Bruce Ohr transcript released

Isn’t all the information used to obtain a FISA warrant supposed to be vetted 100% and sworn to be true by those applying for the warrant?

Why won’t anyone put their name on the warrant and straight up say they verified all info on the application was 100% true?

Holy shit you are clueless.

That’s not how the world works.

Standard for warrants is REASONABLE SUSPICION, not 100% established guilt. Standard for a warrant on Carter was even lower, since he was already a known Russian intelligence asset, from a prior case.

Dossier material was disclosed as a political source material, but it corraborated other evidence.

Still standing by this absolutel lie of a post?

Nunes has given 8 criminal referrals to the AG regarding this.

So fucked, Dimms.

He can reffer whatever the fuck his little Trump-ass-kissing heart desires. Means nothing.

But even aside from that, his refferals have nothing to do with the basis of FISA warrants.

You could not be more wrong. Why is your tongue up the asses of the corrrupt DOJ players? Why do you want a corrupt government?

What does the Woods procedure mean to you? Why is that a thing, specifically?
Isn’t all the information used to obtain a FISA warrant supposed to be vetted 100% and sworn to be true by those applying for the warrant?

Why won’t anyone put their name on the warrant and straight up say they verified all info on the application was 100% true?

Holy shit you are clueless.

That’s not how the world works.

Standard for warrants is REASONABLE SUSPICION, not 100% established guilt. Standard for a warrant on Carter was even lower, since he was already a known Russian intelligence asset, from a prior case.

Dossier material was disclosed as a political source material, but it corraborated other evidence.

Still standing by this absolutel lie of a post?

Nunes has given 8 criminal referrals to the AG regarding this.

So fucked, Dimms.

He can reffer whatever the fuck his little Trump-ass-kissing heart desires. Means nothing.

But even aside from that, his refferals have nothing to do with the basis of FISA warrants.

What are they about?
Oh, but she did. Along with fusion gps.
Unlike you red state swallowing fools I've read the transcript and everything looks above board.

RedState claims: For instance, Schiff claims Steele was never paid. Ohr says he was.

Except ofcourse thats a fabrication and Schiff didn't say that.

Further, Ohr confirms that Schiff was correct that Ohr's role was grossly overstated by Nunez.

Ohr passed on to FBI whatever information was given to him, he did not pass information back, he correctly disclosed that information was coming from one sided source, he disclosed that Steelie belived that Trump was compromised and shouldn't be anywhere near WH.

Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ while she was also working for Fusion GPS, she was feeding Steele material to incorporate in the dossier. Steele would then feed the completed material to Bruce Ohr. Bruce Ohr was meeting with Steele long after Mueller was appointed.

There is a lot to be learned from Collins making this public. Mainly with it being public it will be harder for Barr to sweep under the rug.

You are confused, Nellie was not employed by DOJ.

Ohr was not part of the investigation or any decision making, as he wasn't a counter-inteligence specialist. He merely passed on what he got.

Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow (Full pdf)…

"As we discovered yesterday, Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ-NSD (national security division) in 2016, at the same time she was working for Fusion GPS.

Nellie Ohr was obviously a DOJ-NSD contractor providing analysis on issues relating to Russia and Organized Crime. The release from Judicial Watch outlined consistent Nellie Ohr work within government throughout the time-frame within their FOIA request. It’s likely, hell damn certain, the Nellie Ohr government work also extends beyond the time limits within the FOIA.

Stop reading half baked right wing conspiracy mills ran by brain dead idiots.

Nellie Ohr never worked for DOJ, her GPS reasearch materials were passed through her husband over to FBI and that was the entire extent of her involvement in the case.

how about instead spreading hearsay you post something with an actual BACKING?

There is nothing anywhere about Fusion GPS ever being contracted by the FBI.
Isn’t all the information used to obtain a FISA warrant supposed to be vetted 100% and sworn to be true by those applying for the warrant?

