that Blanco declared for Louisiana on August 26. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Alabama Gov. Bob Riley are both Republicans.

During the segment in which the deceptive "Fox Facts" timeline ran, co-host Alan Colmes responded to Romney's criticisms of Blanco and the Louisiana state government by correctly pointing out that "the governor actually put out an emergency resolution on the 26th."

Fox's omission closely follows the Bush administration's reported strategy of shifting blame to Louisiana state officials. << (source)
Get that? Blanco not only declared the emergency -- she was the first of the Gulf states to do so.

Lying HACK.
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You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

So did Louisiana governor Blanco. Friday the 26th.
Your point is what?

btw where's your reference for the Florida declaration? I did a search, found nothing.

My "point" is that Ray Nagin...the Mayor of New Orleans...is the person most to blame for the debacle that was Katrina not Michael Brown. His total lack of leadership leading up to the storm was appalling. Then toss in that he extorted bribes from those who came afterwards to rebuild the city that his negligence helped destroy and you've got a scumbag of EPIC proportions...but all you liberals want to talk about is how Michael Brown's FEMA didn't respond faster than they did!
And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!
You flaming liar -- 4 days before the storm hit, there was only one model (not models) showing New Orleans could get hit. Every other model indicated Florida was going to take a second hit. No one evacuates a city when one model is different from all the rest AND the projected path.


You really are dumbing yourself down just to defend your insane argument. Meanwhile, the National Hurricane Center, which evaluates ALL the models, indicated the most probable path was the Florida Panhandle.
You really have no idea what you're talking about ... this was just 4 days before Katrina hit New Orleans ... they weren't even in the cone. Florida's Pan Handle was expected to get it.


As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

So did Louisiana governor Blanco. Friday the 26th.
Your point is what?

btw where's your reference for the Florida declaration? I did a search, found nothing. But I did find an idea where you're getting this absolute horseshit:

>> The September 12 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes included a deceptive on-screen Hurricane Katrina timeline that purported to cover developments in the storm and emergency response from August 24-30. Echoing a Bush administration official who falsely told The Washington Post that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) failed to declare a state of emergency, Fox's timeline omitted Blanco's August 26 declaration of a state of emergency while including similar declarations by the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama. Similarly, the timeline echoed Bush administration claims that the levee breaks were unexpected: The timeline indicated that, on August 30, three New Orleans levees broke and "water poured into [the] city" but did not mention that two levees that broke on the morning of August 29, triggering catastrophic flooding.

Under the header "Fox Facts," each of the 22 events identified in the timeline was displayed briefly at the bottom of the screen during an interview with Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) about government failures in responding to the disaster. Two of the entries read: "8/27: MISSISSIPPI GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY"; and "8/28: ALABAMA GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY." But the timeline made no mention of the state of emergency that Blanco declared for Louisiana on August 26. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Alabama Gov. Bob Riley are both Republicans.

During the segment in which the deceptive "Fox Facts" timeline ran, co-host Alan Colmes responded to Romney's criticisms of Blanco and the Louisiana state government by correctly pointing out that "the governor actually put out an emergency resolution on the 26th."

Fox's omission closely follows the Bush administration's reported strategy of shifting blame to Louisiana state officials. << (source)
Get that? Blanco not only declared the emergency -- she was the first of the Gulf states to do so.

Lying HACK.

So I guess Florida isn't a "Gulf" State anymore? God, but you're a moron!
And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!

Every storm, everywhere, ever, MIGHT hit somewhere. What you said was we "KNEW".

You're a dishonest lying hack trying to weasel out of your own words. Go fuck yourself Dipshit.

Show me a model that had Katrina hitting somewhere other than the Gulf Coast! The fact is...that storm WAS going to make landfall somewhere in the Gulf Coast and it was a crap shoot where that would take place JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER HURRICANE!!! To say that officials in New Orleans didn't know about Katrina until two days before it made landfall is ridiculous.
Now you're just flat out lying. No one said NO officials didn't know about Katrina until two days before it hit. What was said was that they didn't know it was going to hit NO until less than two days before it did.

That you have to lie about your opponents' argument proves even you know you've lost this one. Why you're still clinging to it is anybody's guess.
And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!
You flaming liar -- 4 days before the storm hit, there was only one model (not models) showing New Orleans could get hit. Every other model indicated Florida was going to take a second hit. No one evacuates a city when one model is different from all the rest AND the projected path.


