Brussels Shooting and Why Europe Won’t Confront Islamic Jew-Hatred

mass graves are not just 100 or a few hundred but in the tens of thousand and they were industrially killing people everyday for more than a decade.
I understand it is hard but try to fathom 10 thousand, or more, being killed per day
Again, where are the millions of bodies?? Where are the huge ash pits/mounds??

Hint: There aren't any........ :cool:
What business does an an ignorant Neanderthal Moooslem convert have with denying the Holocaust, a universally accepted historical fact?

Heil Hitler updated to Allah Akbar.
What a stupid fuckin question. It's 2014, did you expect them to leave the bodies and ash there.
Ok then, in what year were they dug up and where were they relocated?? . :cool:

I gave you 30 plus pages of where the mass graves are located, but you did not bother to read it or even look at the maps.

Do not say you can't find when in fact you can't bother to open links handed to you.
Keep in mind, you are trying to educate a person with a medieval mindset, and the educational level of a third grader.
Until the illegal occupation of Palestine is resolved.

The animosity towards the Jews will increase throughout Europe and much of the world. .. :cool:

Show how it is illegal under current International law and the Geneva conventions, even the UNGA has said that it is a legal occupation for defensive measures
Until the illegal occupation of Palestine is resolved.

The animosity towards the Jews will increase throughout Europe and much of the world. .. :cool:

Show how it is illegal under current International law and the Geneva conventions, even the UNGA has said that it is a legal occupation for defensive measures
I have no doubt these zionist controlled western organizations think it's fine and dandy to steal people's land and give it to the Jews. .. :cool:
Until the illegal occupation of Palestine is resolved.

The animosity towards the Jews will increase throughout Europe and much of the world. .. :cool:

Show how it is illegal under current International law and the Geneva conventions, even the UNGA has said that it is a legal occupation for defensive measures
I have no doubt these zionist controlled western organizations think it's fine and dandy to steal people's land and give it to the Jews. .. :cool:

Who's land was stolen? .. :cool:
so concerned about who owns the land or who deserves the land that you want the whole population of and county to be kicked out.
I never said anything about kicking the Jews out.

They should be given the option of becoming citizens of the new Palestinian state or migrating to another country. .. :cool:

Why not have it as the muslims become citizens of the New Israel, on condition they renounce all violence, terrorism and belligerence. Did you know that these are the conditions the UM placed on the right of return and this is why the P.A. would not allow those muslims able to return to do so.
Until the illegal occupation of Palestine is resolved.

The animosity towards the Jews will increase throughout Europe and much of the world. .. :cool:

It's increasing in Europe because of increasing Muslim immigration there.

Which is not surprising , because Muslims are the most hateful people in earth and spread their hate wherever they go.
Anti-semitism has been deeply rooted in Europe for centuries.

Muslims migrating to Europe is a fairly recent phenomena of the last 50 years.

So to blame the muslims for increased anti-semitism in Europe is quite a stretch of the imagination. .. :cool:

STOP LYING the fact is muslims have had a presence in Europe for 1400 years, the oldest mosque in the UK was first used in the 1700's
It's increasing in Europe because of increasing Muslim immigration there.

Which is not surprising , because Muslims are the most hateful people in earth and spread their hate wherever they go.
Anti-semitism has been deeply rooted in Europe for centuries.

Muslims migrating to Europe is a fairly recent phenomena of the last 50 years.

So to blame the muslims for increased anti-semitism in Europe is quite a stretch of the imagination. .. :cool:

There's always been some Anti Semitism in Europe, but as Muslim immigration grew and continues to grow, so does anti semitism.

But your post is jot surprising, as you always try to make excuses for Muslims atrocities and hate :cool:

UK government figures show that anti Semitism has risen in line with muslim migration, so why does this POS convert LIE so much
Until the illegal occupation of Palestine is resolved.

The animosity towards the Jews will increase throughout Europe and much of the world. .. :cool:

It's increasing in Europe because of increasing Muslim immigration there.

Which is not surprising
, because Muslims are the most hateful people in earth and spread their hate wherever they go.
Which is why more and more people are starting to realize that Islam is the cancer of the world. True Story :cool:

Toasty, I know you only put the shit in so l'il SunnyTurd would feel at home. But the fact is, very many of EVERY group who immigrate are seeking jobs, etc. - and aren't all that well-educated. I suspect some of the dynamic is that Euro nations are not so 'multicultural' as they like to claim (esp France which has an organization watching over the French language!)..... Also, some groups within Islam are more and some less willing to integrate: those who are least willing to integrate will have the worst results in terms of education, employment, and social acceptance. Which will only fuel their isolation - and then along come the jihadi recruiters....