Why won’t anyone put their name on the warrant and straight up say they verified all info on the application was 100% true?

Holy shit you are clueless.

That’s not how the world works.

Standard for warrants is REASONABLE SUSPICION, not 100% established guilt. Standard for a warrant on Carter was even lower, since he was already a known Russian intelligence asset, from a prior case.

Dossier material was disclosed as a political source material, but it corraborated other evidence.

Still standing by this absolutel lie of a post?

Nunes has given 8 criminal referrals to the AG regarding this.

So fucked, Dimms.

He can reffer whatever the fuck his little Trump-ass-kissing heart desires. Means nothing.

But even aside from that, his refferals have nothing to do with the basis of FISA warrants.

What are they about?

The letter did not provide further details on what the referrals will allege but the congressman previously told Fox News the referrals include two for conspiracy, as well as for “global leaks” and for lying, misleading or obstructing congressional investigators.

Nunes sends criminal-referral notification to Barr, alleges several ‘potential violations’ in Russia probe

Nothing about FISA court process itself.
Isn’t all the information used to obtain a FISA warrant supposed to be vetted 100% and sworn to be true by those applying for the warrant?

Why won’t anyone put their name on the warrant and straight up say they verified all info on the application was 100% true?

Holy shit you are clueless.

That’s not how the world works.

Standard for warrants is REASONABLE SUSPICION, not 100% established guilt. Standard for a warrant on Carter was even lower, since he was already a known Russian intelligence asset, from a prior case.

Dossier material was disclosed as a political source material, but it corraborated other evidence.

Still standing by this absolutel lie of a post?

Nunes has given 8 criminal referrals to the AG regarding this.

So fucked, Dimms.

He can reffer whatever the fuck his little Trump-ass-kissing heart desires. Means nothing.

But even aside from that, his refferals have nothing to do with the basis of FISA warrants.

What are they about?

The letter did not provide further details on what the referrals will allege but the congressman previously told Fox News the referrals include two for conspiracy, as well as for “global leaks” and for lying, misleading or obstructing congressional investigators.

Nunes sends criminal-referral notification to Barr, alleges several ‘potential violations’ in Russia probe

Nothing about FISA court process itself.

Nunes is the proven liar and his "criminal referrals" carry no weight whatsoever, just like his Twitter lawsuit. He's no longer head of the House Intel Committee. It's Nunes who should be worried about criminal referrals about his conduct and leaking.
False dossier used to spy on American citizen. Dimms don’t care because they don’t like Trump.

So fucked in the head.
From Schiff's own memo-

As DOJ informed the Court in subsequent renewals,
Steele's reporting about Page's Moscow meetings
applications did not otherwise rely on Steele's reporting, including any "salacious" allegation
about Trump, and the FBI never paid Steele for this reporting.

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

I have also, previously posted in this forum emails showing her working with the govt-

Around page 200 or just before(not scrolling back) it shows Nellie Ohr was also working for the DOJ. So, yes, she was with fusion gps and the DOJ.
Interview of: Bruce Ohr

Unlike you red state swallowing fools I've read the transcript and everything looks above board.

RedState claims: For instance, Schiff claims Steele was never paid. Ohr says he was.

Except ofcourse thats a fabrication and Schiff didn't say that.

Further, Ohr confirms that Schiff was correct that Ohr's role was grossly overstated by Nunez.

Ohr passed on to FBI whatever information was given to him, he did not pass information back, he correctly disclosed that information was coming from one sided source, he disclosed that Steelie belived that Trump was compromised and shouldn't be anywhere near WH.
Unlike you red state swallowing fools I've read the transcript and everything looks above board.

RedState claims: For instance, Schiff claims Steele was never paid. Ohr says he was.

Except ofcourse thats a fabrication and Schiff didn't say that.

Further, Ohr confirms that Schiff was correct that Ohr's role was grossly overstated by Nunez.