You really are dumbing yourself down just to defend your insane argument. Meanwhile, the National Hurricane Center, which evaluates ALL the models, indicated the most probable path was the Florida Panhandle.

Now THAT is an amusing map you've put up, Faun!

You do realize that it's from when Katrina first formed over the Bahamas six days earlier? Well before it even crossed Florida? The projected paths for the storm changed dramatically as the week went on.
And if you look at the forecast models on what path it MIGHT take? Some of the models had it hitting as far west as New Orleans. Wake the fuck up!

Every storm, everywhere, ever, MIGHT hit somewhere. What you said was we "KNEW".

You're a dishonest lying hack trying to weasel out of your own words. Go fuck yourself Dipshit.

Show me a model that had Katrina hitting somewhere other than the Gulf Coast! The fact is...that storm WAS going to make landfall somewhere in the Gulf Coast and it was a crap shoot where that would take place JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER HURRICANE!!! To say that officials in New Orleans didn't know about Katrina until two days before it made landfall is ridiculous.
Now you're just flat out lying. No one said NO officials didn't know about Katrina until two days before it hit. What was said was that they didn't know it was going to hit NO until less than two days before it did.

That you have to lie about your opponents' argument proves even you know you've lost this one. Why you're still clinging to it is anybody's guess.

Simple question for you then...
Did officials in New Orleans know that a class 5 hurricane might hit their city and if so did they take the proper steps to protect the people of that city?
As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

So did Louisiana governor Blanco. Friday the 26th.
Your point is what?

btw where's your reference for the Florida declaration? I did a search, found nothing. But I did find an idea where you're getting this absolute horseshit:

>> The September 12 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes included a deceptive on-screen Hurricane Katrina timeline that purported to cover developments in the storm and emergency response from August 24-30. Echoing a Bush administration official who falsely told The Washington Post that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) failed to declare a state of emergency, Fox's timeline omitted Blanco's August 26 declaration of a state of emergency while including similar declarations by the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama. Similarly, the timeline echoed Bush administration claims that the levee breaks were unexpected: The timeline indicated that, on August 30, three New Orleans levees broke and "water poured into [the] city" but did not mention that two levees that broke on the morning of August 29, triggering catastrophic flooding.

Under the header "Fox Facts," each of the 22 events identified in the timeline was displayed briefly at the bottom of the screen during an interview with Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) about government failures in responding to the disaster. Two of the entries read: "8/27: MISSISSIPPI GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY"; and "8/28: ALABAMA GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY." But the timeline made no mention of the state of emergency that Blanco declared for Louisiana on August 26. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Alabama Gov. Bob Riley are both Republicans.

During the segment in which the deceptive "Fox Facts" timeline ran, co-host Alan Colmes responded to Romney's criticisms of Blanco and the Louisiana state government by correctly pointing out that "the governor actually put out an emergency resolution on the 26th."

Fox's omission closely follows the Bush administration's reported strategy of shifting blame to Louisiana state officials. << (source)
Get that? Blanco not only declared the emergency -- she was the first of the Gulf states to do so.

Lying HACK.

So I guess Florida isn't a "Gulf" State anymore? God, but you're a moron!

God may be a moron, but you're a fucking LIAR, which is worse.

Again, your claim is we KNEW for "the better part of a week" Katrina was coming. And KNEW is your word.

The fact remains, LIAR, 36 hours is in no definition "the better part of a week". And you've been called on it.

Lying dishonest HACK.

The projected paths for the storm changed dramatically as the week went on.

You're probably too stupid to see it but you just proved our point. Yeah it sure did change dramatically. It was notoriously unpredictable until Saturday afternoon, which was STILL before it turned north toward the Gulf coast and away from Mexico. THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON NEW ORLEANS COULD NOT "KNOW FOR THE BETTER PART OF A WEEK".

Nor could anyone else.

Fucking mongoloid idiot.
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I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

So did Louisiana governor Blanco. Friday the 26th.
Your point is what?

btw where's your reference for the Florida declaration? I did a search, found nothing. But I did find an idea where you're getting this absolute horseshit:

>> The September 12 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes included a deceptive on-screen Hurricane Katrina timeline that purported to cover developments in the storm and emergency response from August 24-30. Echoing a Bush administration official who falsely told The Washington Post that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) failed to declare a state of emergency, Fox's timeline omitted Blanco's August 26 declaration of a state of emergency while including similar declarations by the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama. Similarly, the timeline echoed Bush administration claims that the levee breaks were unexpected: The timeline indicated that, on August 30, three New Orleans levees broke and "water poured into [the] city" but did not mention that two levees that broke on the morning of August 29, triggering catastrophic flooding.