It's really the same dynamic as with Charles Manson, and any number of other 'we own the One True TRUTH' cults in the US and elsewhere......If you compare the attitude towards everyone else of the average Islamicist jihadi with that of a 'true believer' Jehovah's Witness - there actually IS a reason to be glad the 'witlesses' are oh-so-proud of their 'nonviolence'.

What's the difference whether one believes all non-Shari'a governments are Satanic, or all governments are Satanic? None outside the ME.

Here in the UK we see muslim migrants arriving every day and going straight to the Government offices and demanding welfare
Russia and the former Soviet eastern block countries are still very anti-semitic.

That's because most of the Bolshevik communists and NKVD secret police where Jews.

And even though communism collapsed a couple of decades ago.

The people still remember the suffering they endured under the communist Jews for 70 years. .. :doubt:

And you don't think that the people who suffered under islam for 1400 years have forgotten about that do you. The pact of Omar that made all non muslims virtual slaves, forced to live as 4th class people in their own countries. Just waiting for islam to collapse under its own violent nature, seems that it could be any day soon.
Anti-semitism has been deeply rooted in Europe for centuries.

Muslims migrating to Europe is a fairly recent phenomena of the last 50 years.

So to blame the muslims for increased anti-semitism in Europe is quite a stretch of the imagination. .. :cool:

There's always been some Anti Semitism in Europe, but as Muslim immigration grew and continues to grow, so does anti semitism.

But your post is jot surprising, as you always try to make excuses for Muslims atrocities and hate :cool:[/QUOTE

UK government figures show that anti Semitism has risen in line with muslim migration, so why does this POS convert LIE so much

Sane people are anti-terrorism/radicalism, small minded idiots are anti-semitic
There's always been some Anti Semitism in Europe, but as Muslim immigration grew and continues to grow, so does anti semitism.

But your post is jot surprising, as you always try to make excuses for Muslims atrocities and hate :cool:[/QUOTE

UK government figures show that anti Semitism has risen in line with muslim migration, so why does this POS convert LIE so much

Sane people are anti-terrorism/radicalism, small minded idiots are anti-semitic
What of the Zionists who knew they were stealing Arab land to construct a Jewish state in Palestine? Where they insane or just greedy racists?
Sane people are anti-terrorism/radicalism, small minded idiots are anti-semitic

What of the Zionists who knew they were stealing Arab land to construct a Jewish state in Palestine? Where they insane or just greedy racists?

Strange how Herr George never looks at a map of the huge Arab world and states how greedy they were to force people to convert to Islam and kill so many who refused. It wasn't the Jews who took over all that land in the Middle East, but the ancestors of Herr George's new friends, friends who would think of nothing but having fun making him a good dhimmi. It's a shame that Herr George doesn't bother reading about all the Jihads in the Middle East when the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula to conquer other people for Islam.
Sane people are anti-terrorism/radicalism, small minded idiots are anti-semitic
What of the Zionists who knew they were stealing Arab land to construct a Jewish state in Palestine? Where they insane or just greedy racists?

Jews were invited to return to their homeland before zionism or nazism.
Jews came and bought the land, mostly several time higher than market price.
Locals left their land at the behest of the arab armies that were about the attack. The few arabs "forced" from their land for one reason or another is problematic but the numbers are relatively insignificant. Some were hostile to Israel, some had to be moved for security or later for planning of infrastructure. A few hundred might have wrongly been forced to move. Many simply panicked and did not return when they could have.

The vast majority of refugees were not forced from their land. Most did not have land but were workers that came to the mandate for jobs. Even those who dwelt in the mandate or ottoman empire did not actually own their land.

Blaming "zionism" for the arab's own problems is scapegoating. Refugee, militants, religious separatists, pan-arabists, khilafatists, Iranian revolutionists, etc., all need to look internally for why their situation exists. Blaming mandate, the west, Israel, what ever, is not going to do anything but focus anger and hate at the wrong people. Their have to look back to their own origins and faith. Regardless of religion, jihad is not the answer. They will only prosper in peace.
What of the Zionists who knew they were stealing Arab land to construct a Jewish state in Palestine? Where they insane or just greedy racists?