Ohr passed on to FBI whatever information was given to him, he did not pass information back, he correctly disclosed that information was coming from one sided source, he disclosed that Steelie belived that Trump was compromised and shouldn't be anywhere near WH.

Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ while she was also working for Fusion GPS, she was feeding Steele material to incorporate in the dossier. Steele would then feed the completed material to Bruce Ohr. Bruce Ohr was meeting with Steele long after Mueller was appointed.

There is a lot to be learned from Collins making this public. Mainly with it being public it will be harder for Barr to sweep under the rug.
You are confusing him with the criminal obama had in tjd.
Oh, but she did. Along with fusion gps.
Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ while she was also working for Fusion GPS, she was feeding Steele material to incorporate in the dossier. Steele would then feed the completed material to Bruce Ohr. Bruce Ohr was meeting with Steele long after Mueller was appointed.

There is a lot to be learned from Collins making this public. Mainly with it being public it will be harder for Barr to sweep under the rug.

You are confused, Nellie was not employed by DOJ.

Ohr was not part of the investigation or any decision making, as he wasn't a counter-inteligence specialist. He merely passed on what he got.

Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow (Full pdf)…

"As we discovered yesterday, Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ-NSD (national security division) in 2016, at the same time she was working for Fusion GPS.

Nellie Ohr was obviously a DOJ-NSD contractor providing analysis on issues relating to Russia and Organized Crime. The release from Judicial Watch outlined consistent Nellie Ohr work within government throughout the time-frame within their FOIA request. It’s likely, hell damn certain, the Nellie Ohr government work also extends beyond the time limits within the FOIA.

Stop reading half baked right wing conspiracy mills ran by brain dead idiots.

Nellie Ohr never worked for DOJ, her GPS reasearch materials were passed through her husband over to FBI and that was the entire extent of her involvement in the case.

how about instead spreading hearsay you post something with an actual BACKING?

There is nothing anywhere about Fusion GPS ever being contracted by the FBI.

FBI paid Steele who was working for Fusion GPS owned by Glenn Simpson.
All these "gotcha" quotes don't say what the right thinks they say. You have to be really desperate to connect his testimony to anything improper or illegal. But you people still believe Hillary Clinton did bad things on Uranium One so you'll believe ANYTHING, that disparages Democrats, and NOTHING that proves Trump is a lying piece of shit.
Alt right?? Seriously? It is from a govt website releasing the actual testimony!

Alt right blogs are not a relavent source of information.

I was referring to the Red State blog
Oh, but she did. Along with fusion gps.
You are confused, Nellie was not employed by DOJ.

Ohr was not part of the investigation or any decision making, as he wasn't a counter-inteligence specialist. He merely passed on what he got.

Representative Doug Collins Releases Bruce Ohr Transcript and Announces More to Follow (Full pdf)…

"As we discovered yesterday, Nellie Ohr was working for the DOJ-NSD (national security division) in 2016, at the same time she was working for Fusion GPS.

Nellie Ohr was obviously a DOJ-NSD contractor providing analysis on issues relating to Russia and Organized Crime. The release from Judicial Watch outlined consistent Nellie Ohr work within government throughout the time-frame within their FOIA request. It’s likely, hell damn certain, the Nellie Ohr government work also extends beyond the time limits within the FOIA.

Stop reading half baked right wing conspiracy mills ran by brain dead idiots.

Nellie Ohr never worked for DOJ, her GPS reasearch materials were passed through her husband over to FBI and that was the entire extent of her involvement in the case.

how about instead spreading hearsay you post something with an actual BACKING?

There is nothing anywhere about Fusion GPS ever being contracted by the FBI.

FBI paid Steele who was working for Fusion GPS owned by Glenn Simpson.

Ooook and?
Alt right?? Seriously? It is from a govt website releasing the actual testimony!

Alt right blogs are not a relavent source of information.

I was referring to the Red State blog
And ignored the .gov link.
Also, just for an FYI, red state is not a fan of Trump. Lol

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