Under the header "Fox Facts," each of the 22 events identified in the timeline was displayed briefly at the bottom of the screen during an interview with Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) about government failures in responding to the disaster. Two of the entries read: "8/27: MISSISSIPPI GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY"; and "8/28: ALABAMA GOVERNOR DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY." But the timeline made no mention of the state of emergency that Blanco declared for Louisiana on August 26. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Alabama Gov. Bob Riley are both Republicans.

During the segment in which the deceptive "Fox Facts" timeline ran, co-host Alan Colmes responded to Romney's criticisms of Blanco and the Louisiana state government by correctly pointing out that "the governor actually put out an emergency resolution on the 26th."

Fox's omission closely follows the Bush administration's reported strategy of shifting blame to Louisiana state officials. << (source)
Get that? Blanco not only declared the emergency -- she was the first of the Gulf states to do so.

Lying HACK.

So I guess Florida isn't a "Gulf" State anymore? God, but you're a moron!

God may be a moron, but you're a fucking LIAR, which is worse.

Again, your claim is we KNEW for "the better part of a week" Katrina was coming. And KNEW is your word.

The fact remains, LIAR, 36 hours is in no definition "the better part of a week". And you've been called on it.

Lying dishonest HACK.

The projected paths for the storm changed dramatically as the week went on.

You're probably too stupid to see it but you just proved our point. Yeah it sure did change dramatically. It was notoriously unpredictable until Saturday afternoon, which was STILL before it turned north toward the Gulf coast and away from Mexico. THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON NEW ORLEANS COULD NOT "KNOW FOR THE BETTER PART OF A WEEK".

Fucking mongoloid idiot.

So basically you admit that you knew Katrina was THERE...you just assumed that it wouldn't hit YOU? But I'm the "mongoloid idiot"?

Thanks for playing...Johnny...what do we have for parting gifts for Pogo!
As I said, Katrina wasn't even a WEEK OLD when it hit Louisiana. That's a matter of record. A week before landfall there was no such thing, not a hurricane, not a storm, not even a depression.

I guess on his planet people see the future in their crystal balls.

I said the better part of a week...Katrina originated over the Bahamas on August 23rd and made landfall on the Gulf Coast on the 29th of August. So is six days not the better part of a week? You're an idiot!
Actually, you said the people running New Orleans knew for the better part of a week that Katrina was coming.

You then posted a graphic showing they knew on Saturday -- two days before the storm hit.

2 days is not the better part of a week. I showed you that even 4 days before it hit NO, they weren't even in the cone.

You are seriously deranged.

Do you think Katrina suddenly appeared in the middle of the Gulf as a category 5 hurricane and nobody noticed it before that? Jeb Bush had declared a state of emergency in Florida before that storm made landfall the first time...WELL BEFORE THAT PROJECTED PATH WAS BEING PREDICTED!!!

So did Louisiana governor Blanco. Friday the 26th.
Your point is what?

btw where's your reference for the Florida declaration? I did a search, found nothing.

My "point" is that Ray Nagin...the Mayor of New Orleans...is the person most to blame for the debacle that was Katrina not Michael Brown. His total lack of leadership leading up to the storm was appalling. Then toss in that he extorted bribes from those who came afterwards to rebuild the city that his negligence helped destroy and you've got a scumbag of EPIC proportions...but all you liberals want to talk about is how Michael Brown's FEMA didn't respond faster than they did!

Actually I defended Michael Brown. You don't read real good -- but we knew that. Brown wasn't being listened to. And when Chertoff stopped his obstruction, Rumsfeld began his.

Go read the fucking thread, stupid.
You know the storm is out there. You know it's morphed into a category 5. You know that there is no way on God's green earth that anyone can accurately predict what a hurricane will do. But you still think you're blameless because Katrina changed directions two days before it hit? Aren't you the sharp one!
So basically you admit that you knew Katrina was THERE...you just assumed that it wouldn't hit YOU? But I'm the "mongoloid idiot"?

When you have to change around what somebody else said, as well as your own words, because you can't back up your fucking point --- you sure are, Sparky!

it's obvious that New Orleans did an AWFUL job at preparing for a natural disaster that they knew for the better part of a week was coming!"

That ain't going away, moron.

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