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Bruce Jenner Thinks Christ Accepts His Sex Change (He/She Couldn't Be More Wrong!)

If god had meant for men to be circumcised, he would not have given them a foreskin.

Get it?
Wrong, read the Bible before you spout stupid stuff.


I'm not the authority on the bible that you say you are. Please educate me.

Please post where, in the bible, it says god made a mistake when he gave men a foreskin and that humans should get busy chopping it off.

It doesn't, God doesn't make mistakes, men do.

Is it conceivable that the men who wrote the Bible; some hundreds of years after Christ, made mistakes?
Only in satans eyes.
You are being led by Satan.
God hates sin. God will punish sin. Until someone knows that, they have no reason to ask for forgiveness. You cannot be a “believer” while denying what God has revealed.

Your mantra is 'God hates sin and He will punish those who sin.' Would you be kind enough to explain to me how a Louisiana judge can deny compensation to Glen Ford, a man who was falsely convicted of a crime by an all-white jury, and served 32 years on death row? He was exonerated, but now he has a second death sentence since he has lung cancer. The lead prosecutor has apologized to him, but the State of Louisiana will not pay him compensation. I find that to be a sin. Do you?

Disregard for human life is a sin.

Exodus 21:28 and 29(28) If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the owner of the bull will not be held responsible.
(29) If, however, the bull has had the habit of goring and the owner has been warned but has not kept it penned up and it kills a man or woman, the bull must be stoned and the owner also must be put to death.
Compensation is not disregarding human life.

In Glen Ford's case it is. The State stole 32 years of his life because he was falsely accused of a crime he didn't do; therefore, the State should pay him compensation since he is dying of cancer and in desperate need of housing and care. I believe in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and I believe it is sinful to neglect the needs of human beings, which results in a total disregard for human life.
I disagree!
Your mantra is 'God hates sin and He will punish those who sin.' Would you be kind enough to explain to me how a Louisiana judge can deny compensation to Glen Ford, a man who was falsely convicted of a crime by an all-white jury, and served 32 years on death row? He was exonerated, but now he has a second death sentence since he has lung cancer. The lead prosecutor has apologized to him, but the State of Louisiana will not pay him compensation. I find that to be a sin. Do you?

Disregard for human life is a sin.

Exodus 21:28 and 29(28) If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the owner of the bull will not be held responsible.
(29) If, however, the bull has had the habit of goring and the owner has been warned but has not kept it penned up and it kills a man or woman, the bull must be stoned and the owner also must be put to death.
Compensation is not disregarding human life.

In Glen Ford's case it is. The State stole 32 years of his life because he was falsely accused of a crime he didn't do; therefore, the State should pay him compensation since he is dying of cancer and in desperate need of housing and care. I believe in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and I believe it is sinful to neglect the needs of human beings, which results in a total disregard for human life.
I disagree!

That's your right as an American to believe as you wish, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with you. The topography of my heart is bigger than yours.
Maybe he is generally delusional and confused.
If he is arrogantly boasting, purposely twisting scripture into a pretzel and mocking that he can do whatever the hell he wants...then be forgiven. Then its a whole different thing.
Only God and Brucella know his true heart and intentions.
I'm sorry, I missed the verse(s) in the Bible where Christ talks about trans-gendering.
The Bible makes it clear, God created Man and Woman, to be Man and Wife and have children. Delusional to think otherwise.

Psalms 139 13:18
You formed my inmost being;

you knit me in my mother’s womb.e

14I praise you, because I am wonderfully made;

wonderful are your works!

My very self you know.

15My bones are not hidden from you,

When I was being made in secret,

fashioned in the depths of the earth.*

16Your eyes saw me unformed;

in your book all are written down;f

my days were shaped, before one came to be.

17How precious to me are your designs, O God;

how vast the sum of them!

18Were I to count them, they would outnumber the sands;

when I complete them, still you are with me.

If a child is born a hermaphrodite, and a doctor chooses which gender the child will be, which gender did God choose?
Trying to disprove the Bible and support stupidity at the same time doesn't work. Ask God not me. Stupid question, my statement stands.
I asked God, and he didn't answer, and since you won't enlighten me....I'll just look forward to a roasty toasty eternity.


Disregard for human life is a sin.

Exodus 21:28 and 29(28) If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the owner of the bull will not be held responsible.
(29) If, however, the bull has had the habit of goring and the owner has been warned but has not kept it penned up and it kills a man or woman, the bull must be stoned and the owner also must be put to death.
Compensation is not disregarding human life.

In Glen Ford's case it is. The State stole 32 years of his life because he was falsely accused of a crime he didn't do; therefore, the State should pay him compensation since he is dying of cancer and in desperate need of housing and care. I believe in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and I believe it is sinful to neglect the needs of human beings, which results in a total disregard for human life.
I disagree!

That's your right as an American to believe as you wish, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with you. The topography of my heart is bigger than yours.
Steve's heart is a slimy pile of brackish goo, and it makes the Grinch's heart look huge and healthy (I'm talking about his heart before Cindy Lou Who brought him around)

This is amazing.....from 1997

Bruce Jenner really has a point. His changes are only cosmetic. He isn't gay and has no intention of giving up women.
Bruce Jenner really has a point. His changes are only cosmetic. He isn't gay and has no intention of giving up women.

Aside from obvious looks....the real way to determine if one is a man or a woman....

1. Give 'em the TV remote....if they keep pressing the button and can't decide on one show......that's a man.

2. Put 'em in a room with a thermostat....if they immediately raise the temperature, a woman....immediately lower the temperature, a man.

3.The Litmus Test: see if they can parallel park.
Bruce Jenner really has a point. His changes are only cosmetic. He isn't gay and has no intention of giving up women.

I like Bruce Jenner as a person...weirdness and all.
,,,but lets be real here, many woman will be giving up on "him". :laugh2:
Well, every man have a right to think and say what they want, it's one of our freedom!
But when i see that some people think not like that's was said in source without any proofs...
Church don't wanna legalize same-sex marriages and the churches are messengers of God, i don't think that Bruce is among them!
Jesus, based on the little thing the Bible, cares about souls, not junk.
I think this issue is between him and God, not what others think God recognizes...

I'll give my opinion though. It's disgusting.
It is between him and God, and it IS NOT ANYONE ELSE'S BUSINESS.

"It’s not even totally dependent on the physical appearance of your genitals (which can be surgically altered) so much as the fact that it’s coded into your genes. And if you do fall into that tiny percentage where the chromosome structure has its wires crossed, that’s not an alternate lifestyle. It’s a genetic mutation. This is all just science, but apparently the Obama administration is choosing to be selective when it comes to believing in science depending which way the PC winds are blowing at the moment."
Obama administration weighs in on “transgender bathroom” question with predictable results
It surprises me how many people believe they know what Jesus would say to someone they don't know.

Proverbs 16:18 has some advice for these "clairvoyants."
Could conceivably use the 'whatever you hold true on Earth I'll hod true in hevaen' thing too. If law regards you as opposite sex when transsexual, could be how it goes over in heaven.

Nearest Biblical terms for this would probably be the eunuchs. Man becomming a woman is akin to losing your genitals insofar as Biblical law would be concerned.

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