Jews were invited to return to their homeland before zionism or nazism.
Jews came and bought the land, mostly several time higher than market price.
Locals left their land at the behest of the arab armies that were about the attack. The few arabs "forced" from their land for one reason or another is problematic but the numbers are relatively insignificant. Some were hostile to Israel, some had to be moved for security or later for planning of infrastructure. A few hundred might have wrongly been forced to move. Many simply panicked and did not return when they could have.

The vast majority of refugees were not forced from their land. Most did not have land but were workers that came to the mandate for jobs. Even those who dwelt in the mandate or ottoman empire did not actually own their land.

Blaming "zionism" for the arab's own problems is scapegoating. Refugee, militants, religious separatists, pan-arabists, khilafatists, Iranian revolutionists, etc., all need to look internally for why their situation exists. Blaming mandate, the west, Israel, what ever, is not going to do anything but focus anger and hate at the wrong people. Their have to look back to their own origins and faith. Regardless of religion, jihad is not the answer. They will only prosper in peace.
There were options available in 1948 that didn't require western imperial agents to divide Palestine in such a way as to give one-third of her citizens 55% of the land. The fact there was no vote in Palestine in 1948 makes it even more important to hold one today. Jews have de facto control over all the land between the River and the sea; it is time to allow every legal human being living there a vote on who writes the laws they all must suffer under. Let the chips fall where they may.

sunni------you have joined a club suited to you. Long ago when I was a kid-----I kinda played
violin in my school orchestra-------when called out of a class for an "emergency" orchestra practice---
the teacher asked ----"what instrument do you play??? I said "violin"-----the teacher commented---
" suits you" ....... your choice "sunni"---suits a porpoise that laughs and claps over
the dead bodies of millions murdered
Jews were invited to return to their homeland before zionism or nazism.
Jews came and bought the land, mostly several time higher than market price.
Locals left their land at the behest of the arab armies that were about the attack. The few arabs "forced" from their land for one reason or another is problematic but the numbers are relatively insignificant. Some were hostile to Israel, some had to be moved for security or later for planning of infrastructure. A few hundred might have wrongly been forced to move. Many simply panicked and did not return when they could have.

The vast majority of refugees were not forced from their land. Most did not have land but were workers that came to the mandate for jobs. Even those who dwelt in the mandate or ottoman empire did not actually own their land.

Blaming "zionism" for the arab's own problems is scapegoating. Refugee, militants, religious separatists, pan-arabists, khilafatists, Iranian revolutionists, etc., all need to look internally for why their situation exists. Blaming mandate, the west, Israel, what ever, is not going to do anything but focus anger and hate at the wrong people. Their have to look back to their own origins and faith. Regardless of religion, jihad is not the answer. They will only prosper in peace.
There were options available in 1948 that didn't require western imperial agents to divide Palestine in such a way as to give one-third of her citizens 55% of the land. The fact there was no vote in Palestine in 1948 makes it even more important to hold one today. Jews have de facto control over all the land between the River and the sea; it is time to allow every legal human being living there a vote on who writes the laws they all must suffer under. Let the chips fall where they may.

Herr George (faking it that he really cares about the Arabs) overlooks the fact that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia were given 78% of the land which is now the Kingdom of Jordan (and I believe the majority of the population considers themselves Palestinians), and the 22% was to be divided equally between the Arabs and the Jews. I guess when you look at a map of the Arab world and see the enormous amount of land governed by the Arabs (Muslims actually), you can appreciate the fact how greedy they are that they couldn't stand to see 11% of the Palestine Mandate to be given to the Jews and the dhimmis on these forums go right along with them.
sunni------you have joined a club suited to you. Long ago when I was a kid-----I kinda played
violin in my school orchestra-------when called out of a class for an "emergency" orchestra practice---
the teacher asked ----"what instrument do you play??? I said "violin"-----the teacher commented---
" suits you" ....... your choice "sunni"---suits a porpoise that laughs and claps over
the dead bodies of millions murdered
Sorry......but I don't believe there were MILLIONS of dead bodies to laugh and clap over. (which I would never do in the first place)

Just saying......... :cool:
Anti-semitism has been deeply rooted in Europe for centuries.

Muslims migrating to Europe is a fairly recent phenomena of the last 50 years.

So to blame the muslims for increased anti-semitism in Europe is quite a stretch of the imagination. .. :cool:

There's always been some Anti Semitism in Europe, but as Muslim immigration grew and continues to grow, so does anti semitism.

But your post is jot surprising, as you always try to make excuses for Muslims atrocities and hate :cool:

UK government figures show that anti Semitism has risen in line with muslim migration, so why does this POS convert LIE so much

Correlation isn't necessarily causation.

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